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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use crate::db::LoginDb;
use crate::encryption::EncryptorDecryptor;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::login::{EncryptedLogin, Login, LoginEntry};
use crate::LoginsSyncEngine;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use sync15::engine::{EngineSyncAssociation, SyncEngine, SyncEngineId};
// Our "sync manager" will use whatever is stashed here.
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
// Mutex: just taken long enough to update the inner stuff - needed
// to wrap the RefCell as they aren't `Sync`
static ref STORE_FOR_MANAGER: Mutex<Weak<LoginStore>> = Mutex::new(Weak::new());
/// Called by the sync manager to get a sync engine via the store previously
/// registered with the sync manager.
pub fn get_registered_sync_engine(engine_id: &SyncEngineId) -> Option<Box<dyn SyncEngine>> {
let weak = STORE_FOR_MANAGER.lock();
match weak.upgrade() {
None => None,
Some(store) => match create_sync_engine(store, engine_id) {
Ok(engine) => Some(engine),
Err(e) => {
report_error!("logins-sync-engine-create-error", "{e}");
fn create_sync_engine(
store: Arc<LoginStore>,
engine_id: &SyncEngineId,
) -> Result<Box<dyn SyncEngine>> {
match engine_id {
SyncEngineId::Passwords => Ok(Box::new(LoginsSyncEngine::new(Arc::clone(&store))?)),
// panicking here seems reasonable - it's a static error if this
// it hit, not something that runtime conditions can influence.
_ => unreachable!("can't provide unknown engine: {}", engine_id),
pub struct LoginStore {
pub db: Mutex<LoginDb>,
impl LoginStore {
pub fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> ApiResult<Self> {
let db = Mutex::new(LoginDb::open(path)?);
Ok(Self { db })
pub fn new_from_db(db: LoginDb) -> Self {
Self { db: Mutex::new(db) }
pub fn new_in_memory() -> ApiResult<Self> {
let db = Mutex::new(LoginDb::open_in_memory()?);
Ok(Self { db })
pub fn list(&self) -> ApiResult<Vec<EncryptedLogin>> {
pub fn get(&self, id: &str) -> ApiResult<Option<EncryptedLogin>> {
pub fn get_by_base_domain(&self, base_domain: &str) -> ApiResult<Vec<EncryptedLogin>> {
pub fn find_login_to_update(
entry: LoginEntry,
enc_key: &str,
) -> ApiResult<Option<Login>> {
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(enc_key)?;
self.db.lock().find_login_to_update(entry, &encdec)
pub fn touch(&self, id: &str) -> ApiResult<()> {
pub fn delete(&self, id: &str) -> ApiResult<bool> {
pub fn wipe_local(&self) -> ApiResult<()> {
pub fn reset(self: Arc<Self>) -> ApiResult<()> {
// Reset should not exist here - all resets should be done via the
// sync manager. It seems that actual consumers don't use this, but
// some tests do, so it remains for now.
let engine = LoginsSyncEngine::new(Arc::clone(&self))?;
pub fn update(&self, id: &str, entry: LoginEntry, enc_key: &str) -> ApiResult<EncryptedLogin> {
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(enc_key)?;
self.db.lock().update(id, entry, &encdec)
pub fn add(&self, entry: LoginEntry, enc_key: &str) -> ApiResult<EncryptedLogin> {
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(enc_key)?;
self.db.lock().add(entry, &encdec)
pub fn add_or_update(&self, entry: LoginEntry, enc_key: &str) -> ApiResult<EncryptedLogin> {
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(enc_key)?;
self.db.lock().add_or_update(entry, &encdec)
// This allows the embedding app to say "make this instance available to
// the sync manager". The implementation is more like "offer to sync mgr"
// (thereby avoiding us needing to link with the sync manager) but
// `register_with_sync_manager()` is logically what's happening so that's
// the name it gets.
pub fn register_with_sync_manager(self: Arc<Self>) {
let mut state = STORE_FOR_MANAGER.lock();
*state = Arc::downgrade(&self);
// this isn't exposed by uniffi - currently the
// only consumer of this is our "example" (and hence why they
// are `pub` and not `pub(crate)`).
