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use crate::error::*;
use rusqlite::Row;
use std::time;
use url::Url;
pub fn url_host_port(url_str: &str) -> Option<String> {
let url = Url::parse(url_str).ok()?;
let host = url.host_str()?;
Some(if let Some(p) = url.port() {
format!("{}:{}", host, p)
} else {
pub fn system_time_millis_from_row(row: &Row<'_>, col_name: &str) -> Result<time::SystemTime> {
let time_ms = row.get::<_, Option<i64>>(col_name)?.unwrap_or_default() as u64;
Ok(time::UNIX_EPOCH + time::Duration::from_millis(time_ms))
pub fn duration_ms_i64(d: time::Duration) -> i64 {
(d.as_secs() as i64) * 1000 + (i64::from(d.subsec_nanos()) / 1_000_000)
pub fn system_time_ms_i64(t: time::SystemTime) -> i64 {
// Unfortunately, there's not a better way to turn on logging in tests AFAICT
pub(crate) fn init_test_logging() {
use std::sync::Once;
static INIT_LOGGING: Once = Once::new();
INIT_LOGGING.call_once(|| {
env_logger::init_from_env(env_logger::Env::default().filter_or("RUST_LOG", "trace"));