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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import atexit
import io
import re
import yaml
from . import shared_telemetry_utils as utils
from .shared_telemetry_utils import ParserError
# The map of containing the allowed scalar types and their mapping to
# nsITelemetry::SCALAR_TYPE_* type constants.
+ "telemetry/telemetry/collection/scalars.html"
"uint": "nsITelemetry::SCALAR_TYPE_COUNT",
"string": "nsITelemetry::SCALAR_TYPE_STRING",
"boolean": "nsITelemetry::SCALAR_TYPE_BOOLEAN",
class ScalarType:
"""A class for representing a scalar definition."""
def __init__(self, category_name, probe_name, definition, strict_type_checks):
# Validate and set the name, so we don't need to pass it to the other
# validation functions.
self._strict_type_checks = strict_type_checks
self.validate_names(category_name, probe_name)
self._name = probe_name
self._category_name = category_name
# Validating the scalar definition.
# Everything is ok, set the rest of the data.
self._definition = definition
self._expires = utils.add_expiration_postfix(definition["expires"])
def validate_names(self, category_name, probe_name):
"""Validate the category and probe name:
- Category name must be alpha-numeric + '.', no leading/trailing digit or '.'.
- Probe name must be alpha-numeric + '_', no leading/trailing digit or '_'.
:param category_name: the name of the category the probe is in.
:param probe_name: the name of the scalar probe.
:raises ParserError: if the length of the names exceeds the limit or they don't
conform our name specification.
# Enforce a maximum length on category and probe names.
for n in [category_name, probe_name]:
if len(n) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH:
"Name '{}' exceeds maximum name length of {} characters.\n"
"See: {}#the-yaml-definition-file"
def check_name(name, error_msg_prefix, allowed_char_regexp):
# Check if we only have the allowed characters.
chars_regxp = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9" + allowed_char_regexp + r"]+$"
if not, name):
error_msg_prefix + " name must be alpha-numeric. Got: '{}'.\n"
"See: {}#the-yaml-definition-file"
).format(name, BASE_DOC_URL)
# Don't allow leading/trailing digits, '.' or '_'.
if"(^[\d\._])|([\d\._])$", name):
error_msg_prefix + " name must not have a leading/trailing "
"digit, a dot or underscore. Got: '{}'.\n"
" See: {}#the-yaml-definition-file"
).format(name, BASE_DOC_URL)
check_name(category_name, "Category", r"\.")
check_name(probe_name, "Probe", r"_")
def validate_types(self, definition):
"""This function performs some basic sanity checks on the scalar definition:
- Checks that all the required fields are available.
- Checks that all the fields have the expected types.
:param definition: the dictionary containing the scalar properties.
:raises ParserError: if a scalar definition field is of the wrong type.
:raises ParserError: if a required field is missing or unknown fields are present.
if not self._strict_type_checks:
def validate_notification_email(notification_email):
# Perform simple email validation to make sure it doesn't contain spaces or commas.
return not any(c in notification_email for c in [",", " "])
# The required and optional fields in a scalar type definition.
"bug_numbers": list, # This contains ints. See LIST_FIELDS_CONTENT.
"description": str,
"expires": str,
"kind": str,
"notification_emails": list, # This contains strings. See LIST_FIELDS_CONTENT.
"record_in_processes": list,
"products": list,
"release_channel_collection": str,
"keyed": bool,
"keys": list,
"operating_systems": list,
"record_into_store": list,
# The types for the data within the fields that hold lists.
"bug_numbers": int,
"notification_emails": str,
"record_in_processes": str,
"products": str,
"keys": str,
"operating_systems": str,
"record_into_store": str,
# Concatenate the required and optional field definitions.
# Checks that all the required fields are available.
missing_fields = [f for f in REQUIRED_FIELDS.keys() if f not in definition]
if len(missing_fields) > 0:
+ " - missing required fields: "
+ ", ".join(missing_fields)
+ ".\nSee: {}#required-fields".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Do we have any unknown field?