// We could probably make the example work with the sync manager - but then
// our example would link with places and logins etc, and it's not a big
// deal really.
pub fn create_logins_sync_engine(self: Arc<Self>) -> ApiResult<Box<dyn SyncEngine>> {
Ok(Box::new(LoginsSyncEngine::new(self)?) as Box<dyn SyncEngine>)
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::encryption::test_utils::{TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY, TEST_ENCRYPTOR};
use crate::util;
use crate::{LoginFields, SecureLoginFields};
use more_asserts::*;
use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::time::SystemTime;
fn assert_logins_equiv(a: &LoginEntry, b: &EncryptedLogin) {
let b_e = b.decrypt_fields(&TEST_ENCRYPTOR).unwrap();
assert_eq!(a.fields, b.fields);
assert_eq!(b_e.username, a.sec_fields.username);
assert_eq!(b_e.password, a.sec_fields.password);
fn test_general() {
let store = LoginStore::new_in_memory().unwrap();
let list = store.list().expect("Grabbing Empty list to work");
assert_eq!(list.len(), 0);
let start_us = util::system_time_ms_i64(SystemTime::now());
let a = LoginEntry {
fields: LoginFields {
origin: "".into(),
form_action_origin: Some("".into()),
username_field: "user_input".into(),
password_field: "pass_input".into(),
sec_fields: SecureLoginFields {
username: "coolperson21".into(),
password: "p4ssw0rd".into(),
let b = LoginEntry {
fields: LoginFields {
origin: "".into(),
http_realm: Some("Some String Here".into()),
sec_fields: SecureLoginFields {
username: "asdf".into(),
password: "fdsa".into(),
let a_id = store
.add(a.clone(), &TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY)
.expect("added a")
let b_id = store
.add(b.clone(), &TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY)
.expect("added b")
let a_from_db = store
.expect("Not to error getting a")
.expect("a to exist");
assert_logins_equiv(&a, &a_from_db);
assert_ge!(a_from_db.record.time_created, start_us);
assert_ge!(a_from_db.record.time_password_changed, start_us);
assert_ge!(a_from_db.record.time_last_used, start_us);
assert_eq!(a_from_db.record.times_used, 1);
let b_from_db = store
.expect("Not to error getting b")
.expect("b to exist");
assert_logins_equiv(&LoginEntry { ..b.clone() }, &b_from_db);
assert_ge!(b_from_db.record.time_created, start_us);
assert_ge!(b_from_db.record.time_password_changed, start_us);
assert_ge!(b_from_db.record.time_last_used, start_us);
assert_eq!(b_from_db.record.times_used, 1);
let mut list = store.list().expect("Grabbing list to work");
assert_eq!(list.len(), 2);
let mut expect = vec![a_from_db, b_from_db.clone()];
list.sort_by_key(|b| Reverse(b.guid()));
expect.sort_by_key(|b| Reverse(b.guid()));
assert_eq!(list, expect);
store.delete(&a_id).expect("Successful delete");
.expect("get after delete should still work")
let list = store.list().expect("Grabbing list to work");
assert_eq!(list.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(list[0], b_from_db);
let list = store
.expect("Expect a list for this origin");
assert_eq!(list.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(list[0], b_from_db);
let list = store
.expect("Expect an empty list");
assert_eq!(list.len(), 0);
let now_us = util::system_time_ms_i64(SystemTime::now());
let b2 = LoginEntry {
sec_fields: SecureLoginFields {
username: b.sec_fields.username.to_owned(),
password: "newpass".into(),
.update(&b_id, b2.clone(), &TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY)
.expect("update b should work");
let b_after_update = store
.expect("Not to error getting b")
.expect("b to exist");
assert_logins_equiv(&b2, &b_after_update);
assert_ge!(b_after_update.record.time_created, start_us);
assert_le!(b_after_update.record.time_created, now_us);
assert_ge!(b_after_update.record.time_password_changed, now_us);
assert_ge!(b_after_update.record.time_last_used, now_us);
// Should be two even though we updated twice
assert_eq!(b_after_update.record.times_used, 2);
fn test_sync_manager_registration() {
let store = Arc::new(LoginStore::new_in_memory().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&store), 1);
assert_eq!(Arc::weak_count(&store), 0);
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&store), 1);
assert_eq!(Arc::weak_count(&store), 1);
let registered = STORE_FOR_MANAGER.lock().upgrade().expect("should upgrade");
assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&store, &registered));
// should be no new references
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&store), 1);
assert_eq!(Arc::weak_count(&store), 1);
// dropping the registered object should drop the registration.
fn test_send() {
fn ensure_send<T: Send>() {}