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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: toolkit/content/tests/chrome/chrome.toml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
<!-- richlistbox currently has no way of giving us a defined number of
rows, so we just choose an arbitrary height limit that should give
us plenty of vertical scrollability -->
<richlistbox id="richlistbox" style="height:50px;">
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item0" hidden="true"><label value="Item 0"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item1"><label value="Item 1"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item2"><label value="Item 2"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item3"><label value="Item 3"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item4"><label value="Item 4"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item5"><label value="Item 5"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item6"><label value="Item 6"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item7"><label value="Item 7"/></richlistitem>
<richlistitem id="richlistbox_item8"><label value="Item 8"/></richlistitem>
<box orient="horizontal">
<arrowscrollbox id="hscrollbox" clicktoscroll="true" orient="horizontal"
smoothscroll="false" style="max-width:80px;" flex="1">
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:black;" hidden="true"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:black;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:black;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:black;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:white;"/>
<hbox style="min-width:40px; min-height:20px; background:black;"/>
<arrowscrollbox id="vscrollbox" clicktoscroll="true" orient="vertical"
smoothscroll="false" style="max-height:80px;" flex="1">
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:black;" hidden="true"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:black;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:white;"/>
<vbox style="min-width:100px; min-height:40px; background:black;"/>
<!-- test code goes here -->
<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
// Some tests need to wait until stopping scroll completely. At this time,
// setTimeout() will retry to check up to MAX_RETRY_COUNT times.
const MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 5;
const deltaModes = [
WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL, // 0
WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE, // 1
WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE // 2
function sendWheelAndWait(aScrollTaget, aX, aY, aEvent, aChecker)
function continueTestsIfScrolledAsExpected() {
if (!aChecker())
SimpleTest.executeSoon(()=>{ continueTestsIfScrolledAsExpected(aChecker) });
sendWheelAndPaint(aScrollTaget, aX, aY, aEvent, ()=>{
// sendWheelAndPaint may wait not enough for <scrollbox>.
// Let's check the position before using is() for avoiding random orange.
// So, this test may detect regressions with timeout.
function* testRichListbox(id)
var listbox = document.getElementById(id);
function* helper(aStart, aDelta, aIntDelta, aDeltaMode) {
let event = {
deltaMode: aDeltaMode,
deltaY: aDelta,
lineOrPageDeltaY: aIntDelta
// We don't need to wait for finishing the scroll in this test.
yield sendWheelAndWait(listbox, 10, 10, event, ()=>{ return true; });
var change = listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow() - aStart;
var direction = (change > 0) - (change < 0);
var expected = (aDelta > 0) - (aDelta < 0);
is(direction, expected,
"testRichListbox(" + id + "): vertical, starting " + aStart +
" delta " + aDelta + " lineOrPageDeltaY " + aIntDelta +
" aDeltaMode " + aDeltaMode);
// Check that horizontal scrolling has no effect
event = {
deltaMode: aDeltaMode,
deltaX: aDelta,
lineOrPageDeltaX: aIntDelta
yield sendWheelAndWait(listbox, 10, 10, event, ()=>{ return true; });
is(listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(), aStart,
"testRichListbox(" + id + "): horizontal, starting " + aStart +
" delta " + aDelta + " lineOrPageDeltaX " + aIntDelta +
" aDeltaMode " + aDeltaMode);
// richlistbox currently uses native XUL scrolling, so the "line"
// amounts don't necessarily correspond 1-to-1 with listbox items. So
// we just check that scrolling up/down scrolls in the right direction.
