Name Description Size
translations-document.sys.mjs Map the NodeFilter enums that are used by the TreeWalker into enums that make sense for determining the status of the nodes for the TranslationsDocument process. This aligns the meanings of the filtering for the translations process. 90256
translations-engine.html 649
translations-engine.sys.mjs eslint-env browser 20755
translations-engine.worker.js @typedef {import("../translations").Bergamot} Bergamot @typedef {import("../translations").TranslationModelPayload} TranslationModelPayload @typedef {import("../translations").LanguageTranslationModelFiles} LanguageTranslationModelFiles 26648
translations.css Provide defaults for when this page is viewed in "toolkit". 4204
translations.html 2835
translations.mjs global AT_getSupportedLanguages, AT_log, AT_getScriptDirection, AT_logError, AT_createTranslationsPort, AT_isHtmlTranslation, AT_isTranslationEngineSupported, AT_identifyLanguage, AT_telemetry 25014
Translator.mjs This class manages the communications to the translations engine via MessagePort. 9151