Name Description Size
CustomContentRequestInterceptor.kt [RequestInterceptor] implementation to inject custom content for firefox:* pages. 2471
EngineViewLifecycleFragment.kt Initializes and manages the lifecycle of an [EngineView] instance inflated by the super class. It was originally inspired by Android's WebViewFragment. To use this class, override it with a super-class that inflates a layout with an [EngineView] with @id=webview. Notes on alternative implementations: while composability is generally preferred over inheritance, there are too many entry points to use this with composition (i.e. all lifecycle methods) so it's more error-prone and we stuck with this implementation. Composability was tried in PR #428. 5476 2793
FirefoxProgressBar.kt 2053
FocusedDOMElementCache.kt 660
FocusedDOMElementCacheInterface.kt When using spatial navigation (i.e. no Cursor) and the WebView loses and regains focus, it fails to focus the previously focused DOMElement: this class provides functionality to cache that focused DOMElement (in the DOM) and restore it. The chromium bug for WebView focus is Curiously, VoiceView doesn't have this problem. does custom focus handling and keyboard navigation: when the WebView fails to restore the focused element, dpad navigation is entirely broken (#393): that is why this class is necessary. It is important that this value be cached just before the WebView regains focus. Otherwise edge cases present themselves where a DOM element is cached, a new element is focused by a site, and then we return focus to the earlier (now incorrect) element (see #1830). This strategy alone does not cover all cases. Focus must also be cached (see #1850) when the app is backgrounded, or pressing the home button or sleeping will lead to the wrong element receiving focus when the app is resumed. NB: if you create an Android View which steals focus from the WebView and it refreshes the DOM state (e.g. page reload), *you must add custom handling to that view* in order to cache the focused DOMElement: on your view that returns (and maybe takes) focus to the WebView, right before you call [View.setVisibility] (or overriding that method and right before calling super), call [cache]. See [BrowserNavigationOverlay.setVisibility] for an example. Unfortunately, there are no hooks to generically guarantee we cache the DOMElement the page will finally set focus on so we require the view implementer to add cache the DOMElement at the last possible moment before the WebView regains Android focus and loses the focused DOMElement, which is in [View.setVisibility]. 2822
LocalizedContent.kt Load the content for firefox:about 3701
NullSession.kt Helper class for migrating to browser-session component. Eventually this class should get refactored away. It only exists to make code depending on a "NullSession" easier to migrate. At the latest when introducing the browser-engine component this should not be needed anymore. 741
UserAgent.kt A collection of user agent functionality. 3800
VideoVoiceCommandMediaSession.kt An encapsulation of a [MediaSession] instance to allow voice commands on videos; we handle some hardware keys here too: see [MediaSessionCallbacks]. Before use, callers should: - Add this as a [LifecycleObserver] - Add [dispatchKeyEvent] to KeyEvent handling - Call [onCreateEngineView] and [onDestroyEngineView] for fragment lifecycle handling. To save time, we don't handle audio through either voice or the remote play/pause button: we don't explicitly handle playback changes ourselves and we mute play/pause events from being received by the page (see [dispatchKeyEvent]). When a MediaSession is active, it is available to receive MediaController commands (e.g. Alexa voice commands). MediaSessions begin inactive. They become active when they go to the playing or buffering states. They are inactivated when they go to stopped, none, or error states. For simplicity, we keep our MediaSession active (buffering, playing, paused) while Firefox is in the foreground and deactivate it (stopped) in the background. If we wanted to be more accurate, we could add a state (none) when there are no videos present in the DOM (#955). The constructor should be called from the UiThread because of [mediaSession]. [1]: If the initial playback state is PAUSED or NONE, a music selection voice conversation overrides our voice commands. 17118 This ActivityLifecycleCallbacks implementations tracks if there is at least one activity in the STARTED state (meaning some part of our application is visible). Based on this information the current task can be removed if the app is not visible. 2588
WebRenderFragment.kt Fragment for displaying the browser UI. 13726
WebRenderHintViewModel.kt Contains business logic for, and exposes data to the hint bar. See comment on [OverlayHintViewModel] for why this is split into two classes. 3843
WebRenderViewModel.kt 898
YouTubeBackHandler.kt youtube/tv does not handle their back stack correctly. Going back in history visits redirects which do not alter the UI. Users must navigate back by pressing ESC. To deal with this, we remap BACK presses to ESC. When the top of YouTube's back stack is reached, or we are in an unexpected state, we back all the way out of YouTube. If YouTube guide-list element is focused or we are in an unexpected state: - Suppress the DOWN,BACK key event - Change the UP,BACK key event to go back in history before YouTube Else: - Dispatch ESC key event 3327
YoutubeGreyScreenWorkaround.kt Workaround fix for intermittent grey screen that shows instead of WebView when returning to YouTube from the home screen, see #1865. Follow-up investigation in #1940. This fix sends navigation key events on the UI thread to dispel the grey screen. Other failed attempted workarounds: - Calling engineView.resume to trigger the webview to "load" from grey screen - Scrolling webview - Sending non-view-changing key events 1264