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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
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#include "WidgetMover.h"
#include "Widget.h"
#include "WidgetPlacement.h"
#include "VRBrowser.h"
#include "Cylinder.h"
#include "vrb/ConcreteClass.h"
#include "vrb/Matrix.h"
#include "vrb/Transform.h"
namespace crow {
// Should match the values defined in WidgetManagerDelegate.WidgetMoveBehaviourFlags
enum class WidgetMoveBehaviour {
struct WidgetMover::State {
WidgetPtr widget;
WidgetPtr parentWidget;
int attachedController;
vrb::Vector initialPoint;
vrb::Vector anchorPoint;
vrb::Matrix initialTransform;
WidgetPlacementPtr initialPlacement;
WidgetPlacementPtr movePlacement;
WidgetMoveBehaviour moveBehaviour;
vrb::Vector endDelta;
float endRotation;
: widget(nullptr)
, attachedController(-1)
, moveBehaviour(WidgetMoveBehaviour::GENERAL)
, endRotation(0)
vrb::Vector ProjectPoint(const WidgetPtr& aWidget, const vrb::Vector& aWorldPoint) const {
if (aWidget->GetCylinder()) {
// For a cylinder project the point to the virtual quad.
vrb::Vector min, max;
aWidget->GetWidgetMinAndMax(min, max);
vrb::Vector point = aWidget->GetCylinder()->ProjectPointToQuad(aWorldPoint, 0.5f, aWidget->GetCylinderDensity(), min, max);
return aWidget->GetTransformNode()->GetWorldTransform().MultiplyPosition(point);
} else {
return aWorldPoint;
vrb::Vector GetMovePoint(const vrb::Vector& aStart, const vrb::Vector& aDirection) const {
float hitDistance = -1;
vrb::Vector hitPoint;
vrb::Vector hitNormal;
bool isInWidget = false;
widget->TestControllerIntersection(aStart, aDirection, hitPoint, hitNormal, false, isInWidget, hitDistance);
vrb::Vector result = ProjectPoint(widget, hitPoint);
if (parentWidget && moveBehaviour == WidgetMoveBehaviour::KEYBOARD) {
if (widget->GetCylinder()) {
// For Cylindrical keyboard move we want to use the x translation from the parent widget (the window)
parentWidget->TestControllerIntersection(aStart, aDirection, hitPoint, hitNormal, false, isInWidget, hitDistance);
if (hitDistance >= 0) {
vrb::Vector point = ProjectPoint(parentWidget, hitPoint);
result.x() = point.x();
result.z() = point.z();
// Convert the world point to a point relative to the window.
result = parentWidget->GetTransformNode()->GetWorldTransform().AfineInverse().MultiplyPosition(result);
return result;
WidgetPlacementPtr& HandleKeyboardMove(const vrb::Vector& aDelta) {
float x = initialPlacement->translation.x() * WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
float y = initialPlacement->translation.y() * WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
const float windowZ = -4.2f; // Must match window_world_z in dimen.xml
const float maxX = 4.0f; // Relative to 0.5f anchor point.
const float minX = -maxX;
const float maxY = 1.8f; // Relative to 0.0f anchor point.
const float minY = -1.3f; // Relative to 0.0f anchor point.
const float maxAngle = -35.0f * (float)M_PI / 180.0f;
const float angleStartY = 0.8f;
const float minZ = -2.5f - windowZ;
const float maxZ = -3.2f - windowZ;
const float thresholdZ = 1.45f;
x += aDelta.x();
y += aDelta.y();
float w, h;
widget->GetWorldSize(w, h);
const float dx = w * (anchorPoint.x() - 0.5f);
const float dy = h * anchorPoint.y();
x = fmin(x, maxX + dx);
x = fmax(x, minX - dx);
y = fmin(y, maxY + dy);
y = fmax(y, minY + dy);
movePlacement->translation.x() = x / WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
movePlacement->translation.y() = y / WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
float angle = 0.0f;
if (y < angleStartY) {
const float t = 1.0f - (y - minY) / (angleStartY - minY);
angle = t * maxAngle;
float t;
if (y > 1.45f) {
t = 1.0f;
} else {
t = (y - minY) / (1.45f - minY);
movePlacement->translation.z() = (minZ + t * (maxZ - minZ)) / WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
movePlacement->rotation = angle;
endDelta = movePlacement->translation - initialPlacement->translation;
endRotation = angle;
return movePlacement;
WidgetMover::Create() {
return std::make_shared<vrb::ConcreteClass<WidgetMover, WidgetMover::State> >();
WidgetMover::IsMoving(const int aControllerIndex) const {
return m.widget != nullptr && m.attachedController == aControllerIndex;
WidgetMover::HandleMove(const vrb::Vector& aStart, const vrb::Vector& aDirection) {
float hitDistance = -1;
vrb::Vector hitPoint;
vrb::Vector hitNormal;
bool isInWidget = false;
m.widget->TestControllerIntersection(aStart, aDirection, hitPoint, hitNormal, false, isInWidget, hitDistance);
if (hitDistance < 0) {
return nullptr;
hitPoint = m.GetMovePoint(aStart, aDirection);
vrb::Vector delta = hitPoint - m.initialPoint;
delta.y() = hitPoint.y() - m.initialPoint.y();
delta.x() = hitPoint.x() - m.initialPoint.x();
if (m.moveBehaviour == WidgetMoveBehaviour::KEYBOARD) {
return m.HandleKeyboardMove(delta);
} else {
// General case
vrb::Matrix updatedTransform = m.initialTransform.Translate(vrb::Vector(delta.x(), delta.y(), 0.0f));
m.endDelta.x() = delta.x() / WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
m.endDelta.y() = delta.y() / WidgetPlacement::kWorldDPIRatio;
m.endDelta.z() = 0.0f;
m.endRotation = 0.0f;
return nullptr;
WidgetMover::StartMoving(const WidgetPtr& aWidget, const WidgetPtr& aParentWidget, const int32_t aMoveBehaviour, const int32_t aControllerIndex,
const vrb::Vector& aStart, const vrb::Vector& aDirection, const vrb::Vector& aAnchorPoint) {
m.widget = aWidget;
m.parentWidget = aParentWidget;
m.attachedController = aControllerIndex;
m.initialTransform = aWidget->GetTransform();
m.anchorPoint = aAnchorPoint;
m.initialPlacement = aWidget->GetPlacement();
m.movePlacement = WidgetPlacement::Create(*m.initialPlacement);
m.moveBehaviour = (WidgetMoveBehaviour) aMoveBehaviour;
m.initialPoint = m.GetMovePoint(aStart, aDirection);
WidgetMover::EndMoving() {
m.attachedController = -1;
if (m.widget) {
VRBrowser::HandleMoveEnd(m.widget->GetHandle(), m.endDelta.x(), m.endDelta.y(), m.endDelta.z(), m.endRotation);
m.widget = nullptr;
m.parentWidget = nullptr;
WidgetMover::GetWidget() const {
return m.widget;
WidgetMover::WidgetMover(State& aState) : m(aState) {
} // namespace crow