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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsLiteralString.h"
#include "nsTSubstringTuple.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace TestSubstringTuple {
static const auto kFooLiteral = u"foo"_ns;
MOZ_RUNINIT static const auto kFoo = nsCString("foo");
MOZ_RUNINIT static const auto kBar = nsCString("bar");
MOZ_RUNINIT static const auto kBaz = nsCString("baz");
// The test must be done in a macro to ensure that tuple is always a temporary.
#define DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(tuple, dependentString, expectedLength, \
expectedDependency) \
const auto length = (tuple).Length(); \
const auto isDependentOn = (tuple).IsDependentOn( \
dependentString.BeginReading(), dependentString.EndReading()); \
EXPECT_EQ((expectedLength), length); \
EXPECT_EQ((expectedDependency), isDependentOn); \
const auto [combinedIsDependentOn, combinedLength] = \
(tuple).IsDependentOnWithLength(dependentString.BeginReading(), \
dependentString.EndReading()); \
EXPECT_EQ(length, combinedLength); \
EXPECT_EQ(isDependentOn, combinedIsDependentOn);
TEST(SubstringTuple, IsDependentOnAndLength_NonDependent_Literal_ZeroLength)
{ DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(u""_ns + u""_ns, kFooLiteral, 0u, false); }
TEST(SubstringTuple, IsDependentOnAndLength_NonDependent_Literal_NonZeroLength)
{ DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(u"bar"_ns + u"baz"_ns, kFooLiteral, 6u, false); }
TEST(SubstringTuple, IsDependentOnAndLength_NonDependent_NonZeroLength)
{ DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(kBar + kBaz, kFoo, 6u, false); }
{ DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(kBar + kBaz + kBar, kFoo, 9u, false); }
TEST(SubstringTuple, IsDependentOnAndLength_Dependent_NonZeroLength)
{ DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(kBar + kBaz, kBar, 6u, true); }
TEST(SubstringTuple, IsDependentOnAndLength_Dependent_NonZeroLength_ThreeParts)
{ DO_SUBSTRING_TUPLE_TEST(kBar + kBaz + kFoo, kBar, 9u, true); }
} // namespace TestSubstringTuple