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* Discrete Logarithm Parameters
* (C) 1999-2008,2015,2018 Jack Lloyd
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
#include <botan/dl_group.h>
#include <botan/numthry.h>
#include <botan/reducer.h>
#include <botan/monty.h>
#include <botan/divide.h>
#include <botan/der_enc.h>
#include <botan/ber_dec.h>
#include <botan/pem.h>
#include <botan/workfactor.h>
#include <botan/internal/monty_exp.h>
namespace Botan {
class DL_Group_Data final
DL_Group_Data(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q, const BigInt& g, DL_Group_Source source) :
m_p(p), m_q(q), m_g(g),
m_monty_params(std::make_shared<Montgomery_Params>(m_p, m_mod_p)),
m_monty(monty_precompute(m_monty_params, m_g, /*window bits=*/4)),
~DL_Group_Data() = default;
DL_Group_Data(const DL_Group_Data& other) = delete;
DL_Group_Data& operator=(const DL_Group_Data& other) = delete;
const BigInt& p() const { return m_p; }
const BigInt& q() const { return m_q; }
const BigInt& g() const { return m_g; }
BigInt mod_p(const BigInt& x) const { return m_mod_p.reduce(x); }
BigInt multiply_mod_p(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
return m_mod_p.multiply(x, y);
BigInt mod_q(const BigInt& x) const { return m_mod_q.reduce(x); }
BigInt multiply_mod_q(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
return m_mod_q.multiply(x, y);
BigInt square_mod_q(const BigInt& x) const
return m_mod_q.square(x);
std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> monty_params_p() const
{ return m_monty_params; }
size_t p_bits() const { return m_p_bits; }
size_t q_bits() const { return m_q_bits; }
size_t p_bytes() const { return (m_p_bits + 7) / 8; }
size_t q_bytes() const { return (m_q_bits + 7) / 8; }
size_t estimated_strength() const { return m_estimated_strength; }
size_t exponent_bits() const { return m_exponent_bits; }
BigInt power_g_p(const BigInt& k, size_t max_k_bits) const
return monty_execute(*m_monty, k, max_k_bits);
bool q_is_set() const { return m_q_bits > 0; }
void assert_q_is_set(const std::string& function) const
if(q_is_set() == false)
throw Invalid_State("DL_Group::" + function + " q is not set for this group");
DL_Group_Source source() const { return m_source; }
BigInt m_p;
BigInt m_q;
BigInt m_g;
Modular_Reducer m_mod_p;
Modular_Reducer m_mod_q;
std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> m_monty_params;
std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Exponentation_State> m_monty;
size_t m_p_bits;
size_t m_q_bits;
size_t m_estimated_strength;
size_t m_exponent_bits;
DL_Group_Source m_source;
std::shared_ptr<DL_Group_Data> DL_Group::BER_decode_DL_group(const uint8_t data[], size_t data_len,
DL_Group::Format format,
DL_Group_Source source)
BigInt p, q, g;
BER_Decoder decoder(data, data_len);
BER_Decoder ber = decoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE);
if(format == DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57)
else if(format == DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42)
else if(format == DL_Group::PKCS_3)
// q is left as zero
throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + std::to_string(format));
return std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, source);
DL_Group::load_DL_group_info(const char* p_str,
const char* q_str,
const char* g_str)
const BigInt p(p_str);
const BigInt q(q_str);
const BigInt g(g_str);
return std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::Builtin);
DL_Group::load_DL_group_info(const char* p_str,
const char* g_str)
const BigInt p(p_str);
const BigInt q = (p - 1) / 2;
const BigInt g(g_str);
return std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::Builtin);
namespace {
DL_Group::Format pem_label_to_dl_format(const std::string& label)
if(label == "DH PARAMETERS")
return DL_Group::PKCS_3;
else if(label == "DSA PARAMETERS")
return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_57;
else if(label == "X942 DH PARAMETERS" || label == "X9.42 DH PARAMETERS")
return DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42;
throw Decoding_Error("DL_Group: Invalid PEM label " + label);
* DL_Group Constructor
DL_Group::DL_Group(const std::string& str)
// Either a name or a PEM block, try name first
m_data = DL_group_info(str);
if(m_data == nullptr)
std::string label;
const std::vector<uint8_t> ber = unlock(PEM_Code::decode(str, label));
Format format = pem_label_to_dl_format(label);
m_data = BER_decode_DL_group(, ber.size(), format, DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
catch(...) {}
if(m_data == nullptr)
throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: Unknown group " + str);
namespace {
* Create generator of the q-sized subgroup (DSA style generator)
BigInt make_dsa_generator(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q)
BigInt e, r;
vartime_divide(p - 1, q, e, r);
if(e == 0 || r > 0)
throw Invalid_Argument("make_dsa_generator q does not divide p-1");
for(size_t i = 0; i != PRIME_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
// TODO precompute!
