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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: toolkit/content/tests/widgets/chrome.toml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<window title="Popup Reflow Tests"
<panel id="testPanel"
let panel, anchor;
// A reflow observer - it just remembers the stack trace of all sync reflows
// done by the panel.
let observer = {
reflows: [],
reflow () {
// Ignore reflows triggered by native code
// (Reflows from native code only have an empty stack after the first frame)
var path = (new Error().stack).split("\n").slice(1).join("");
if (path === "") {
this.reflows.push(new Error().stack);
reflowInterruptible () {
// We're not interested in interruptible reflows. Why, you ask? Because
// we've simply cargo-culted this test from browser_tabopen_reflows.js!
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIReflowObserver",
// A test utility that counts the reflows caused by a test function. If the
// count of reflows isn't what is expected, it causes a test failure and logs
// the stack trace of all seen reflows.
function countReflows(testfn, expected) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
observer.reflows = [];
let docShell = panel.ownerGlobal.docShell;
testfn().then(() => {
docShell.removeWeakReflowObserver(observer);, expected, "correct number of reflows");
if (observer.reflows.length != expected) {"stack traces of reflows:\n" + observer.reflows.join("\n") + "\n");
function openPopup() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
panel.addEventListener("popupshown", function popupshown() {
}, {once: true});
panel.openPopup(anchor, "before_start");
// ********************
// The actual tests...
// We only have one atm - simply open a popup.
function testSimplePanel() {
return openPopup();
// ********************
// The test harness...
addEventListener("load", function() {
anchor = document.getElementById("anchor");
panel = document.getElementById("testPanel");
// and off we go...
countReflows(testSimplePanel, 0).then(SimpleTest.finish);
<p>The anchor --> <span id="anchor">v</span> <--</p>