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/* Description for the 'History' panel in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.History.Description" = "随时一键清除您的所有浏览记录、密码及 Cookie。";
/* Title for the third panel 'History' in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.History.Title" = "您的记录只属于您";
/* Button to go to the next card in Focus onboarding. */
"Intro.Slides.Next.Button" = "下一步";
/* Description for the 'Favorite Search Engine' panel in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Search.Description" = "想搜点不一样的东西?还可以选择其他搜索引擎。";
/* Title for the second panel 'Search' in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Search.Title" = "你的搜索,由你而定";
/* Button to skip onboarding in Focus */
"Intro.Slides.Skip.Button" = "跳过";
/* Description for the 'Welcome' panel in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Welcome.Description" = "将隐私浏览带入全新水平。屏蔽可以跨网站跟踪您的广告和其他内容,并减少网页加载时间。";
/* Title for the first panel 'Welcome' in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Welcome.Title" = "强化您的隐私";