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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "SystemTimeConverter.h"
using mozilla::SystemTimeConverter;
using mozilla::TimeDuration;
using mozilla::TimeStamp;
namespace {
// This class provides a mock implementation of the CurrentTimeGetter template
// type used in SystemTimeConverter. It can be constructed with a particular
// Time and always returns that Time.
template <typename Time>
class MockCurrentTimeGetter {
MockCurrentTimeGetter() : mTime(0) {}
explicit MockCurrentTimeGetter(Time aTime) : mTime(aTime) {}
// Methods needed for CurrentTimeGetter compatibility
Time GetCurrentTime() const { return mTime; }
void GetTimeAsyncForPossibleBackwardsSkew(const TimeStamp& aNow) {}
Time mTime;
// This is another mock implementation of the CurrentTimeGetter template
// type used in SystemTimeConverter, except this asserts that it will not be
// used. i.e. it should only be used in calls to SystemTimeConverter that we
// know will not invoke it.
template <typename Time>
class UnusedCurrentTimeGetter {
Time GetCurrentTime() const {
return 0;
void GetTimeAsyncForPossibleBackwardsSkew(const TimeStamp& aNow) {
// This class provides a mock implementation of the TimeStampNowProvider
// template type used in SystemTimeConverter. It also has other things in it
// that allow the test to better control time for testing purposes.
class MockTimeStamp {
// This should generally be called at the start of every test function, as
// it will initialize this class's static fields to sane values. In particular
// it will initialize the baseline TimeStamp against which all other
// TimeStamps are compared.
static void Init() {
sBaseline = TimeStamp::Now();
sTimeStamp = sBaseline;
// Advance the timestamp returned by `MockTimeStamp::Now()`
static void Advance(double ms) {
sTimeStamp += TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(ms);
// Returns the baseline TimeStamp, that is used as a fixed reference point
// in time against which other TimeStamps can be compared. This is needed
// because mozilla::TimeStamp itself doesn't provide any conversion to
// human-readable strings, and we need to convert it to a TimeDuration in
// order to get that. This baseline TimeStamp can be used to turn an
// arbitrary TimeStamp into a TimeDuration.
static TimeStamp Baseline() { return sBaseline; }
// This is the method needed for TimeStampNowProvider compatibility, and
// simulates `TimeStamp::Now()`
static TimeStamp Now() { return sTimeStamp; }
static TimeStamp sTimeStamp;
static TimeStamp sBaseline;
TimeStamp MockTimeStamp::sTimeStamp;
TimeStamp MockTimeStamp::sBaseline;
// Could have platform-specific implementations of this using DWORD, guint32,
// etc behind ifdefs. But this is sufficient for now.
using GTestTime = uint32_t;
using TimeConverter = SystemTimeConverter<GTestTime, MockTimeStamp>;
} // namespace
// Checks the expectation that the TimeStamp `ts` is exactly `ms` milliseconds
// after the baseline timestamp. This is a macro so gtest still gives us useful
// line numbers for failures.
#define EXPECT_TS(ts, ms) \
EXPECT_EQ((ts) - MockTimeStamp::Baseline(), \
#define EXPECT_TS_FUZZY(ts, ms) \
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(((ts) - MockTimeStamp::Baseline()).ToMilliseconds(), ms)
TEST(TimeConverter, SanityCheck)
MockCurrentTimeGetter timeGetter(10);
UnusedCurrentTimeGetter<GTestTime> unused;
TimeConverter converter;
// This call sets the reference time and timestamp
TimeStamp ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(10, timeGetter);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
// Advance "TimeStamp::Now" by 10ms, use the same event time and OS time.
// Since the event time is the same as before, we expect to get back the
// same TimeStamp as before too, despite Now() changing.
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(10, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
// Now let's use an event time 20ms after the old event. This will trigger
// forward skew detection and resync the TimeStamp for the new event to Now().
