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// Merging for Sync.
use super::{IncomingLogin, LoginPayload};
use crate::encryption::EncryptorDecryptor;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::login::EncryptedLogin;
use crate::util;
use rusqlite::Row;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use sync15::bso::{IncomingBso, IncomingKind};
use sync15::ServerTimestamp;
use sync_guid::Guid;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MirrorLogin {
pub login: EncryptedLogin,
pub server_modified: ServerTimestamp,
impl MirrorLogin {
pub fn guid_str(&self) -> &str {
pub(crate) fn from_row(row: &Row<'_>) -> Result<MirrorLogin> {
Ok(MirrorLogin {
login: EncryptedLogin::from_row(row)?,
server_modified: ServerTimestamp(row.get::<_, i64>("server_modified")?),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum LocalLogin {
Tombstone {
id: String,
local_modified: SystemTime,
Alive {
login: EncryptedLogin,
local_modified: SystemTime,
impl LocalLogin {
pub fn guid_str(&self) -> &str {
match &self {
LocalLogin::Tombstone { id, .. } => id.as_str(),
LocalLogin::Alive { login, .. } => login.guid_str(),
pub fn local_modified(&self) -> SystemTime {
match &self {
LocalLogin::Tombstone { local_modified, .. }
| LocalLogin::Alive { local_modified, .. } => *local_modified,
pub(crate) fn from_row(row: &Row<'_>) -> Result<LocalLogin> {
let local_modified = util::system_time_millis_from_row(row, "local_modified")?;
Ok(if row.get("is_deleted")? {
let id = row.get("guid")?;
LocalLogin::Tombstone { id, local_modified }
} else {
let login = EncryptedLogin::from_row(row)?;
if login.sec_fields.is_empty() {
error_support::report_error!("logins-crypto", "empty ciphertext in the db",);
LocalLogin::Alive {
// Only used by tests where we want to get the "raw" record - ie, a tombstone will still
// be returned here, just with many otherwise invalid empty fields
pub(crate) fn test_raw_from_row(row: &Row<'_>) -> Result<EncryptedLogin> {
macro_rules! impl_login {
($ty:ty { $($fields:tt)* }) => {
impl AsRef<EncryptedLogin> for $ty {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &EncryptedLogin {
impl AsMut<EncryptedLogin> for $ty {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut EncryptedLogin {
&mut self.login
impl From<$ty> for EncryptedLogin {
fn from(l: $ty) -> Self {
impl From<EncryptedLogin> for $ty {
fn from(login: EncryptedLogin) -> Self {
Self { login, $($fields)* }
impl_login!(MirrorLogin {
server_modified: ServerTimestamp(0)
// Stores data needed to do a 3-way merge
pub(super) struct SyncLoginData {
pub guid: Guid,
pub local: Option<LocalLogin>,
pub mirror: Option<MirrorLogin>,
// None means it's a deletion
pub inbound: Option<IncomingLogin>,
pub inbound_ts: ServerTimestamp,
impl SyncLoginData {
pub fn guid_str(&self) -> &str {
pub fn guid(&self) -> &Guid {
pub fn from_bso(bso: IncomingBso, encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor) -> Result<Self> {
let guid =;
let inbound_ts = bso.envelope.modified;
let inbound = match bso.into_content::<LoginPayload>().kind {
IncomingKind::Content(p) => Some(IncomingLogin::from_incoming_payload(p, encdec)?),
IncomingKind::Tombstone => None,
// Before the IncomingKind refactor we returned an error. We could probably just
// treat it as a tombstone but should check that's sane, so for now, we also err.
IncomingKind::Malformed => return Err(Error::MalformedIncomingRecord),
Ok(Self {
local: None,
mirror: None,
macro_rules! impl_login_setter {
($setter_name:ident, $field:ident, $Login:ty) => {
impl SyncLoginData {
pub(crate) fn $setter_name(&mut self, record: $Login) -> Result<()> {
// TODO: We probably shouldn't panic in this function!
if self.$field.is_some() {
// Shouldn't be possible (only could happen if UNIQUE fails in sqlite, or if we
// get duplicate guids somewhere,but we check).
"SyncLoginData::{} called on object that already has {} data",
if self.guid_str() != record.guid_str() {
// This is almost certainly a bug in our code.
"Wrong guid on login in {}: {:?} != {:?}",
self.$field = Some(record);
impl_login_setter!(set_local, local, LocalLogin);
impl_login_setter!(set_mirror, mirror, MirrorLogin);
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct LoginDelta {
// "non-commutative" fields
pub origin: Option<String>,
pub password: Option<String>,
pub username: Option<String>,
pub http_realm: Option<String>,
pub form_action_origin: Option<String>,
pub time_created: Option<i64>,
pub time_last_used: Option<i64>,
pub time_password_changed: Option<i64>,
// "non-conflicting" fields (which are the same)
pub password_field: Option<String>,
pub username_field: Option<String>,
// Commutative field
pub times_used: i64,
macro_rules! merge_field {
($merged:ident, $b:ident, $prefer_b:expr, $field:ident) => {
if let Some($field) = $b.$field.take() {
if $merged.$field.is_some() {
log::warn!("Collision merging login field {}", stringify!($field));
if $prefer_b {
$merged.$field = Some($field);
} else {
$merged.$field = Some($field);
impl LoginDelta {
#[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] // Looks like clippy considers this after macro-expansion...
