Revision control

Copy as Markdown

import os
import re
import sys
import pathlib
from shutil import copyfile
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import requests
import semver
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
curl ${BITRISE_STACK_INFO} | jq ' . | keys'
pattern = 'osx-xcode-'
patterns = [pattern]
BITRISE_YML = 'bitrise.yml'
WORKFLOW = 'NewXcodeVersions'
resp = requests.get(BITRISE_STACK_INFO)
resp_json = resp.json()
def parse_semver(raw_str):
parsed = raw_str.split(pattern)[1]
if parsed[-1] == 'x':
p = parsed.split('.x')[0]
return '{0}.0'.format(p)
return False
def default_stack():
resp = requests.get(BITRISE_STACK_INFO)
resp_json = resp.json()
return resp_json['project_types_with_default_stacks']['ios']['default_stack']
except HTTPError as http_error:
print('An HTTP error has occurred: {http_error}')
except Exception as err:
print('An exception has occurred: {err}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
1. check bitrise API stack info for the default stack version
2. compare latest with current bitrise.yml stack version in repo
3. if same exit, if not, continue
4. modify bitrise.yml (update stack value)
largest_semver = default_stack().split(pattern)[1]
tmp_file = 'tmp.yml'
with open(BITRISE_YML, 'r') as infile:
obj_yaml = YAML()
# prevents re-formatting of yml file
obj_yaml.preserve_quotes = True
obj_yaml.width = 4096
y = obj_yaml.load(infile)
current_semver = y['workflows'][WORKFLOW]['meta']['']['stack']
# remove pattern prefix from current_semver to compare with largest
current_semver = current_semver.split(pattern)[1]
if current_semver == largest_semver:
print('Xcode version unchanged! aborting.')
print('New Xcode version available: {0} ... updating bitrise.yml!'.format(largest_semver))
# add prefix pattern back to be recognizable by bitrise
# as a valid stack value
y['workflows'][WORKFLOW]['meta']['']['stack'] = '{0}{1}'.format(pattern, largest_semver)
with open(tmp_file, 'w+') as tmpfile:
obj_yaml.dump(y, tmpfile)
copyfile(tmp_file, BITRISE_YML)