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* Discrete Logarithm Group
* (C) 1999-2008,2018 Jack Lloyd
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#include <botan/bigint.h>
namespace Botan {
class Montgomery_Params;
class DL_Group_Data;
enum class DL_Group_Source {
* This class represents discrete logarithm groups. It holds a prime
* modulus p, a generator g, and (optionally) a prime q which is a
* factor of (p-1). In most cases g generates the order-q subgroup.
class BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(2,0) DL_Group final
* Determine the prime creation for DL groups.
enum PrimeType { Strong, Prime_Subgroup, DSA_Kosherizer };
* The DL group encoding format variants.
enum Format {
* Construct a DL group with uninitialized internal value.
* Use this constructor is you wish to set the groups values
* from a DER or PEM encoded group.
DL_Group() = default;
* Construct a DL group that is registered in the configuration.
* @param name the name of the group, for example "modp/ietf/3072"
* @warning This constructor also accepts PEM inputs. This behavior is
* deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Instead
* use DL_Group_from_PEM function
explicit DL_Group(const std::string& name);
* Read a PEM representation
static DL_Group DL_Group_from_PEM(const std::string& pem);
* Create a new group randomly.
* @param rng the random number generator to use
* @param type specifies how the creation of primes p and q shall
* be performed. If type=Strong, then p will be determined as a
* safe prime, and q will be chosen as (p-1)/2. If
* type=Prime_Subgroup and qbits = 0, then the size of q will be
* determined according to the estimated difficulty of the DL
* problem. If type=DSA_Kosherizer, DSA primes will be created.
* @param pbits the number of bits of p
* @param qbits the number of bits of q. Leave it as 0 to have
* the value determined according to pbits.
DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, PrimeType type,
size_t pbits, size_t qbits = 0);
* Create a DSA group with a given seed.
* @param rng the random number generator to use
* @param seed the seed to use to create the random primes
* @param pbits the desired bit size of the prime p
* @param qbits the desired bit size of the prime q.
DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& seed,
size_t pbits = 1024, size_t qbits = 0);
* Create a DL group.
* @param p the prime p
* @param g the base g
DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& g);
* Create a DL group.
* @param p the prime p
* @param q the prime q
* @param g the base g
DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q, const BigInt& g);
* Decode a BER-encoded DL group param
DL_Group(const uint8_t ber[], size_t ber_len, Format format);
* Decode a BER-encoded DL group param
template<typename Alloc>
DL_Group(const std::vector<uint8_t, Alloc>& ber, Format format) :
DL_Group(, ber.size(), format) {}
* Get the prime p.
* @return prime p
const BigInt& get_p() const;
* Get the prime q, returns zero if q is not used
* @return prime q
const BigInt& get_q() const;
* Get the base g.
* @return base g
const BigInt& get_g() const;
* Perform validity checks on the group.
* @param rng the rng to use
* @param strong whether to perform stronger by lengthier tests
* @return true if the object is consistent, false otherwise
bool verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, bool strong = true) const;
* Verify a public element, ie check if y = g^x for some x.
* This is not a perfect test. It verifies that 1 < y < p and (if q is set)
* that y is in the subgroup of size q.
bool verify_public_element(const BigInt& y) const;
* Verify a pair of elements y = g^x
* This verifies that 1 < x,y < p and that y=g^x mod p
bool verify_element_pair(const BigInt& y, const BigInt& x) const;
* Encode this group into a string using PEM encoding.
* @param format the encoding format
* @return string holding the PEM encoded group
std::string PEM_encode(Format format) const;
* Encode this group into a string using DER encoding.
* @param format the encoding format
* @return string holding the DER encoded group
std::vector<uint8_t> DER_encode(Format format) const;
* Reduce an integer modulo p
* @return x % p
BigInt mod_p(const BigInt& x) const;
* Multiply and reduce an integer modulo p
* @return (x*y) % p
BigInt multiply_mod_p(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const;
* Return the inverse of x mod p
BigInt inverse_mod_p(const BigInt& x) const;
* Reduce an integer modulo q
* Throws if q is unset on this DL_Group
* @return x % q
BigInt mod_q(const BigInt& x) const;
* Multiply and reduce an integer modulo q
* Throws if q is unset on this DL_Group
* @return (x*y) % q
BigInt multiply_mod_q(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const;
* Multiply and reduce an integer modulo q
* Throws if q is unset on this DL_Group
* @return (x*y*z) % q
BigInt multiply_mod_q(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& z) const;
* Square and reduce an integer modulo q
* Throws if q is unset on this DL_Group
* @return (x*x) % q
BigInt square_mod_q(const BigInt& x) const;
* Return the inverse of x mod q
* Throws if q is unset on this DL_Group
BigInt inverse_mod_q(const BigInt& x) const;
* Modular exponentiation
* @warning this function leaks the size of x via the number of
* loop iterations. Use the version taking the maximum size to
* avoid this.
* @return (g^x) % p
BigInt power_g_p(const BigInt& x) const;
* Modular exponentiation
* @param x the exponent
* @param max_x_bits x is assumed to be at most this many bits long.
* @return (g^x) % p
BigInt power_g_p(const BigInt& x, size_t max_x_bits) const;
* Multi-exponentiate
* Return (g^x * y^z) % p
BigInt multi_exponentiate(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& z) const;
* Return parameters for Montgomery reduction/exponentiation mod p
std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> monty_params_p() const;
* Return the size of p in bits
* Same as get_p().bits()
size_t p_bits() const;
* Return the size of p in bytes
* Same as get_p().bytes()
size_t p_bytes() const;
* Return the size of q in bits
* Same as get_q().bits()
* Throws if q is unset
size_t q_bits() const;
* Return the size of q in bytes
* Same as get_q().bytes()
* Throws if q is unset
size_t q_bytes() const;
* Return size in bits of a secret exponent
* This attempts to balance between the attack costs of NFS
* (which depends on the size of the modulus) and Pollard's rho
* (which depends on the size of the exponent).
* It may vary over time for a particular group, if the attack
* costs change.
size_t exponent_bits() const;
* Return an estimate of the strength of this group against
* discrete logarithm attacks (eg NFS). Warning: since this only
* takes into account known attacks it is by necessity an
* overestimate of the actual strength.
size_t estimated_strength() const;
* Decode a DER/BER encoded group into this instance.
* @param ber a vector containing the DER/BER encoded group
* @param format the format of the encoded group
* @warning avoid this. Instead use the DL_Group constructor
void BER_decode(const std::vector<uint8_t>& ber, Format format);
* Decode a PEM encoded group into this instance.
* @param pem the PEM encoding of the group
void BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use DL_Group_from_PEM") PEM_decode(const std::string& pem);
DL_Group_Source source() const;
* Return PEM representation of named DL group
static std::string BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use DL_Group(name).PEM_encode()")
PEM_for_named_group(const std::string& name);
* For internal use only
static std::shared_ptr<DL_Group_Data> DL_group_info(const std::string& name);
static std::shared_ptr<DL_Group_Data> load_DL_group_info(const char* p_str,
const char* q_str,
const char* g_str);
static std::shared_ptr<DL_Group_Data> load_DL_group_info(const char* p_str,
const char* g_str);
static std::shared_ptr<DL_Group_Data>
BER_decode_DL_group(const uint8_t data[], size_t data_len,
DL_Group::Format format,
DL_Group_Source source);
const DL_Group_Data& data() const;
std::shared_ptr<DL_Group_Data> m_data;