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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import mozilla.components.browser.session.Session
object Js {
const val CACHE_VAR = "_firefoxForFireTvPreviouslyFocusedElement"
const val CACHE_JS = "var $CACHE_VAR = document.activeElement;"
const val RESTORE_JS = "if ($CACHE_VAR) $CACHE_VAR.focus();"
// This will only happen if YouTube is loading or navigation has broken
const val NO_ELEMENT_FOCUSED = "document.activeElement === null"
// This will only happen if YouTube is loading or navigation has broken
const val BODY_ELEMENT_FOCUSED = "document.activeElement.tagName === \"BODY\""
const val SIDEBAR_FOCUSED = " === 'guide-list'"
const val PAUSE_VIDEO = "document.querySelectorAll('video').forEach(v => v.pause());"
* Due to a bug in the Fire OS WebView (#2540, #2541), fullscreen mp4 videos will appear partially off screen if the
* page, before entering fullscreen, is at a scroll position greater than 0. We can correct these videos by caching
* the scroll position before the page was fullscreened and restoring this scroll position after entering fullscreen
* mode.
* This fix does not work for all sites. In particular, it does not help YouTube desktop.
* This fix has a side effect of sometimes changing the page scroll position after the user leaves fullscreen.
* webm videos were working fine before this fix and this fix does not appear to impact them; I have not tried other
* video types types because I don't know of any other supported ones.
object MP4TranslationWorkaround {
private const val CACHED_SCROLL_POSITION = "_firefoxTV_cachedScrollPosition"
* Caches the page scroll position before an element is fullscreened via a scroll position observer. Ideally,
* we'd cache the scroll position when fullscreen is pressed but there are no appropriate hooks for that
* ([Session.Observer.onFullScreenChanged] is too late) so we use a global scroll observer instead.
var _firefoxTV_lastTimeout;
var _firefoxTV_isScrollPositionObserverLoaded;
(function () {
/* Ensure we only add one listener. */
if (_firefoxTV_isScrollPositionObserverLoaded) { return; }
_firefoxTV_isScrollPositionObserverLoaded = true;
console.log('FFTV workaround - adding scroll event listener');
window.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => {
/* During the transition to fullscreen, the WebView may or may not change the scroll position to an incorrect
* value so we add a short delay before caching. This creates a race condition & is imperfect: on a slow page,
* it's possible the incorrect value will cache before we restore the fullscreen value so we'll restore the
* incorrect position. Also, if the user is fast enough, they can open fullscreen before we cache the value.
* This value was set through manual testing. I did not find better solutions. */
if (typeof _firefoxTV_lastTimeout !== 'undefined') {
/* We clear the timeout as an optimization: there are many scroll events so there might be performance
* problems if we kept every event on the JS thread. */
var pendingScrollPosition = window.scrollY;
_firefoxTV_lastTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
$CACHED_SCROLL_POSITION = pendingScrollPosition;
console.log('FFTV workaround - caching scroll position: ' + $CACHED_SCROLL_POSITION);
}, 500);
(function () {
/* When fullscreen is pressed, the WebView sometimes updates the scroll position of the page. We delay a short
* duration so that we can ensure the WebView scroll position update occurs before we write our final scroll
* position. This creates a race condition & is imperfect: on a slow page, sometimes WebView will overwrite our
* scroll position anyway. This delay duration was set through manual testing. I did not find better solutions.
* We use the cached scroll position from when this method is initially called so that we're less likely to use one
* of WebView's incorrect positions (see OBSERVE_SCROLL_POSITION). */
var nonFullscreenPageScrollPosition = $CACHED_SCROLL_POSITION;
window.setTimeout(() => {
console.log('FFTV workaround - scrolled fullscreen to non-fullscreen scroll position: ' + nonFullscreenPageScrollPosition);
window.scrollTo(0, nonFullscreenPageScrollPosition);
}, 1500);
* This script will:
* - Add playback state change listeners to all <video>s in the DOM; it uses a mutation
* observer to attach listeners to new <video> nodes as well
* - On playback state change, notify Java about the current playback state
* - Prevent this script from being injected more than once per page
* - As a workaround to a WebView bug, modify certain videos' CSS tags.
* Note that `//` style comments are not supported in `evalJS`.
* Development tips:
* - This script was written using Typescript with Visual Studio Code: it may be easier to modify
* it by copy-pasting it back-and-forth.
