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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Foundation
/// Defines events which are engine-agnostic but typically applicable to all WebEngine
/// clients, such as web view navigation failures and error page events.
public enum EngineTelemetryEvent {
// Navigation failed.
case didFailNavigation
// Provisional navigation failed.
case didFailProvisionalNavigation
// An error page was shown on the page. Includes error code.
case showErrorPage(errorCode: Int)
// A page load started.
case pageLoadStarted
// A page load was cancelled.
case pageLoadCancelled
// A page load was completed.
case pageLoadFinished
/// Sends an event for ads found on the page. Includes the provider name and ad URLs.
case trackAdsFoundOnPage(providerName: String, adUrls: [String])
/// Sends an event for ads clicked on the page. Includes the provider name.
case trackAdsClickedOnPage(providerName: String)
/// Protocol for handling WebEngine telemetry events. These can be custom-handled
/// by clients to be recorded through Glean or any other preferred API.
public protocol EngineTelemetryProxy: AnyObject {
func handleTelemetry(session: EngineSession, event: EngineTelemetryEvent)