unknown_fields = [f for f in definition.keys() if f not in ALL_FIELDS]
if len(unknown_fields) > 0:
+ " - unknown fields: "
+ ", ".join(unknown_fields)
+ ".\nSee: {}#required-fields".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Checks the type for all the fields.
wrong_type_names = [
"{} must be {}".format(f, str(ALL_FIELDS[f]))
for f in definition.keys()
if not isinstance(definition[f], ALL_FIELDS[f])
if len(wrong_type_names) > 0:
+ " - "
+ ", ".join(wrong_type_names)
+ ".\nSee: {}#required-fields".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Check that the email addresses doesn't contain spaces or commas
notification_emails = definition.get("notification_emails")
for notification_email in notification_emails:
if not validate_notification_email(notification_email):
+ " - invalid email address: "
+ notification_email
+ ".\nSee: {}".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Check that the lists are not empty and that data in the lists
# have the correct types.
list_fields = [f for f in definition if isinstance(definition[f], list)]
for field in list_fields:
# Check for empty lists.
if len(definition[field]) == 0:
"Field '{}' for probe '{}' must not be empty"
+ ".\nSee: {}#required-fields)"
).format(field, self._name, BASE_DOC_URL)
# Check the type of the list content.
broken_types = [
not isinstance(v, LIST_FIELDS_CONTENT[field]) for v in definition[field]
if any(broken_types):
"Field '{}' for probe '{}' must only contain values of type {}"
".\nSee: {}#the-yaml-definition-file)"
# Check that keys are only added to keyed scalars and that their values are valid
keys = definition.get("keys")
if keys is not None:
if not definition.get("keyed", False):
+ "- invalid field: "
+ "\n`keys` field only valid for keyed histograms"
if len(keys) > MAX_KEY_COUNT:
+ " - exceeding key count: "
+ "\n`keys` values count must not exceed {}".format(MAX_KEY_COUNT)
invalid = list(filter(lambda k: len(k) > MAX_KEY_LENGTH, keys))
if len(invalid) > 0:
+ " - invalid key value"
+ "\n `keys` values are exceeding length {}:".format(MAX_KEY_LENGTH)
+ ", ".join(invalid)
def validate_values(self, definition):
"""This function checks that the fields have the correct values.
:param definition: the dictionary containing the scalar properties.
:raises ParserError: if a scalar definition field contains an unexpected value.
if not self._strict_type_checks:
# Validate the scalar kind.
scalar_kind = definition.get("kind")
if scalar_kind not in SCALAR_TYPES_MAP.keys():
+ " - unknown scalar kind: "
+ scalar_kind
+ ".\nSee: {}".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Validate the collection policy.
collection_policy = definition.get("release_channel_collection", None)
if collection_policy and collection_policy not in ["opt-in", "opt-out"]:
+ " - unknown collection policy: "
+ collection_policy
+ ".\nSee: {}#optional-fields".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Validate operating_systems.
if self._strict_type_checks and "operating_systems" in definition:
f"{self._name} - uses obsolete field 'operating_systems'."
operating_systems = definition.get("operating_systems", [])
for operating_system in operating_systems:
if not utils.is_valid_os(operating_system):
+ " - invalid entry in operating_systems: "
+ operating_system
+ ".\nSee: {}#optional-fields".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Validate record_in_processes.
record_in_processes = definition.get("record_in_processes", [])
for proc in record_in_processes:
if not utils.is_valid_process_name(proc):
+ " - unknown value in record_in_processes: "
+ proc
+ ".\nSee: {}".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Validate product.
products = definition.get("products", [])
for product in products:
if not utils.is_valid_product(product):
+ " - unknown value in products: "
+ product
+ ".\nSee: {}".format(BASE_DOC_URL)
# Validate the expiration version.
# Historical versions of Scalars.json may contain expiration versions
# using the deprecated format 'N.Na1'. Those scripts set
# self._strict_type_checks to false.
expires = definition.get("expires")
if not utils.validate_expiration_version(expires) and self._strict_type_checks:
"{} - invalid expires: {}.\nSee: {}#required-fields".format(
self._name, expires, BASE_DOC_URL
def category(self):
"""Get the category name"""
return self._category_name
def name(self):
"""Get the scalar name"""
return self._name
def label(self):
"""Get the scalar label generated from the scalar and category names."""
return self._category_name + "." + self._name
def enum_label(self):
"""Get the enum label generated from the scalar and category names. This is used to
generate the enum tables."""