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(30, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 10);
TEST(TimeConverter, Overflow)
// This tests wrapping time around the max value supported in the GTestTime
// type and ensuring it is handled properly.
const GTestTime max = std::numeric_limits<GTestTime>::max();
const GTestTime min = std::numeric_limits<GTestTime>::min();
double fullRange = (double)max - (double)min;
double wrapPeriod = fullRange + 1.0;
GTestTime almostOverflowed = max - 100;
GTestTime overflowed = max + 100;
MockCurrentTimeGetter timeGetter(almostOverflowed);
UnusedCurrentTimeGetter<GTestTime> unused;
TimeConverter converter;
// Set reference time to 100ms before the overflow point
TimeStamp ts =
converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(almostOverflowed, timeGetter);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
// Advance everything by 200ms and verify we get back a TimeStamp 200ms from
// the baseline despite wrapping an overflow.
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(overflowed, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 200);
// Advance by another full wraparound of the time. This loses some precision
// so we have to do the FUZZY match
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(overflowed, unused);
EXPECT_TS_FUZZY(ts, 200.0 + wrapPeriod);
TEST(TimeConverter, InvertedOverflow)
// This tests time going from near the min value of GTestTime to the max
// value of GTestTime
const GTestTime max = std::numeric_limits<GTestTime>::max();
const GTestTime min = std::numeric_limits<GTestTime>::min();
double fullRange = (double)max - (double)min;
double wrapPeriod = fullRange + 1.0;
GTestTime nearRangeMin = min + 100;
GTestTime nearRangeMax = max - 100;
double gap = (double)nearRangeMax - (double)nearRangeMin;
MockCurrentTimeGetter timeGetter(nearRangeMin);
UnusedCurrentTimeGetter<GTestTime> unused;
TimeConverter converter;
// Set reference time to value near min numeric limit
TimeStamp ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(nearRangeMin, timeGetter);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
// Advance to value near max numeric limit
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(nearRangeMax, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, gap);
// Advance by another full wraparound of the time. This loses some precision
// so we have to do the FUZZY match
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(nearRangeMax, unused);
EXPECT_TS_FUZZY(ts, gap + wrapPeriod);
TEST(TimeConverter, HalfRangeBoundary)
GTestTime max = std::numeric_limits<GTestTime>::max();
GTestTime min = std::numeric_limits<GTestTime>::min();
double fullRange = (double)max - (double)min;
double wrapPeriod = fullRange + 1.0;
GTestTime halfRange = (GTestTime)(fullRange / 2.0);
GTestTime halfWrapPeriod = (GTestTime)(wrapPeriod / 2.0);
TimeConverter converter;
GTestTime firstEvent = 10;
MockCurrentTimeGetter timeGetter(firstEvent);
UnusedCurrentTimeGetter<GTestTime> unused;
// Set reference time
TimeStamp ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(firstEvent, timeGetter);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
// Advance event time by just under the half-period, to trigger about as big
// a forwards skew as we possibly can.
GTestTime secondEvent = firstEvent + (halfWrapPeriod - 1);
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(secondEvent, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
// The above forwards skew will have reset the reference timestamp. Now
// advance Now time by just under the half-range, to trigger about as big
// a backwards skew as we possibly can.
MockTimeStamp::Advance(halfRange - 1);
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(secondEvent, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
TEST(TimeConverter, FractionalMillisBug1626734)
TimeConverter converter;
GTestTime eventTime = 10;
MockCurrentTimeGetter timeGetter(eventTime);
UnusedCurrentTimeGetter<GTestTime> unused;
TimeStamp ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(eventTime, timeGetter);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
ts = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(eventTime, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts, 0);
TimeStamp ts2 = converter.GetTimeStampFromSystemTime(eventTime, unused);
EXPECT_TS(ts2, 0);
// Since ts2 came from a "future" call relative to ts, we expect ts2 to not
// be "before" ts. (i.e. time shouldn't go backwards, even by fractional
// milliseconds). This assertion is technically already implied by the
// EXPECT_TS checks above, but fixing this assertion is the end result that
// we wanted in bug 1626734 so it feels appropriate to recheck it explicitly.
EXPECT_TRUE(ts <= ts2);