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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_UniFFICall_h
#define mozilla_UniFFICall_h
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/OwnedRustBuffer.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UniFFIRust.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UniFFIScaffolding.h"
namespace mozilla::uniffi {
// Call Rust scaffolding functions
// This is the base of a class hierarchy for Rust call handling:
// - UniffiCallHandlerBase contains the shared code for both async and sync
// calls.
// - UniffiSyncCallHandler and UniffiAsyncCallHandler contain generalized
// code for sync/async calls
// - The generated code creates subclasses one of the those and implements
// the specialized code for the call.
// In all cases, a new instance is created each time the scaffolding function
// is called.
class UniffiCallHandlerBase {
// Extract the call result when the status code is `RUST_CALL_SUCCESS`.
// On success, set aDest with the converted return value. If there is a
// conversion error, set `aError`. This can happen for example when a u64
// value doesn't fit into a JS number.
// Called on the main thread.
virtual void ExtractSuccessfulCallResult(
JSContext* aCx, dom::Optional<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingValue>& aDest,
ErrorResult& aError) = 0;
// Extract the result of making a call, and store it into aDest
// Errors are handled in several different ways:
// - If the Rust code returned an `Err` value, then `aDest.code` will be set
// to "error" and `` will be set to the serialized error value.
// - If some other error happens in the Rust layer, then `aDest.code` will
// be set to "internal-error" and `` will contain a serialized
// error string if possible and be empty otherwise. This should be fairly
// rare, since the main case is a caught Rust panic, but FF sets
// panic=abort.
// - If some other error happens in the C++ layer, then `aError` will be set
// to the error.
void ExtractCallResult(
JSContext* aCx,
dom::RootedDictionary<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingCallResult>& aDest,
ErrorResult& aError);
// Call status from the rust call
int8_t mUniffiCallStatusCode = RUST_CALL_SUCCESS;
OwnedRustBuffer mUniffiCallStatusErrorBuf;
// Call scaffolding functions for synchronous Rust calls
class UniffiSyncCallHandler : public UniffiCallHandlerBase {
// ---- Overridden by subclasses for each call ----
// Convert a sequence of JS arguments and store them in this
// UniffiSyncCallHandler. Called on the main thread.
virtual void PrepareRustArgs(
const dom::Sequence<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingValue>& aArgs,
ErrorResult& aError) = 0;
// Call the underlying rust scaffolding function, using the arguments
// stored in this UniffiHandler, and store the result as a member.
// Potentially called on a background thread.
// aOutStatus is the out pointer passed to Rust. The caller is responible
// for using it to update `mUniffiCallStatusCode` and
// `mUniffiCallStatusErrorBuf`.
virtual void MakeRustCall(RustCallStatus* aOutStatus) = 0;
virtual ~UniffiSyncCallHandler() = default;
// ---- Generic entry points ----
// Call the function synchronously
static void CallSync(
UniquePtr<UniffiSyncCallHandler> aHandler,
const dom::GlobalObject& aGlobal,
const dom::Sequence<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingValue>& aArgs,
dom::RootedDictionary<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingCallResult>& aReturnValue,
ErrorResult& aError);
// Call the function asynchronously, in a worker queue.
static already_AddRefed<dom::Promise> CallAsyncWrapper(
UniquePtr<UniffiSyncCallHandler> aHandler,
const dom::GlobalObject& aGlobal,
const dom::Sequence<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingValue>& aArgs,
ErrorResult& aError);
// Call scaffolding functions for asynchronous Rust calls
class UniffiAsyncCallHandler : public UniffiCallHandlerBase {
UniffiAsyncCallHandler(PollFutureFn aPollFn, FreeFutureFn aFreeFn)
: mPollFn(aPollFn), mFreeFn(aFreeFn) {}
// ---- Overridden by subclasses for each call ----
// Convert a sequence of JS arguments and call the Rust scaffolding function.
// Always called on the main thread since async Rust calls don't block, they
// return a future. Because of this, there's no reason to split out the
// `PrepareRustArgs` and `PrepareArgs` and `MakeRustCall` like in the sync
// case.
virtual void PrepareArgsAndMakeRustCall(
const dom::Sequence<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingValue>& aArgs,
ErrorResult& aError) = 0;
// Handle to the future we're polling, set by MakeRustCall
uint64_t mFutureHandle;
// Rust future function pointers
PollFutureFn mPollFn;
FreeFutureFn mFreeFn;
// Call the complete function.
// This can't be a function pointer like poll/free since the complete
// function signature varies based on the return type.
// aOutStatus is the out pointer passed to Rust. The caller is responible
// for using it to update `mUniffiCallStatusCode` and
// `mUniffiCallStatusErrorBuf`.
virtual void CallCompleteFn(RustCallStatus* aOutStatus) = 0;
// Call mPollFn to poll the future
static void Poll(UniquePtr<UniffiAsyncCallHandler> aHandler);
// Complete the async call and resolve the promise returned by CallAsync
// Called in the main thread.
static void Finish(UniquePtr<UniffiAsyncCallHandler> aHandler);
virtual ~UniffiAsyncCallHandler();
// ---- Generic entry points ----
// Call the function asynchronously
static already_AddRefed<dom::Promise> CallAsync(
UniquePtr<UniffiAsyncCallHandler> aHandler,
const dom::GlobalObject& aGlobal,
const dom::Sequence<dom::UniFFIScaffoldingValue>& aArgs,
ErrorResult& aError);
// Promise created by CallAsync
RefPtr<dom::Promise> mPromise;
// Callback function for Rust async calls
// This is passed to Rust when we call the poll function. The callback is
// called when the future is ready or it's waker is invoked. aCode is used to
// distinguish the two cases.
// This is static so we can pass it as a function pointer to Rust.
static void FutureCallback(uint64_t aCallHandlerHandle, int8_t aCode);
} // namespace mozilla::uniffi
#endif // mozilla_UniFFICall_h