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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import UIKit
/// Stores information related to an image request inside SiteImageView.
public struct SiteImageModel {
// A unique ID to tie the request to a certain image view
let id: UUID
// The image type expected when making a request
let imageType: SiteImageType
// Represents the website (not the associated image resource)
let siteURL: URL
// Used to cache any resources related to this request
let cacheKey: String
// The bundled resource or remote URL (e.g. faviconURL, preferrably high resolution) for this image.
var siteResource: SiteResource?
// Loaded image asset
public var image: UIImage?
public init(id: UUID,
imageType: SiteImageType,
siteURL: URL,
siteResource: SiteResource? = nil,
image: UIImage? = nil) { = id
self.imageType = imageType
self.siteURL = siteURL
if case .favicon = imageType, case .remoteURL(let faviconURL) = siteResource {
// If we already have a favicon url, use the url as the cache key.
// This is a special case where we want to use the exact URL that's provided (e.g. sponsored site, default
// top sites without a bundled asset, etc.).
self.cacheKey = faviconURL.absoluteString
} else {
self.cacheKey = SiteImageModel.generateCacheKey(siteURL: siteURL, type: imageType)
self.siteResource = siteResource
self.image = image
/// Generates a cache key for the given image type by using its associated site URL.
/// - Parameters:
/// - siteURL: The website with which this image is associated.
/// - type: The image type.
/// - Returns: A cache key value for storing this image in an image cache.
static func generateCacheKey(siteURL: URL, type: SiteImageType) -> String {
switch type {
case .heroImage:
// Always use the full site URL as the cache key for hero images
return siteURL.absoluteString
case .favicon:
// Use the domain as the key to avoid caching and fetching unnecessary duplicates
return siteURL.shortDomain ?? siteURL.shortDisplayString