# The scalar name can contain informations about its hierarchy (e.g. 'a.b.scalar').
# We can't have dots in C++ enums, replace them with an underscore. Also, make the
# label upper case for consistency with the histogram enums.
return self.label.replace(".", "_").upper()
def bug_numbers(self):
"""Get the list of related bug numbers"""
return self._definition["bug_numbers"]
def description(self):
"""Get the scalar description"""
return self._definition["description"]
def expires(self):
"""Get the scalar expiration"""
return self._expires
def kind(self):
"""Get the scalar kind"""
return self._definition["kind"]
def keys(self):
"""Get the allowed keys for this scalar or [] if there aren't any'"""
return self._definition.get("keys", [])
def keyed(self):
"""Boolean indicating whether this is a keyed scalar"""
return self._definition.get("keyed", False)
def nsITelemetry_kind(self):
"""Get the scalar kind constant defined in nsITelemetry"""
return SCALAR_TYPES_MAP.get(self.kind)
def notification_emails(self):
"""Get the list of notification emails"""
return self._definition["notification_emails"]
def record_in_processes(self):
"""Get the non-empty list of processes to record data in"""
# Before we added content process support in bug 1278556, we only recorded in the
# main process.
return self._definition.get("record_in_processes", ["main"])
def record_in_processes_enum(self):
"""Get the non-empty list of flags representing the processes to record data in"""
return [utils.process_name_to_enum(p) for p in self.record_in_processes]
def products(self):
"""Get the non-empty list of products to record data on"""
return self._definition.get("products")
def products_enum(self):
"""Get the non-empty list of flags representing products to record data on"""
return [utils.product_name_to_enum(p) for p in self.products]
def dataset(self):
"""Get the nsITelemetry constant equivalent to the chosen release channel collection
policy for the scalar.
rcc = self.dataset_short
table = {
return "nsITelemetry::" + table[rcc]
def dataset_short(self):
"""Get the short name of the chosen release channel collection policy for the scalar."""
# The collection policy is optional, but we still define a default
# behaviour for it.
return self._definition.get("release_channel_collection", "opt-in")
def operating_systems(self):
"""Get the list of operating systems to record data on"""
return self._definition.get("operating_systems", ["all"])
def record_on_os(self, target_os):
"""Check if this probe should be recorded on the passed os."""
os = self.operating_systems
if "all" in os:
return True
canonical_os = utils.canonical_os(target_os)
if "unix" in os and canonical_os in utils.UNIX_LIKE_OS:
return True
return canonical_os in os
def record_into_store(self):
"""Get the list of stores this probe should be recorded into"""
return self._definition.get("record_into_store", ["main"])
def load_scalars(filename, strict_type_checks=True):
"""Parses a YAML file containing the scalar definition.
:param filename: the YAML file containing the scalars definition.
:raises ParserError: if the scalar file cannot be opened or parsed.
# Parse the scalar definitions from the YAML file.
scalars = None
with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
scalars = yaml.safe_load(f)
except IOError as e:
ParserError("Error opening " + filename + ": " + str(e)).handle_now()
except ValueError as e:
"Error parsing scalars in {}: {}"
".\nSee: {}".format(filename, e, BASE_DOC_URL)
scalar_list = []
# Scalars are defined in a fixed two-level hierarchy within the definition file.
# The first level contains the category name, while the second level contains the
# probe name (e.g. " probe: ...").
for category_name in sorted(scalars):
category = scalars[category_name]
# Make sure that the category has at least one probe in it.
if not category or len(category) == 0:
'Category "{}" must have at least one probe in it'
".\nSee: {}".format(category_name, BASE_DOC_URL)
for probe_name in sorted(category):
# We found a scalar type. Go ahead and parse it.
scalar_info = category[probe_name]
ScalarType(category_name, probe_name, scalar_info, strict_type_checks)
return scalar_list