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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
import UIKit.UIContextMenuConfiguration
/// Delegate used by the class that want to observe an engine session
public protocol EngineSessionDelegate: AnyObject {
/// Event to indicate the title on the session has changed.
func onTitleChange(title: String)
/// Event to indicate the URL on the session has changed.
func onLocationChange(url: String)
/// Event to indicate whether the page loaded all resources through encrypted connections.
func onHasOnlySecureContentChanged(secure: Bool)
/// Event to indicate the loading progress has been updated.
func onProgress(progress: Double)
/// Event to indicate there has been a navigation change.
func onNavigationStateChange(canGoBack: Bool, canGoForward: Bool)
/// Event to indicate the loading state has changed
func onLoadingStateChange(loading: Bool)
/// Event to indicate that the page metadata was loaded or updated
func didLoad(pageMetadata: EnginePageMetadata)
// MARK: Menu items
/// Relates to adding native `UIMenuController.shared.menuItems` in webview textfields
/// Event to indicate a webview text field menu item was selected to start a find in page action
func findInPage(with selection: String)
/// Event to indicate a webview text field menu item was selected to start a search action
func search(with selection: String)
/// Event to indicate that a contextual menu has been requested for the given URL (typically
/// as a result of the user long-pressing on link).
/// - Parameter linkURL: the link (if any) associated with the event.
/// - Returns: a menu configuration, or nil (will not show a menu)
func onProvideContextualMenu(linkURL: URL?) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration?
/// Allows delegates to participate in whether or not a keyboard accessory view is shown
/// for the current engine session.
func onWillDisplayAccessoryView() -> EngineInputAccessoryView
/// Allows delegates to provide custom definitions for ads tracking, for ads found on webpages.
/// This is utilized in conjunction with the related ads telemetry events (e.g. `.trackAdsFoundOnPage`
/// which are also passed along to telemetry proxy (`EngineTelemetryProxy`).
func adsSearchProviderModels() -> [EngineSearchProviderModel]