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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.gradle.tasks
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec
private const val EXPECTED_WEBVIEW_COUNT = 1 // This will be 0 if we add the WebView dynamically.
private const val WEBVIEW_CLASS_NAME = "org.mozilla.focus.iwebview.IWebView"
// We use shell commands to traverse over the files because it's a trivial amount of code
// compared to writing it ourselves and it's probably more optimized than we could write.
private const val WEBVIEW_COUNT_CMD = """find src -name "*.xml" \
-exec grep -o $WEBVIEW_CLASS_NAME {} + | wc -l"""
* Verifies the number of WebViews present in the XML resources.
* This is necessary because the Echo Show will kill the application if there is more
* than one WebView instance in the app (#433, #540). It is extremely difficult to
* ensure only a single WebView instance is created (e.g. they can be added dynamically)
* but this task makes a partial effort via static analysis.
open class VerifyWebViewCount : Exec() {
private val stdOutCapture = ByteArrayOutputStream()
init {
group = "Verification"
description = "Verifies there are at most $EXPECTED_WEBVIEW_COUNT '$WEBVIEW_CLASS_NAME' instances in XML"
commandLine = listOf("sh", "-c", WEBVIEW_COUNT_CMD)
standardOutput = stdOutCapture
this.isIgnoreExitValue = true // We'll parse stdout to determine task result.
this.doLast {
val iWebViewCount = stdOutCapture.toByteArray().inputStream().bufferedReader().use {
}.trim().toIntOrNull() ?: throw GradleException("Return value of command is unexpectedly not a number")
if (iWebViewCount != EXPECTED_WEBVIEW_COUNT) {
throw GradleException("Expected at most $EXPECTED_WEBVIEW_COUNT '$WEBVIEW_CLASS_NAME' in XML: " +
"found $iWebViewCount. See ${} kdoc for more details.")