pub fn merge(self, mut b: LoginDelta, b_is_newer: bool) -> LoginDelta {
let mut merged = self;
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, origin);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, password);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, username);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, http_realm);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, form_action_origin);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, time_created);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, time_last_used);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, time_password_changed);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, password_field);
merge_field!(merged, b, b_is_newer, username_field);
// commutative fields
merged.times_used += b.times_used;
macro_rules! apply_field {
($login:ident, $delta:ident, $field:ident) => {
if let Some($field) = $delta.$field.take() {
$login.fields.$field = $field.into();
macro_rules! apply_metadata_field {
($login:ident, $delta:ident, $field:ident) => {
if let Some($field) = $delta.$field.take() {
$login.record.$field = $field.into();
impl EncryptedLogin {
pub(crate) fn apply_delta(
&mut self,
mut delta: LoginDelta,
encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor,
) -> Result<()> {
apply_field!(self, delta, origin);
apply_metadata_field!(self, delta, time_created);
apply_metadata_field!(self, delta, time_last_used);
apply_metadata_field!(self, delta, time_password_changed);
apply_field!(self, delta, password_field);
apply_field!(self, delta, username_field);
let mut sec_fields = self.decrypt_fields(encdec)?;
if let Some(password) = delta.password.take() {
sec_fields.password = password;
if let Some(username) = delta.username.take() {
sec_fields.username = username;
self.sec_fields = sec_fields.encrypt(encdec)?;
// Use Some("") to indicate that it should be changed to be None (hacky...)
if let Some(realm) = delta.http_realm.take() {
self.fields.http_realm = if realm.is_empty() { None } else { Some(realm) };
if let Some(url) = delta.form_action_origin.take() {
self.fields.form_action_origin = if url.is_empty() { None } else { Some(url) };
self.record.times_used += delta.times_used;
pub(crate) fn delta(
older: &EncryptedLogin,
encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor,
) -> Result<LoginDelta> {
let mut delta = LoginDelta::default();
if self.fields.form_action_origin != older.fields.form_action_origin {
delta.form_action_origin =
if self.fields.http_realm != older.fields.http_realm {
delta.http_realm = Some(self.fields.http_realm.clone().unwrap_or_default());
if self.fields.origin != older.fields.origin {
delta.origin = Some(self.fields.origin.clone());
let older_sec_fields = older.decrypt_fields(encdec)?;
let self_sec_fields = self.decrypt_fields(encdec)?;
if self_sec_fields.username != older_sec_fields.username {
delta.username = Some(self_sec_fields.username.clone());
if self_sec_fields.password != older_sec_fields.password {
delta.password = Some(self_sec_fields.password);
if self.fields.password_field != older.fields.password_field {
delta.password_field = Some(self.fields.password_field.clone());
if self.fields.username_field != older.fields.username_field {
delta.username_field = Some(self.fields.username_field.clone());
// We discard zero (and negative numbers) for timestamps so that a
// record that doesn't contain this information (these are
// `#[serde(default)]`) doesn't skew our records.
// Arguably, we should also also ignore values later than our
// `time_created`, or earlier than our `time_last_used` or
// `time_password_changed`. Doing this properly would probably require
// a scheme analogous to Desktop's weak-reupload system, so I'm punting
// on it for now.
if self.record.time_created > 0 && self.record.time_created != older.record.time_created {
delta.time_created = Some(self.record.time_created);
if self.record.time_last_used > 0
&& self.record.time_last_used != older.record.time_last_used
delta.time_last_used = Some(self.record.time_last_used);
if self.record.time_password_changed > 0
&& self.record.time_password_changed != older.record.time_password_changed
delta.time_password_changed = Some(self.record.time_password_changed);
if self.record.times_used > 0 && self.record.times_used != older.record.times_used {
delta.times_used = self.record.times_used - older.record.times_used;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::encryption::test_utils::TEST_ENCRYPTOR;
fn test_invalid_payload_timestamps() {
let bad_timestamp = 18446732429235952000u64;
let bad_payload = IncomingBso::from_test_content(serde_json::json!({
"id": "123412341234",
"formSubmitURL": "",
"hostname": "",
"username": "test",
"password": "test",
"timeCreated": bad_timestamp,
"timeLastUsed": "some other garbage",
"timePasswordChanged": -30, // valid i64 but negative
let login = SyncLoginData::from_bso(bad_payload, &TEST_ENCRYPTOR)
assert_eq!(login.record.time_created, 0);
assert_eq!(login.record.time_last_used, 0);
assert_eq!(login.record.time_password_changed, 0);
let now64 = util::system_time_ms_i64(std::time::SystemTime::now());
let good_payload = IncomingBso::from_test_content(serde_json::json!({
"id": "123412341234",
"formSubmitURL": "",
"hostname": "",
"username": "test",
"password": "test",
"timeCreated": now64 - 100,
"timeLastUsed": now64 - 50,
"timePasswordChanged": now64 - 25,
let login = SyncLoginData::from_bso(good_payload, &TEST_ENCRYPTOR)
assert_eq!(login.record.time_created, now64 - 100);
assert_eq!(login.record.time_last_used, now64 - 50);
assert_eq!(login.record.time_password_changed, now64 - 25);