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/* Privacy - Camera Usage Description */
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Bheir seo comas dhut dealbhan a thogail is a luchdadh suas.";
/* Privacy - Face ID Usage Description */
"NSFaceIDUsageDescription" = "Leigidh seo leat a’ ghlas a thoirt far na h-aplacaid.";
/* Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description */
"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Dh’fhaoidte gun iarr làraichean-lìn air an tadhal thu d’ ionad.";
/* Privacy - Microphone Usage Description */
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Bheir seo comas dhut video a thogail is a luchdadh suas.";
/* Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description */
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = "Bheir seo comas dhut dealbhan a shàbhaladh is a luchdadh suas.";
/* This is the menu item that appears when you long press the Focus icon on the phone home screen. */
"UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle.EraseAndOpen" = "Suath bàn is fosgail";