for (let i = 0; i < deltaModes.length; i++) {
let delta = (deltaModes[i] == WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL) ? 32.0 : 2.0;
yield* helper(5, -delta, -1, deltaModes[i]);
yield* helper(5, -delta, 0, deltaModes[i]);
yield* helper(5, delta, 1, deltaModes[i]);
yield* helper(5, delta, 0, deltaModes[i]);
function* testArrowScrollbox(id)
var arrowscrollbox = document.getElementById(id);
var scrollbox = arrowscrollbox.scrollbox;
var orient = scrollbox.getAttribute("orient");
var orientIsHorizontal = (orient == "horizontal");
function* helper(aStart, aDelta, aDeltaMode, aExpected)
var lineOrPageDelta = (aDeltaMode == WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL) ? aDelta / 10 : aDelta;
scrollbox.scrollTo(aStart, aStart);
for (let i = orientIsHorizontal ? 2 : 0; i >= 0; i--) {
// Note, vertical mouse scrolling is allowed to scroll horizontal
// arrowscrollboxes, because many users have no horizontal mouse scroll
// capability
let expected = !i ? aExpected : aStart;
let getPos = ()=>{
return orientIsHorizontal ? scrollbox.scrollLeft :
let oldPos = -1;
let retry = 0;
yield sendWheelAndWait(scrollbox, 5, 5,
{ deltaMode: aDeltaMode, deltaY: aDelta,
lineOrPageDeltaY: lineOrPageDelta },
if (getPos() == expected) {
return true;
if (oldPos == getPos()) {
// If scroll stopped completely, let's continue the test.
return ++retry == MAX_RETRY_COUNT;
oldPos = getPos();
retry = 0;
return false;
is(getPos(), expected,
"testArrowScrollbox(" + id + "): vertical, starting " + aStart +
" delta " + aDelta + " lineOrPageDelta " + lineOrPageDelta +
" aDeltaMode " + aDeltaMode);
scrollbox.scrollTo(aStart, aStart);
for (let i = orientIsHorizontal ? 2 : 0; i >= 0; i--) {
// horizontal mouse scrolling is never allowed to scroll vertical
// arrowscrollboxes
let expected = (!i && orientIsHorizontal) ? aExpected : aStart;
let getPos = ()=>{
return orientIsHorizontal ? scrollbox.scrollLeft :
let oldPos = -1;
let retry = 0;
yield sendWheelAndWait(scrollbox, 5, 5,
{ deltaMode: aDeltaMode, deltaX: aDelta,
lineOrPageDeltaX: lineOrPageDelta },
if (getPos() == expected) {
return true;
if (oldPos == getPos()) {
// If scroll stopped completely, let's continue the test.
return ++retry == MAX_RETRY_COUNT;
oldPos = getPos();
retry = 0;
return false;
is(getPos(), expected,
"testArrowScrollbox(" + id + "): horizontal, starting " + aStart +
" delta " + aDelta + " lineOrPageDelta " + lineOrPageDelta +
" aDeltaMode " + aDeltaMode);
var line = arrowscrollbox.lineScrollAmount;
var scrolledWidth = scrollbox.scrollWidth;
var scrolledHeight = scrollbox.scrollHeight;
var scrollMaxX = scrolledWidth - scrollbox.getBoundingClientRect().width;
var scrollMaxY = scrolledHeight - scrollbox.getBoundingClientRect().height;
var scrollMax = orientIsHorizontal ? scrollMaxX : scrollMaxY;
for (let deltaMode of deltaModes) {
const start = 50;
const delta = 1000;
let expectedNegative = 0;
let expectedPositive = scrollMax;
if (deltaMode == WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE) {
let maxDelta = Math.floor(Math.max(1, arrowscrollbox.scrollClientSize / line)) * line;
expectedNegative = Math.max(0, start - maxDelta);
expectedPositive = Math.min(scrollMax, start + maxDelta);
yield* helper(start, -delta, deltaMode, expectedNegative);
yield* helper(start, delta, deltaMode, expectedPositive);
var gTestContinuation = null;
function runTests()
if (!gTestContinuation) {
gTestContinuation = testBody();
var ret =;
if (ret.done) {
var winUtils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(window);
async function prepareRunningTests()
// Before actually running tests, we disable auto-dir scrolling, becasue the
// horizontal scrolling tests in this file are mostly meant to ensure that the
// tested controls in the default style should only have one scrollbar and it
// must always be in the block-flow direction so they are not really meant to
// test default actions for wheel events, so we simply disabled auto-dir
// scrolling, which are well tested in
// dom/events/test/window_wheel_default_action.html.
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["mousewheel.autodir.enabled",
function* testBody()
yield* testRichListbox("richlistbox");
// Perform a mousedown to ensure the wheel transaction from the previous test
// does not impact the next test.
synthesizeMouse(document.scrollingElement, 0, 0, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
yield* testArrowScrollbox("hscrollbox");
synthesizeMouse(document.scrollingElement, -1, -1, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
yield* testArrowScrollbox("vscrollbox");