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/* vim: sw=2 ts=2 et lcs=trail\:.,tab\:>~ :
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_places_SQLFunctions_h_
#define mozilla_places_SQLFunctions_h_
* This file contains functions that Places adds to the database handle that can
* be accessed by SQL queries.
* Keep the GUID-related parts of this file in sync with
* toolkit/downloads/SQLFunctions.[h|cpp]!
#include "mozIStorageFunction.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
class mozIStorageConnection;
namespace mozilla {
namespace places {
//// AutoComplete Matching Function
* This function is used to determine if a given set of data should match an
* AutoComplete query.
* In SQL, you'd use it in the WHERE clause like so:
* WHERE AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(aSearchString, aURL, aTitle, aTags, aVisitCount,
* aTyped, aBookmark, aOpenPageCount, aMatchBehavior,
* aSearchBehavior, aFallbackTitle)
* @param aSearchString
* The string to compare against.
* @param aURL
* The URL to test for an AutoComplete match.
* @param aTitle
* The title to test for an AutoComplete match.
* @param aTags
* The tags to test for an AutoComplete match.
* @param aVisitCount
* The number of visits aURL has.
* @param aTyped
* Indicates if aURL is a typed URL or not. Treated as a boolean.
* @param aBookmark
* Indicates if aURL is a bookmark or not. Treated as a boolean.
* @param aOpenPageCount
* The number of times aURL has been registered as being open. (See
* UrlbarProviderOpenTabs::registerOpenTab.)
* @param aMatchBehavior
* The match behavior to use for this search.
* @param aSearchBehavior
* A bitfield dictating the search behavior.
* @param aFallbackTitle
* The title may come from a bookmark or a snapshot, in that case the
* caller can provide the original history title to match on both.
class MatchAutoCompleteFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~MatchAutoCompleteFunction() = default;
* IntegerVariants for 0 and 1 are frequently used in awesomebar queries,
* so we cache them to avoid allocating memory repeatedly.
nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> mCachedZero;
nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> mCachedOne;
* Argument Indexes
static const uint32_t kArgSearchString = 0;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexURL = 1;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexTitle = 2;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexTags = 3;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexVisitCount = 4;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexTyped = 5;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexBookmark = 6;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexOpenPageCount = 7;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexMatchBehavior = 8;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexSearchBehavior = 9;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexFallbackTitle = 10;
static const uint32_t kArgIndexLength = 11;
* Typedefs
typedef bool (*searchFunctionPtr)(const nsDependentCSubstring& aToken,
const nsACString& aSourceString);
typedef nsACString::const_char_iterator const_char_iterator;
* Obtains the search function to match on.
* @param aBehavior
* The matching behavior to use defined by one of the
* mozIPlacesAutoComplete::MATCH_* values.
* @return a pointer to the function that will perform the proper search.
static searchFunctionPtr getSearchFunction(int32_t aBehavior);
* Tests if aSourceString starts with aToken.
* @param aToken
* The string to search for.
* @param aSourceString
* The string to search.
* @return true if found, false otherwise.
static bool findBeginning(const nsDependentCSubstring& aToken,
const nsACString& aSourceString);
* Tests if aSourceString starts with aToken in a case sensitive way.
* @param aToken
* The string to search for.
* @param aSourceString
* The string to search.
* @return true if found, false otherwise.
static bool findBeginningCaseSensitive(const nsDependentCSubstring& aToken,
const nsACString& aSourceString);
* Searches aSourceString for aToken anywhere in the string in a case-
* insensitive way.
* @param aToken
* The string to search for.
* @param aSourceString
* The string to search.
* @return true if found, false otherwise.
static bool findAnywhere(const nsDependentCSubstring& aToken,
const nsACString& aSourceString);
* Tests if aToken is found on a word boundary in aSourceString.
* @param aToken
* The string to search for.
* @param aSourceString
* The string to search.
* @return true if found, false otherwise.
static bool findOnBoundary(const nsDependentCSubstring& aToken,
const nsACString& aSourceString);
* Fixes a URI's spec such that it is ready to be searched. This includes
* unescaping escaped characters and removing certain specs that we do not
* care to search for.
* @param aURISpec
* The spec of the URI to prepare for searching.
* @param aMatchBehavior
* The matching behavior to use defined by one of the
* mozIPlacesAutoComplete::MATCH_* values.
* @param aSpecBuf
* A string buffer that the returned slice can point into, if needed.
* @return the fixed up string.
static nsDependentCSubstring fixupURISpec(const nsACString& aURISpec,
int32_t aMatchBehavior,
nsACString& aSpecBuf);
//// Frecency Calculation Function
* This function is used to calculate frecency for a page.
* In SQL, you'd use it in when setting frecency like:
* SET frecency = CALCULATE_FRECENCY(place_id).
* Optional parameters must be passed in if the page is not yet in the database,
* otherwise they will be fetched from it automatically.
* @param {int64_t} pageId
* The id of the page. Pass -1 if the page is being added right now.
