Name Description Size
bergamot-translator.js 99825 Builds the Bergamot translations engine for integration with Firefox. If you wish to test the Bergamot engine locally, then uncomment the .wasm line in the toolkit/components/translations/ after building the file. Just make sure not to check the code change in. 6925
moz.yaml 1000 Uploads the bergamot wasm file to Remote Settings. This just uploads the build artifact, approval and deployment will still need to be done through Remote Settings. You must run ./ first to generate the wasm artifact. Log in to Remote Settings via LDAP to either dev or prod: Dev: Stage: Prod: In the header click the little clipboard icon to get the authentication header. Set the BEARER_TOKEN environment variable to use the bearer token. In zsh this can be done privately via the command line with the `setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE` and adding a space in front of the command, e.g. ` export BEARER_TOKEN="Bearer uLdb-Yafefe....2Hyl5_w"` 10414