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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Foundation
class SubscriptionWrapper<State>: Hashable {
private let originalSubscription: Subscription<State>
weak var subscriber: AnyStoreSubscriber?
private let objectIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
init<T>(originalSubscription: Subscription<State>,
transformedSubscription: Subscription<T>?,
subscriber: AnyStoreSubscriber) {
self.originalSubscription = originalSubscription
self.subscriber = subscriber
self.objectIdentifier = ObjectIdentifier(subscriber)
if let transformedSubscription = transformedSubscription { = { [unowned self] _, newState in
self.subscriber?.newState(state: newState as Any)
} else { = { [unowned self] _, newState in
self.subscriber?.newState(state: newState as Any)
func newValues(oldState: State, newState: State) {
originalSubscription.newValues(oldState: oldState, newState: newState)
static func == (left: SubscriptionWrapper<State>,
right: SubscriptionWrapper<State>) -> Bool {
return left.objectIdentifier == right.objectIdentifier
public class Subscription<State> {
public var observer: ((State?, State) -> Void)?
init() {}
public init(sink: @escaping (@escaping (State?, State) -> Void) -> Void) {
sink { old, new in
self.newValues(oldState: old, newState: new)
func newValues(oldState: State?, newState: State) {, newState)
public func select<Substate>(_ selector: @escaping (State) -> Substate) -> Subscription<Substate> {
return Subscription<Substate> { sink in = { oldState, newState in
sink( ?? nil, selector(newState))