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* Provides infrastructure for tests that would require mock document.
import { NetUtil } from "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.sys.mjs";
export const MockDocument = {
* Create a document for the given URL containing the given HTML with the ownerDocument of all <form>s having a mocked location.
aContent = "<form>",
aType = "text/html",
useSystemPrincipal = false
) {
let parser = new DOMParser();
let parsedDoc;
if (useSystemPrincipal) {
parsedDoc = parser.parseFromSafeString(aContent, aType);
} else {
parsedDoc = parser.parseFromString(aContent, aType);
// Assign ownerGlobal to documentElement as well for the form-less
// inputs treating it as rootElement.
for (let form of parsedDoc.forms) {
this.mockOwnerDocumentProperty(form, parsedDoc, aDocumentURL);
for (let field of form.elements) {
return parsedDoc;
mockOwnerDocumentProperty(aElement, aDoc, aURL) {
// Mock the document.location object so we can unit test without a frame. We use a proxy
// instead of just assigning to the property since it's not configurable or writable.
let document = new Proxy(aDoc, {
get(target, property) {
// document.location is normally null when a document is outside of a "browsing context".
if (property == "location") {
return new URL(aURL);
return target[property];
// Assign element.ownerDocument to the proxy so document.location works.
Object.defineProperty(aElement, "ownerDocument", {
value: document,
mockOwnerGlobalProperty(aElement) {
Object.defineProperty(aElement, "ownerGlobal", {
value: {
UIEvent: Event,
configurable: true,
mockNodePrincipalProperty(aElement, aURL) {
Object.defineProperty(aElement, "nodePrincipal", {
value: Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(,
mockBrowsingContextProperty(aElement, aBC) {
Object.defineProperty(aElement, "browsingContext", {
value: aBC,
createTestDocumentFromFile(aDocumentURL, aFile) {
let fileStream = Cc[
fileStream.init(aFile, -1, -1, 0);
let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(
return this.createTestDocument(aDocumentURL, data);