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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: toolkit/content/tests/widgets/chrome.toml
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>MozLitElement Tests</title>
let html, render, renderTarget, defaultTemplate, MozLitElement;
var mockL10n;
add_setup(async function setup() {
({ html, render } = await import(
({ MozLitElement } = await import(
renderTarget = document.getElementById("render");
const l10nReg = new L10nRegistry();
const fs = [{
path: "/localization/en-US/mock.ftl",
source: `
example-label =
.label = Example label!
.message = And a message!
.tooltiptext = Also a tooltiptext!
.rename = Also renamed!
.accesskey = E
const source = L10nFileSource.createMock("test", "app", ["en-US"], "/localization/{locale}", fs);
mockL10n = new DOMLocalization(["/mock.ftl"], false, l10nReg, ["en-US"]);
defaultTemplate = html`
<example-element data-l10n-id="example-label"></example-element>
async function renderTemplate(template = defaultTemplate) {
render(template, renderTarget);
return renderTarget.firstElementChild;
function defineExampleElement() {
class ExampleElement extends MozLitElement {
static properties = {
label: { type: String, fluent: true },
message: { type: String, fluent: true },
tooltipText: { type: String, fluent: true },
renamedAttribute: { type: String, fluent: true, attribute: "rename" },
mappedAttribute: { type: String, mapped: true, attribute: "mapped" },
ariaLabel: { type: String, mapped: true },
accessKey: { type: String, mapped: true, fluent: true },
render() {
return this.label + this.message + this.tooltipText + this.renamedAttribute + this.accessKey;
updated(changes) {
if (changes.has("label") && this.label) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("label-changed"));
customElements.define("example-element", ExampleElement);
add_task(async function testL10nAttrs() {
let el = await renderTemplate();
window.el = el;
is(el.shadowRoot.textContent, "", "There's no text");
"data-l10n-attrs is set"
await new Promise(r => el.addEventListener("label-changed", r, { once: true }));
"Example label!And a message!Also a tooltiptext!Also renamed!E",
"Text rendered automatically on upgrade"
is(el.accessKey, "E", "accessKey is mapped with custom attribute");
ok(!el.hasAttribute("accesskey"), "renamed attribute was removed");
add_task(async function testMappedAttributes() {
let el = await renderTemplate(
html`<example-element accesskey="f" mapped="mapped-val" aria-label="Label!"></example-element>`
is(el.accessKey, "f", "accessKey property is correct");
ok(!el.hasAttribute("accesskey"), "accesskey attribute was removed");
is(el.mappedAttribute, "mapped-val", "mappedAttribute is mapped with custom attribute");
ok(!el.hasAttribute("mapped"), "mapped attribute was removed");
is(el.ariaLabel, "Label!", "ariaLabel property is set");
ok(!el.hasAttribute("aria-label"), "aria-label was removed");
<div id="render"></div>