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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Common
import Foundation
import GCDWebServers
protocol WKEngineWebServerProtocol {
var server: GCDWebServer { get }
func start() throws -> Bool
func baseReaderModeURL() -> String
class WKEngineWebServer: WKEngineWebServerProtocol {
private var logger: Logger
static let shared: WKEngineWebServerProtocol = WKEngineWebServer()
let server = GCDWebServer()
var base: String {
/// The private credentials for accessing resources on this Web server.
let credentials: URLCredential
/// A random, transient token used for authenticating requests.
/// Other apps are able to make requests to our local Web server,
/// so this prevents them from accessing any resources.
private let sessionToken = UUID().uuidString
init(logger: Logger = DefaultLogger.shared) {
credentials = URLCredential(user: sessionToken, password: "", persistence: .forSession)
self.logger = logger
func start() throws -> Bool {
// TODO: FXIOS-7894 #17639 Move dependencies for WebServer
// if !server.isRunning {
// try server.start(options: [
// GCDWebServerOption_Port: WKEngineInfo.webserverPort,
// GCDWebServerOption_BindToLocalhost: true,
// GCDWebServerOption_AutomaticallySuspendInBackground: false, // done by the app in AppDelegate
// GCDWebServerOption_AuthenticationMethod: GCDWebServerAuthenticationMethod_Basic,
// GCDWebServerOption_AuthenticationAccounts: [sessionToken: ""]
// ])
// }
return server.isRunning
/// Convenience method to register a dynamic handler. Will be mounted at $base/$module/$resource
func registerHandlerForMethod(
_ method: String,
module: String,
resource: String,
handler: @escaping (_ request: GCDWebServerRequest?) -> GCDWebServerResponse?
) {
// Prevent serving content if the requested host isn't a safelisted local host.
let wrappedHandler = {(request: GCDWebServerRequest?) -> GCDWebServerResponse? in
// TODO: FXIOS-7894 #17639 Move dependencies for WebServer
// guard let request = request,
// InternalURL.isValid(url: request.url)
// else { return GCDWebServerResponse(statusCode: 403) }
return handler(request)
server.addHandler(forMethod: method,
path: "/\(module)/\(resource)",
request: GCDWebServerRequest.self,
processBlock: wrappedHandler)
/// Convenience method to register a resource in the main bundle. Will be mounted at $base/$module/$resource
func registerMainBundleResource(_ resource: String, module: String) {
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: resource, ofType: nil) {
server.addGETHandler(forPath: "/\(module)/\(resource)",
filePath: path,
isAttachment: false,
cacheAge: UInt.max,
allowRangeRequests: true)
/// Convenience method to register all resources in the main bundle of a specific type.
/// Will be mounted at $base/$module/$resource
func registerMainBundleResourcesOfType(_ type: String, module: String) {
for path: String in Bundle.paths(forResourcesOfType: type, inDirectory: Bundle.main.bundlePath) {
if let resource = NSURL(string: path)?.lastPathComponent {
server.addGETHandler(forPath: "/\(module)/\(resource)",
filePath: path as String,
isAttachment: false,
cacheAge: UInt.max,
allowRangeRequests: true)
} else {
logger.log("Unable to locate resource at path: '\(path)'",
level: .warning,
category: .webview)
func baseReaderModeURL() -> String {
return URLForResource("page", module: "reader-mode")
/// Return a full url, as a string, for a resource in a module.
/// No check is done to find out if the resource actually exist.
private func URLForResource(_ resource: String, module: String) -> String {
return "\(base)/\(module)/\(resource)"