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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsISimpleEnumerator.idl"
{ 0x79a2b7cc, 0xf05b, 0x4605, \
{ 0xbf, 0xa0, 0xfa, 0xc5, 0x4f, 0x27, 0xee, 0xc8 } }
interface mozIDOMWindow;
interface mozIDOMWindowProxy;
interface nsIAppWindow;
interface nsIWidget;
interface nsIWindowMediatorListener;
[scriptable, uuid(df0da056-357d-427f-bafd-e6cbf19c9381)]
interface nsIWindowMediator: nsISupports
/** Return an enumerator which iterates over all windows of type aWindowType
* from the oldest window to the youngest.
* @param aWindowType the returned enumerator will enumerate only
* windows of this type. ("type" is the
* |windowtype| attribute of the XML <window> element.)
* If null, all windows will be enumerated.
* @return an enumerator of nsIDOMWindows. Note that windows close
* asynchronously in many cases, so windows returned from this
* enumerator can have .closed set to true. Caveat enumerator!
nsISimpleEnumerator getEnumerator(in wstring aWindowType);
/** Identical to getEnumerator except:
* @return an enumerator of nsIAppWindows
nsISimpleEnumerator getAppWindowEnumerator(in wstring aWindowType);
/** Return an enumerator which iterates over all windows of type aWindowType
* in their z (front-to-back) order. Note this interface makes
* no requirement that a window couldn't be revisited if windows
* are re-ordered while z-order enumerators are active.
* @param aWindowType the returned enumerator will enumerate only
* windows of this type. ("type" is the
* |windowtype| attribute of the XML <window> element.)
* If null, all windows will be enumerated.
* @param aFrontToBack if true, the enumerator enumerates windows in order
* from front to back. back to front if false.
* @return an enumerator of nsIAppWindows
nsISimpleEnumerator getZOrderAppWindowEnumerator(in wstring aWindowType,
in boolean aFrontToBack);
/** This is a shortcut for simply fetching the first window in
* front to back order.
* @param aWindowType return the topmost window of this type.
* ("type" is the |windowtype| attribute of
* the XML <window> element.)
* If null, return the topmost window of any type.
* @return the topmost window
mozIDOMWindowProxy getMostRecentWindow(in wstring aWindowType);
/** This is a shortcut for getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'), but
* if that fails it also tries 'navigator:geckoview' and 'mail:3pane'.
* @return the topmost browser window
mozIDOMWindowProxy getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
* Same as getMostRecentWindow, but ignores private browsing
* windows.
mozIDOMWindowProxy getMostRecentNonPBWindow(in wstring aWindowType);
* Return the outer window with the given ID, if any. Can return null.
mozIDOMWindowProxy getOuterWindowWithId(in unsigned long long aOuterWindowID);
* Return the inner window with the given current window ID, if any.
* Can return null if no inner window with the ID exists or if it's not
* a current inner anymore.
mozIDOMWindow getCurrentInnerWindowWithId(in unsigned long long aInnerWindowID);
/** Add the window to the list of known windows. Listeners (see
* addListener) will be notified through their onOpenWindow method.
* @param aWindow the window to add
[noscript] void registerWindow(in nsIAppWindow aWindow);
/** Remove the window from the list of known windows. Listeners (see
* addListener) will be be notified through their onCloseWindow method.
* @param aWindow the window to remove
[noscript] void unregisterWindow(in nsIAppWindow aWindow);
/** Call this method when a window gains focus. It's a primitive means of
* determining the most recent window. It's no longer necessary and it
* really should be removed.
* @param aWindow the window which has gained focus
[noscript] void updateWindowTimeStamp(in nsIAppWindow aWindow);
/** Register a listener for window status changes.
* keeps strong ref? (to be decided)
* @param aListener the listener to register
void addListener(in nsIWindowMediatorListener aListener);
/** Unregister a listener of window status changes.
* @param aListener the listener to unregister
void removeListener(in nsIWindowMediatorListener aListener);