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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
//! Glean crash ping support. This mainly sets glean metrics which will be sent later.
use crate::glean;
use anyhow::Context;
/// Set glean metrics to be sent in the crash ping.
pub fn set_crash_ping_metrics(
extra: &serde_json::Value,
minidump_hash: Option<&str>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let now: time::OffsetDateTime = crate::std::time::SystemTime::now().into();
if let Some(hash) = minidump_hash {
macro_rules! set_metrics_from_extra {
( ) => {};
( $category:ident { $($inner:tt)+ } $($rest:tt)* ) => {
set_metrics_from_extra!(@metrics $category, $($inner)+);
( @metrics $category:ident, $metric:ident : $type:tt = $key:literal $($next:tt $($rest:tt)*)? ) => {
if let Some(value) = extra.get($key) {
(|| -> anyhow::Result<()> {
set_metrics_from_extra!(@set glean::$category::$metric , $type , value);
})().context(concat!("while trying to set glean::", stringify!($category), "::", stringify!($metric), " from extra data key ", $key))?;
$(set_metrics_from_extra!(@metrics $category, $next $($rest)*);)?
( @set $metric:expr , bool , $val:expr ) => {
.map(|s| s == "1")
.context("expected a string")?
( @set $metric:expr , str , $val:expr ) => {
.context("expected a string")?
( @set $metric:expr , quantity , $val:expr ) => {
.context("expected a number")?
.parse().context("couldn't parse quantity")?
( @set $metric:expr , seconds , $val:expr ) => {
$val.as_str().context("expected a string")?
.parse().context("couldn't parse floating point value")?
( @set $metric:expr , (object $f:ident) , $val:expr ) => {
serde_json::to_string(&$f($val)?).context("failed to serialize data")?
( @set $metric:expr , (string_list $separator:literal) , $val:expr ) => {
$val.as_str().context("expected a string")?
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|s| s.to_owned())
set_metrics_from_extra! {
crash {
app_channel: str = "ReleaseChannel"
app_display_version: str = "Version"
app_build: str = "BuildID"
async_shutdown_timeout: (object convert_async_shutdown_timeout) = "AsyncShutdownTimeout"
background_task_name: str = "BackgroundTaskName"
event_loop_nesting_level: quantity = "EventLoopNestingLevel"
font_name: str = "FontName"
gpu_process_launch: quantity = "GPUProcessLaunchCount"
ipc_channel_error: str = "ipc_channel_error"
is_garbage_collecting: bool = "IsGarbageCollecting"
main_thread_runnable_name: str = "MainThreadRunnableName"
moz_crash_reason: str = "MozCrashReason"
profiler_child_shutdown_phase: str = "ProfilerChildShutdownPhase"
quota_manager_shutdown_timeout: (object convert_quota_manager_shutdown_timeout) = "QuotaManagerShutdownTimeout"
remote_type: str = "RemoteType"
utility_actors_name: (string_list ',') = "UtilityActorsName"
shutdown_progress: str = "ShutdownProgress"
stack_traces: (object convert_stack_traces) = "StackTraces"
startup: bool = "StartupCrash"
crash_windows {
error_reporting: bool = "WindowsErrorReporting"
file_dialog_error_code: str = "WindowsFileDialogErrorCode"
dll_blocklist {
list: (string_list ';') = "BlockedDllList"
init_failed: bool = "BlocklistInitFailed"
user32_loaded_before: bool = "User32BeforeBlocklist"
environment {
experimental_features: (string_list ',') = "ExperimentalFeatures"
headless_mode: bool = "HeadlessMode"
uptime: seconds = "UptimeTS"
memory {
available_commit: quantity = "AvailablePageFile"
available_physical: quantity = "AvailablePhysicalMemory"
available_swap: quantity = "AvailableSwapMemory"
available_virtual: quantity = "AvailableVirtualMemory"
low_physical: quantity = "LowPhysicalMemoryEvents"
oom_allocation_size: quantity = "OOMAllocationSize"
purgeable_physical: quantity = "PurgeablePhysicalMemory"
system_use_percentage: quantity = "SystemMemoryUsePercentage"
texture: quantity = "TextureUsage"
total_page_file: quantity = "TotalPageFile"
total_physical: quantity = "TotalPhysicalMemory"
total_virtual: quantity = "TotalVirtualMemory"
windows {
package_family_name: str = "WindowsPackageFamilyName"
fn glean_datetime(datetime: time::OffsetDateTime) -> ::glean::Datetime {
::glean::Datetime {
year: datetime.year(),
month: datetime.month() as _,
day: as _,
hour: datetime.hour() as _,
minute: datetime.minute() as _,
second: datetime.second() as _,
nanosecond: datetime.nanosecond(),
offset_seconds: datetime.offset().whole_seconds(),
fn convert_async_shutdown_timeout(value: &serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
let mut ret = value.as_object().context("expected object")?.clone();
if let Some(conditions) = ret.get_mut("conditions") {
if !conditions.is_string() {
*conditions = serde_json::to_string(conditions)
.context("failed to serialize conditions")?
if let Some(blockers) = ret.remove("brokenAddBlockers") {
ret.insert("broken_add_blockers".into(), blockers);
fn convert_quota_manager_shutdown_timeout(
value: &serde_json::Value,
) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
// The Glean metric is an array of the lines.
.context("expected string")?
fn convert_stack_traces(value: &serde_json::Value) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
// glean stack_traces has a slightly different layout
// We explicitly create a new json object to ensure that only expected keys are kept.
let mut obj = serde_json::json! {{
"error": value["status"].as_str().and_then(|v| (v != "OK").then_some(v)),
"crash_type": value["crash_info"]["type"],
"crash_address": value["crash_info"]["address"],
"crash_thread": value["crass_info"]["crashing_thread"],
"main_module": value["main_module"],
"modules": value["modules"].as_array().map(|modules| {
modules.iter().map(|m| serde_json::json! {{
"base_address": m["base_addr"],
"end_address": m["end_addr"],
"code_id": m["code_id"],
"debug_file": m["debug_file"],
"debug_id": m["debug_id"],
"filename": m["filename"],
"version": m["version"]
"threads": value["threads"].as_array().map(|threads| {
threads.iter().map(|t| serde_json::json! {{
"frames": t["frames"].as_array().map(|frames| {
frames.iter().map(|f| serde_json::json! {{
"module_index": f["module_index"],
"ip": f["ip"],
"trust": f["trust"]
remove_nulls(&mut obj);
fn remove_nulls(value: &mut serde_json::Value) {
match value {
serde_json::Value::Object(m) => {
m.retain(|_, v| !v.is_null());
for v in m.values_mut() {
serde_json::Value::Array(v) => {
for v in v.iter_mut() {
_ => (),