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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: toolkit/content/tests/widgets/chrome.toml
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>MozFieldset tests</title>
<script type="module" src="chrome://global/content/elements/moz-fieldset.mjs"></script>
let html, render, renderTarget;
add_setup(async function setup() {
({ html, render } = await import(
renderTarget = document.getElementById("render");
add_task(async function testMozFieldsetAttributes() {
<moz-fieldset label="Test label" description="Test description">
<label><input type="checkbox"> First setting</label>
<label><input type="checkbox"> Second setting</label>
<label><input type="checkbox"> Third setting</label>
`, renderTarget);
// Check initial rendered attributes.
let fieldset = renderTarget.querySelector("moz-fieldset");
await fieldset.updateComplete;
let fieldsetEl = fieldset.shadowRoot.querySelector("fieldset");
let legend = fieldset.shadowRoot.querySelector("fieldset > legend");
let description = fieldset.shadowRoot.querySelector("fieldset > #description");
is(legend.innerText, "Test label", "legend is set");
is(description.innerText, "Test description", "description is set");
ok(description.classList.contains("text-deemphasized"), "description is styled");
"description describes fieldset"
// Changing the attributes should update the DOM.
fieldset.label = "New label";
fieldset.description = "New description";
await fieldset.updateComplete;
is(legend.innerText, "New label", "legend is set");
is(description.innerText, "New description", "description is set");
// Removing the description should remove the describedby association.
fieldset.description = null;
await fieldset.updateComplete;
"aria-describedby removed when no description"
<div id="render">