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<title>Video controls test - Initial scrubber position when preload is turned off</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="head.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<video width="320" height="240" id="video" mozNoDynamicControls controls="true" preload="none" src="seek_with_sound.webm"></video>
<div id="host"></div>
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
const video = document.getElementById("video");
add_task(function test_initial_scrubber_position() {
// Check initial state upon load
is(video.paused, true, "checking video play state");
const scrubber = getElementWithinVideo(video, "scrubber");
ok(scrubber.max, "The max value should be set on the scrubber");
is(parseInt(scrubber.value), 0, "The initial position should be 0");
add_task(async function test_scrubber_after_manual_move() {
// Kick-start the video before trying to change the scrubber.
let loadedPromise = video.readyState == video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA ?
Promise.resolve() :
new Promise(r => {
video.addEventListener("canplaythrough", r, {once: true});
await loadedPromise;
const scrubber = getElementWithinVideo(video, "scrubber");
// Click the middle of the scrubber:
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(scrubber, {});
// Expect that the progress updates, too:
const progress = getElementWithinVideo(video, "progressBar");
// toFixed(2) takes care of rounding issues here.
(progress.value / progress.max).toFixed(2),
(scrubber.value / scrubber.max).toFixed(2),
"Should have updated progress bar."
add_task(async function test_progress_and_scrubber_once_fullscreened() {
// loop to ensure we can always get 4 timeupdate events.
video.loop = true;
video.currentTime = video.duration / 2;
info("Setting max width"); = "200px";
"Current video progress = " +
(video.currentTime / video.duration).toFixed(2)
// Wait for a flush so the scrubber has been hidden.
await new Promise(r => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(r)));
info("Hid progress and scrubber.");
// Then full screen.
await SpecialPowers.wrap(video).requestFullscreen();
info("Gone into fullscreen.");
// Then wait for the video to play a bit (4 events is pretty arbitrary)
let updateCounter = 4;
let playABitPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
let handler = () => {
info("timeupdate event, counter left: " + updateCounter);
if (--updateCounter <= 0) {
video.removeEventListener("timeupdate", handler);
video.addEventListener("pause", resolve, { once: true });
video.addEventListener("timeupdate", handler);
await playABitPromise;
const scrubber = getElementWithinVideo(video, "scrubber");
let videoProgress = video.currentTime / video.duration;
let fuzzFactor = video.duration * 0.01;
info("Video progress: " + videoProgress.toFixed(3));
let scrubberProgress = scrubber.value / scrubber.max;
info("Scrubber : " + scrubberProgress.toFixed(3));
scrubberProgress <= videoProgress + fuzzFactor,
"Scrubber should match actual video point in time."
scrubberProgress >= videoProgress - fuzzFactor,
"Scrubber should match actual video point in time."
// Expect that the progress matches the scrubber:
const progress = getElementWithinVideo(video, "progressBar");
let progressProgress = progress.value / progress.max;
info("Progress bar : " + progressProgress.toFixed(3));
progressProgress <= videoProgress + fuzzFactor,
"Progress bar should match actual video point in time."
progressProgress >= videoProgress - fuzzFactor,
"Progress bar should match actual video point in time."
await SpecialPowers.wrap(document).exitFullscreen();