BigInt g = power_mod(PRIMES[i], e, p);
if(g > 1)
return g;
throw Internal_Error("DL_Group: Couldn't create a suitable generator");
* DL_Group Constructor
DL_Group::DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
PrimeType type, size_t pbits, size_t qbits)
if(pbits < 1024)
throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: prime size " + std::to_string(pbits) + " is too small");
if(type == Strong)
if(qbits != 0 && qbits != pbits - 1)
throw Invalid_Argument("Cannot create strong-prime DL_Group with specified q bits");
const BigInt p = random_safe_prime(rng, pbits);
const BigInt q = (p - 1) / 2;
Always choose a generator that is quadratic reside mod p,
this forces g to be a generator of the subgroup of size q.
BigInt g = 2;
if(jacobi(g, p) != 1)
// prime table does not contain 2
for(size_t i = 0; i < PRIME_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
g = PRIMES[i];
if(jacobi(g, p) == 1)
m_data = std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::RandomlyGenerated);
else if(type == Prime_Subgroup)
if(qbits == 0)
qbits = dl_exponent_size(pbits);
const BigInt q = random_prime(rng, qbits);
Modular_Reducer mod_2q(2*q);
BigInt X;
BigInt p;
while(p.bits() != pbits || !is_prime(p, rng, 128, true))
X.randomize(rng, pbits);
p = X - mod_2q.reduce(X) + 1;
const BigInt g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
m_data = std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::RandomlyGenerated);
else if(type == DSA_Kosherizer)
if(qbits == 0)
qbits = ((pbits <= 1024) ? 160 : 256);
BigInt p, q;
generate_dsa_primes(rng, p, q, pbits, qbits);
const BigInt g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
m_data = std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::RandomlyGenerated);
throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group unknown PrimeType");
* DL_Group Constructor
DL_Group::DL_Group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& seed,
size_t pbits, size_t qbits)
BigInt p, q;
if(!generate_dsa_primes(rng, p, q, pbits, qbits, seed))
throw Invalid_Argument("DL_Group: The seed given does not generate a DSA group");
BigInt g = make_dsa_generator(p, q);
m_data = std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::RandomlyGenerated);
* DL_Group Constructor
DL_Group::DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& g)
m_data = std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, 0, g, DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
* DL_Group Constructor
DL_Group::DL_Group(const BigInt& p, const BigInt& q, const BigInt& g)
m_data = std::make_shared<DL_Group_Data>(p, q, g, DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
const DL_Group_Data& DL_Group::data() const
return *m_data;
throw Invalid_State("DL_Group uninitialized");
bool DL_Group::verify_public_element(const BigInt& y) const
const BigInt& p = get_p();
const BigInt& q = get_q();
if(y <= 1 || y >= p)
return false;
if(q.is_zero() == false)
if(power_mod(y, q, p) != 1)
return false;
return true;
bool DL_Group::verify_element_pair(const BigInt& y, const BigInt& x) const
const BigInt& p = get_p();
if(y <= 1 || y >= p || x <= 1 || x >= p)
return false;
if(y != power_g_p(x))
return false;
return true;
* Verify the parameters
bool DL_Group::verify_group(RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
bool strong) const
const bool from_builtin = (source() == DL_Group_Source::Builtin);
if(!strong && from_builtin)
return true;
const BigInt& p = get_p();
const BigInt& q = get_q();
const BigInt& g = get_g();
if(g < 2 || p < 3 || q < 0)
return false;
const size_t test_prob = 128;
const bool is_randomly_generated = (source() != DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
if(q != 0)
if((p - 1) % q != 0)
return false;
if(this->power_g_p(q) != 1)
return false;
if(!is_prime(q, rng, test_prob, is_randomly_generated))
return false;
if(!is_prime(p, rng, test_prob, is_randomly_generated))
return false;
return true;
* Return the prime
const BigInt& DL_Group::get_p() const
return data().p();
* Return the generator
const BigInt& DL_Group::get_g() const
return data().g();
* Return the subgroup
const BigInt& DL_Group::get_q() const
return data().q();
std::shared_ptr<const Montgomery_Params> DL_Group::monty_params_p() const
return data().monty_params_p();
size_t DL_Group::p_bits() const
return data().p_bits();
size_t DL_Group::p_bytes() const
return data().p_bytes();
size_t DL_Group::q_bits() const
return data().q_bits();
size_t DL_Group::q_bytes() const
return data().q_bytes();
size_t DL_Group::estimated_strength() const
return data().estimated_strength();
size_t DL_Group::exponent_bits() const
return data().exponent_bits();
BigInt DL_Group::inverse_mod_p(const BigInt& x) const
// precompute??