* @param [optional] {int32_t} useRedirectBonus
* Whether we should use the lower redirect bonus for the most recent
* page visit. If not passed in, it will use a database guess.
class CalculateFrecencyFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~CalculateFrecencyFunction() = default;
//// Alternative Frecency Calculation Function
* This function is used to calculate alternative frecency for a page.
* In SQL, you'd use it in when setting frecency like:
* SET alt_frecency = CALCULATE_ALT_FRECENCY(place_id).
* Optional parameters must be passed in if the page is not yet in the database,
* otherwise they will be fetched from it automatically.
* @param {int64_t} pageId
* The id of the page. Pass -1 if the page is being added right now.
* @param {int32_t} [useRedirectBonus]
* Whether we should use the lower redirect bonus for the most recent
* page visit. If not passed in, it will use a database guess.
class CalculateAltFrecencyFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~CalculateAltFrecencyFunction() = default;
* SQL function to generate a GUID for a place or bookmark item. This is just
* a wrapper around GenerateGUID in Helpers.h.
* @return a guid for the item.
class GenerateGUIDFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~GenerateGUIDFunction() = default;
* SQL function to check if a GUID is valid. This is just a wrapper around
* IsValidGUID in Helpers.h.
* @return true if valid, false otherwise.
class IsValidGUIDFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~IsValidGUIDFunction() = default;
* SQL function to unreverse the rev_host of a page.
* @param rev_host
* The rev_host value of the page.
* @return the unreversed host of the page.
class GetUnreversedHostFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~GetUnreversedHostFunction() = default;
//// Fixup URL Function
* Make a given URL more suitable for searches, by removing common prefixes
* such as "www."
* @param url
* A URL.
* @return
* The same URL, with redundant parts removed.
class FixupURLFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~FixupURLFunction() = default;
//// Store Last Inserted Id Function
* Store the last inserted id for reference purpose.
* @param tableName
* The table name.
* @param id
* The last inserted id.
* @return null
class StoreLastInsertedIdFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~StoreLastInsertedIdFunction() = default;
//// Hash Function
* Calculates hash for a given string using the mfbt AddToHash function.
* @param string
* A string.
* @return
* The hash for the string.
class HashFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~HashFunction() = default;
//// SHA256Hex Function
* Calculates SHA256 hash for a given string in hex format.
* @param string
* A string.
* @return
* The hash for the string.
class SHA256HexFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~SHA256HexFunction() = default;
//// Get Query Param Function
* Extracts and returns the value of a parameter from a query string.
* @param string
* A string.
* @return
* The value of the query parameter as a string, or NULL if not set.
class GetQueryParamFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~GetQueryParamFunction() = default;
//// Get prefix function
* Gets the length of the prefix in a URL. "Prefix" is defined to be the
* scheme, colon, and, if present, two slashes.
* @param url
* A URL, or a string that may be a URL.
* @return
* If `url` is actually a URL and has a prefix, then this returns the
* prefix. Otherwise this returns an empty string.
class GetPrefixFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~GetPrefixFunction() = default;
//// Get host and port function
* Gets the host and port substring of a URL.
* @param url
* A URL, or a string that may be a URL.
* @return
* If `url` is actually a URL, or if it's a URL without the prefix, then
* this returns the host and port substring of the URL. Otherwise, this
* returns `url` itself.
class GetHostAndPortFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~GetHostAndPortFunction() = default;
//// Strip prefix function
* Gets the part of a URL after its prefix and userinfo; i.e., the substring
* starting at the host.
* @param url
* A URL, or a string that may be a URL.
* @return
* If `url` is actually a URL, or if it's a URL without the prefix, then
* this returns the substring starting at the host. Otherwise, this
* returns `url` itself.
class StripPrefixAndUserinfoFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~StripPrefixAndUserinfoFunction() = default;
//// Is frecency decaying function
* Returns nsNavHistory::IsFrecencyDecaying().
* @return
* True if frecency is currently decaying and false otherwise.
class IsFrecencyDecayingFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~IsFrecencyDecayingFunction() = default;
//// Should start frecency recalculation function
* sets nsNavHistory::sShouldStartFrecencyRecalculation to true.
* @returns {boolean} true
class SetShouldStartFrecencyRecalculationFunction final
: public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~SetShouldStartFrecencyRecalculationFunction() = default;
//// Note Sync Change Function
* Bumps the global Sync change counter. See the comment above
* `totalSyncChanges` in `nsINavBookmarksService` for a more detailed
* explanation.
class NoteSyncChangeFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~NoteSyncChangeFunction() = default;
//// Invalidate days of history Function
* Invalidate the days of history in nsNavHistory.
class InvalidateDaysOfHistoryFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~InvalidateDaysOfHistoryFunction() = default;
//// Target folder guid from places query Function
* Target folder guid from places query.
class TargetFolderGuidFunction final : public mozIStorageFunction {
* Registers the function with the specified database connection.
* @param aDBConn
* The database connection to register with.
static nsresult create(mozIStorageConnection* aDBConn);
~TargetFolderGuidFunction() = default;
} // namespace places
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_places_SQLFunctions_h_