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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Combine
import SwiftUI
import FocusAppServices
private let notEnrolledBranchSlug = "not-enrolled"
struct InternalExperimentDetailView {
let experiment: AvailableExperiment
@State private var selectedBranchSlug: String
let pickerBranches: [String]
init(experiment: AvailableExperiment) {
self.experiment = experiment
self.selectedBranchSlug = NimbusWrapper.shared.getEnrolledBranchSlug(forExperiment: experiment) ?? notEnrolledBranchSlug
self.pickerBranches = [notEnrolledBranchSlug] + { $0.slug }
extension InternalExperimentDetailView: View {
var body: some View {
Form {
SwiftUI.Section {
Text(verbatim: experiment.userFacingDescription)
SwiftUI.Section(header: Text(verbatim: "Available Branches")) {
ForEach(experiment.branches, id: \.slug) { branch in
HStack {
Text(verbatim: branch.slug)
Text(verbatim: "\(branch.ratio)")
SwiftUI.Section {
Picker(selection: $selectedBranchSlug, label: Text(verbatim: "Active Branch")) {
ForEach(pickerBranches, id: \.self) { branch in
if branch == notEnrolledBranchSlug {
Text(verbatim: "Not Enrolled")
} else {
Text(verbatim: branch)
}.onReceive(Just(selectedBranchSlug)) { newValue in
if newValue != notEnrolledBranchSlug {
if NimbusWrapper.shared.getEnrolledBranchSlug(forExperiment: experiment) != newValue {
if let branch = experiment.branches.first(where: { $0.slug == newValue }) {
NimbusWrapper.shared.optIn(toExperiment: experiment, withBranch: branch)
} else {
if NimbusWrapper.shared.getEnrolledBranchSlug(forExperiment: experiment) != nil {
NimbusWrapper.shared.optOut(ofExperiment: experiment)
}.navigationBarTitle(Text(verbatim: experiment.userFacingName))
struct InternalExperimentDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let experiment = AvailableExperiment(
slug: "some-slug",
userFacingName: "Some Experiment",
userFacingDescription: "Some Experiment Description This is some longer text that is user facing.",
branches: [ExperimentBranch(slug: "control", ratio: 50), ExperimentBranch(slug: "test", ratio: 50)],
referenceBranch: "control"
InternalExperimentDetailView(experiment: experiment)