return inverse_mod(x, get_p());
BigInt DL_Group::mod_p(const BigInt& x) const
return data().mod_p(x);
BigInt DL_Group::multiply_mod_p(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
return data().multiply_mod_p(x, y);
BigInt DL_Group::inverse_mod_q(const BigInt& x) const
// precompute??
return inverse_mod(x, get_q());
BigInt DL_Group::mod_q(const BigInt& x) const
return data().mod_q(x);
BigInt DL_Group::multiply_mod_q(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y) const
return data().multiply_mod_q(x, y);
BigInt DL_Group::multiply_mod_q(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& z) const
return data().multiply_mod_q(data().multiply_mod_q(x, y), z);
BigInt DL_Group::square_mod_q(const BigInt& x) const
return data().square_mod_q(x);
BigInt DL_Group::multi_exponentiate(const BigInt& x, const BigInt& y, const BigInt& z) const
return monty_multi_exp(data().monty_params_p(), get_g(), x, y, z);
BigInt DL_Group::power_g_p(const BigInt& x) const
return data().power_g_p(x, x.bits());
BigInt DL_Group::power_g_p(const BigInt& x, size_t max_x_bits) const
return data().power_g_p(x, max_x_bits);
DL_Group_Source DL_Group::source() const
return data().source();
* DER encode the parameters
std::vector<uint8_t> DL_Group::DER_encode(Format format) const
if(get_q().is_zero() && (format == ANSI_X9_57 || format == ANSI_X9_42))
throw Encoding_Error("Cannot encode DL_Group in ANSI formats when q param is missing");
std::vector<uint8_t> output;
DER_Encoder der(output);
if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
else if(format == PKCS_3)
throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + std::to_string(format));
return output;
* PEM encode the parameters
std::string DL_Group::PEM_encode(Format format) const
const std::vector<uint8_t> encoding = DER_encode(format);
if(format == PKCS_3)
return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "DH PARAMETERS");
else if(format == ANSI_X9_57)
return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "DSA PARAMETERS");
else if(format == ANSI_X9_42)
return PEM_Code::encode(encoding, "X9.42 DH PARAMETERS");
throw Invalid_Argument("Unknown DL_Group encoding " + std::to_string(format));
DL_Group::DL_Group(const uint8_t ber[], size_t ber_len, Format format)
m_data = BER_decode_DL_group(ber, ber_len, format, DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
void DL_Group::BER_decode(const std::vector<uint8_t>& ber, Format format)
m_data = BER_decode_DL_group(, ber.size(), format, DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
DL_Group DL_Group::DL_Group_from_PEM(const std::string& pem)
std::string label;
const std::vector<uint8_t> ber = unlock(PEM_Code::decode(pem, label));
Format format = pem_label_to_dl_format(label);
return DL_Group(ber, format);
* Decode PEM encoded parameters
void DL_Group::PEM_decode(const std::string& pem)
std::string label;
const std::vector<uint8_t> ber = unlock(PEM_Code::decode(pem, label));
Format format = pem_label_to_dl_format(label);
m_data = BER_decode_DL_group(, ber.size(), format, DL_Group_Source::ExternalSource);
std::string DL_Group::PEM_for_named_group(const std::string& name)
DL_Group group(name);
DL_Group::Format format = group.get_q().is_zero() ? DL_Group::PKCS_3 : DL_Group::ANSI_X9_42;
return group.PEM_encode(format);