* - Iterating on the Fire TV is slow: you can speed it up by making this a WebExtension content
* script and testing on desktop
* - For a list of HTMLMediaElement (i.e. video) events, like 'ratechange', see the w3c's HTML5 video
var _firefoxTV_playbackStateObserverJava;
var _firefoxTV_isPlaybackStateObserverLoaded;
(function () {
/* seeking will send "pause, play" and so is covered here. */
const PLAYBACK_STATE_CHANGE_EVENTS = ['play', 'pause', 'ratechange'];
const MILLIS_BETWEEN_PLAYBACK_STATE_SYNC_BY_TIME = 1000 * 10 /* seconds */;
const javaInterface = _firefoxTV_playbackStateObserverJava;
if (!javaInterface) {
console.error('Cannot sync playback state to Java: JavascriptInterface is not found.');
const videosWithListeners = new Set();
let playbackStateSyncIntervalID;
function onDOMChangedForVideos() {
function addPlaybackStateListeners() {
document.querySelectorAll('video').forEach(videoElement => {
if (videosWithListeners.has(videoElement)) { return; }
videoElement.addEventListener(event, syncPlaybackState);
function syncPlaybackState() {
let isVideoPresent;
let isPlaying;
let positionSeconds;
let playbackRate; /* 0.5, 1, etc. */
const maybeTargetVideo = getPlayingVideoOrFirstInDOMOrNull();
if (maybeTargetVideo) {
isVideoPresent = true;
isPlaying = !maybeTargetVideo.paused;
positionSeconds = maybeTargetVideo.currentTime;
playbackRate = maybeTargetVideo.playbackRate;
} else {
isVideoPresent = false;
isPlaying = false;
positionSeconds = null;
playbackRate = null;
javaInterface.syncPlaybackState(isVideoPresent, isPlaying, positionSeconds, playbackRate);
* When a video has left=50% & transform=translateX(-50%) properties (a common CSS centering
* trick), videos are pushed outside their containers: if we see similar properties, we remove
* them as a workaround. #2526
function removeNegativeTranslationCSSCentering() {
const videoElements = document.querySelectorAll('video');
videoElements.forEach((vid) => {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(vid);
const left = parseFloat(style.left); /* style.left is e.g. "320px" */
/* The matrix's 4th column, 1st row (m41) represents the X translation.
const translateX = new DOMMatrix(style.transform).m41;
const translateNegatesLeft = left + translateX === 0;
if (translateNegatesLeft) { = '0px'; = 'translate(0px, 0px)';
console.log('FFTV workaround - removed CSS transform "translate"');
* When a video is playing, schedules a function to repeatedly sync the playback state;
* cancels it when there is no video playing.
* Java and JavaScript increment the current playback position independently and run the risk of
* getting out of sync (e.g. upon buffering). We could try to handle the buffering case specifically
* but its state is difficult to identify with and syncing periodically is a better general solution.
* We don't sync with the video's 'timeupdate' event because it's called very frequently and could
* detract from performance.
function schedulePlaybackStateSyncInterval(isVideoPlaying) {
if (isVideoPlaying && !playbackStateSyncIntervalID) {
playbackStateSyncIntervalID = setInterval(syncPlaybackState,
} else if (!isVideoPlaying && playbackStateSyncIntervalID) {
playbackStateSyncIntervalID = null;
function getPlayingVideoOrFirstInDOMOrNull() {
const maybePlayingVideo = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('video')).find(video => !video.paused);
if (maybePlayingVideo) { return maybePlayingVideo; }
/* If there are no playing videos, just return the first one. */
return document.querySelector('video');
function nodeContainsVideo(node) {
return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'video' ||
((node instanceof Element) && !!node.querySelector('video'));
const documentChangedObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationList => {
const wasVideoAdded = mutationList.some(mutation => {
return mutation.type === 'childList' &&
(Array.from(mutation.addedNodes).some(nodeContainsVideo) ||
if (wasVideoAdded) {
/* This may traverse the whole DOM so let's only call it if it's necessary. */
/* Sometimes the script is evaluated more than once per page:
* only inject code with side effects once. */
if (!_firefoxTV_isPlaybackStateObserverLoaded) {
_firefoxTV_isPlaybackStateObserverLoaded = true;
documentChangedObserver.observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true});
/* The DOM is changed from blank to filled for the initial page load.
* While the function name assumes videos are present, checking for
* videos is as expensive as calling the function so we just call it. */
* The soft keyboard sends `tab` events when `submit` is clicked. This adds an extra step
* to many user flows (for example, on, people expect a search to kick off after
* clicking submit, but it doesn't). This script forces a `submit` call after tab events are
* received.
* This behavior is added to all <input> elements any time new elements are added to the DOM.
(function () {
if (typeof _firefoxTV_inputAddedObserver !== 'undefined') return;
function inputSubmitListener(event) {
console.log("SEVTEST: keypress detected");
if (event && event.key === 'Tab') {
// Get the nearest <form> ancestor
var formWrapper = Array.from(event.path).find((it) => it.tagName === 'FORM')
if (formWrapper) formWrapper.submit()
function attachListeners() {
console.log("SEVTEST: listeners attached");
.forEach((input) => {
input.removeEventListener("keydown", inputSubmitListener);
input.addEventListener("keydown", inputSubmitListener);
function nodeContainsInput(node) {
return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' ||
((node instanceof Element) && !!node.querySelector('input'));
_firefoxTV_inputAddedObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationList => {
const wasInputAdded = mutationList.some(mutation => {
return mutation.type === 'childList' &&
console.log("SEVTEST: mutation. wasInputAdded: " + wasInputAdded);
if (wasInputAdded) {
/* This may traverse the whole DOM so let's only call it if it's necessary. */
_firefoxTV_inputAddedObserver.observe(document, {subtree: true, childList: true});