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use crate::error::{Error, ErrorResponse};
use crate::telemetry::SyncTelemetryPing;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
/// The general status of sync - should probably be moved to the "sync manager"
/// once we have one!
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ServiceStatus {
/// Everything is fine.
/// Some general network issue.
/// Some apparent issue with the servers.
/// Some external FxA action needs to be taken.
/// We declined to do anything for backoff or rate-limiting reasons.
/// We were interrupted.
/// Something else - you need to check the logs for more details. May
/// or may not be transient, we really don't know.
impl ServiceStatus {
// This is a bit naive and probably will not survive in this form in the
// SyncManager - eg, we'll want to handle backoff etc.
pub fn from_err(err: &Error) -> ServiceStatus {
match err {
// HTTP based errors.
Error::TokenserverHttpError(status) => {
// bit of a shame the tokenserver is different to storage...
if *status == 401 {
} else {
// BackoffError is also from the tokenserver.
Error::BackoffError(_) => ServiceStatus::ServiceError,
Error::StorageHttpError(ref e) => match e {
ErrorResponse::Unauthorized { .. } => ServiceStatus::AuthenticationError,
_ => ServiceStatus::ServiceError,
// Network errors.
Error::RequestError(_) | Error::UnexpectedStatus(_) | Error::HawkError(_) => {
Error::Interrupted(_) => ServiceStatus::Interrupted,
_ => ServiceStatus::OtherError,
/// The result of a sync request. This too is from the "sync manager", but only
/// has a fraction of the things it will have when we actually build that.
pub struct SyncResult {
/// The general health.
pub service_status: ServiceStatus,
/// The set of declined engines, if we know them.
pub declined: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// The result of the sync.
pub result: Result<(), Error>,
/// The result for each engine.
/// Note that we expect the `String` to be replaced with an enum later.
pub engine_results: HashMap<String, Result<(), Error>>,
pub telemetry: SyncTelemetryPing,
pub next_sync_after: Option<std::time::SystemTime>,
// If `r` has a BackoffError, then returns the later backoff value.
fn advance_backoff(cur_best: SystemTime, r: &Result<(), Error>) -> SystemTime {
if let Err(e) = r {
if let Some(time) = e.get_backoff() {
return std::cmp::max(time, cur_best);
impl SyncResult {
pub(crate) fn set_sync_after(&mut self, backoff_duration: Duration) {
let now = SystemTime::now();
let toplevel = advance_backoff(now + backoff_duration, &self.result);
let sync_after = self.engine_results.values().fold(toplevel, advance_backoff);
if sync_after <= now {
self.next_sync_after = None;
} else {
self.next_sync_after = Some(sync_after);