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/* Description for the 'History' panel in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.History.Description" = "Falamhaich eachdraidh an t-seisein bhrabhsaidh, na faclan-faire agus briosgaidean agad uair sam bith le aon ghnogag.";
/* Title for the third panel 'History' in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.History.Title" = "Fàg d’ eachdraidh air chùlaibh";
/* Button to go to the next card in Focus onboarding. */
"Intro.Slides.Next.Button" = "Air adhart";
/* Description for the 'Favorite Search Engine' panel in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Search.Description" = "A’ lorg rudeigin eile? Feuch einnsean-luirg eadar-dhealaichte.";
/* Title for the second panel 'Search' in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Search.Title" = "Dèan lorg a-rèir do thoil fhèin";
/* Button to skip onboarding in Focus */
"Intro.Slides.Skip.Button" = "Leum seachad";
/* Description for the 'Welcome' panel in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Welcome.Description" = "Cuir spionnadh sa bhrabhsadh phrìobhaideach. Bac sanasachd is susbaint eile a thracaicheadh tu air feadh làraichean agus a chuireadh maille air luchdadh dhuilleagan.";
/* Title for the first panel 'Welcome' in the First Run tour. */
"Intro.Slides.Welcome.Title" = "Cuir spionnadh ’nad phrìobhaideachd";