Revision control

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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
enum SiteImageError: Error, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
case invalidHTML
case noFaviconFound
case noFaviconURLFound
case unableToDownloadImage(String)
case unableToCacheImage(String)
case unableToRetrieveFromCache(String)
case noURLInCache
case noHeroImage
case noImageInBundle
case noLetterImage
var description: String {
switch self {
case .invalidHTML:
return "Failed to decode the data at the url as valid HTML"
case .noFaviconFound:
return "Failed to find a favicon at the provided url"
case .noFaviconURLFound:
return "Failed to find a favicon url in either the cache or from the web"
case .unableToDownloadImage(let error):
return "Unable to download image with reason: \(error)"
case .unableToCacheImage(let error):
return "Unable to cache image with reason: \(error)"
case .unableToRetrieveFromCache(let error):
return "Unable to retrieve image from cache with reason: \(error)"
case .noURLInCache:
return "The URL was not found in the cache"
case .noHeroImage:
return "No hero image was found"
case .noImageInBundle:
return "No image in bundle was found"
case .noLetterImage:
return "The first character is nil or empty so no letter image"