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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
* Asynchronous API for managing history.
* The API makes use of `PageInfo` and `VisitInfo` objects, defined as follows.
* A `PageInfo` object is any object that contains A SUBSET of the
* following properties:
* - guid: (string)
* The globally unique id of the page.
* - url: (URL)
* or (nsIURI)
* or (string)
* The full URI of the page. Note that `PageInfo` values passed as
* argument may hold `nsIURI` or `string` values for property `url`,
* but `PageInfo` objects returned by this module always hold `URL`
* values.
* - title: (string)
* The title associated with the page, if any.
* - description: (string)
* The description of the page, if any.
* - previewImageURL: (URL)
* or (nsIURI)
* or (string)
* The preview image URL of the page, if any.
* - frecency: (number)
* The frecency of the page, if any.
* Note that this property may not be used to change the actualy frecency
* score of a page, only to retrieve it. In other words, any `frecency` field
* passed as argument to a function of this API will be ignored.
* - visits: (Array<VisitInfo>)
* All the visits for this page, if any.
* - annotations: (Map)
* A map containing key/value pairs of the annotations for this page, if any.
* See the documentation of individual methods to find out which properties
* are required for `PageInfo` arguments or returned for `PageInfo` results.
* A `VisitInfo` object is any object that contains A SUBSET of the following
* properties:
* - date: (Date)
* The time the visit occurred.
* - transition: (number)
* How the user reached the page. See constants `TRANSITIONS.*`
* for the possible transition types.
* - referrer: (URL)
* or (nsIURI)
* or (string)
* The referring URI of this visit. Note that `VisitInfo` passed
* as argument may hold `nsIURI` or `string` values for property `referrer`,
* but `VisitInfo` objects returned by this module always hold `URL`
* values.
* See the documentation of individual methods to find out which properties
* are required for `VisitInfo` arguments or returned for `VisitInfo` results.
* Each successful operation notifies through the PlacesObservers. To listen to such
* notifications you must register using
* PlacesObservers `addListener` and `removeListener` methods.
* @see PlacesObservers
import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs",
* Whenever we update numerous pages, it is preferable to yield time to the main
* thread every so often to avoid janking.
* These constants determine the maximal number of notifications we
* may emit before we yield.
// This constant determines the maximum number of remove pages before we cycle.
export var History = Object.freeze({
// Constants for the type of annotation.
* Fetch the available information for one page.
* @param {URL|nsIURI|string} guidOrURI: (string) or (URL, nsIURI or href)
* Either the full URI of the page or the GUID of the page.
* @param {object} [options]
* An optional object whose properties describe options:
* - `includeVisits` (boolean) set this to true if `visits` in the
* PageInfo needs to contain VisitInfo in a reverse chronological order.
* By default, `visits` is undefined inside the returned `PageInfo`.
* - `includeMeta` (boolean) set this to true to fetch page meta fields,
* i.e. `description`, `site_name` and `preview_image_url`.
* - `includeAnnotations` (boolean) set this to true to fetch any
* annotations that are associated with the page.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolves (PageInfo | null) If the page could be found, the information
* on that page.
* @note the VisitInfo objects returned while fetching visits do not
* contain the property `referrer`.
* TODO: Add `referrer` to VisitInfo. See Bug #1365913.
* @note the visits returned will not contain `TRANSITION_EMBED` visits.
* @throws (Error)
* If `guidOrURI` does not have the expected type or if it is a string
* that may be parsed neither as a valid URL nor as a valid GUID.
fetch(guidOrURI, options = {}) {
// First, normalize to guid or string, and throw if not possible
guidOrURI = lazy.PlacesUtils.normalizeToURLOrGUID(guidOrURI);
// See if options exists and make sense
if (!options || typeof options !== "object") {
throw new TypeError("options should be an object and not null");
let hasIncludeVisits = "includeVisits" in options;
if (hasIncludeVisits && typeof options.includeVisits !== "boolean") {
throw new TypeError("includeVisits should be a boolean if exists");
let hasIncludeMeta = "includeMeta" in options;
if (hasIncludeMeta && typeof options.includeMeta !== "boolean") {
throw new TypeError("includeMeta should be a boolean if exists");
let hasIncludeAnnotations = "includeAnnotations" in options;
if (
hasIncludeAnnotations &&
typeof options.includeAnnotations !== "boolean"
) {
throw new TypeError("includeAnnotations should be a boolean if exists");
return lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection().then(db =>
fetch(db, guidOrURI, options)
* Fetches all pages which have one or more of the specified annotations.
* @param annotations: An array of strings containing the annotation names to
* find.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolves (Map)
* A Map containing the annotations, pages and their contents, e.g.
* Map("anno1" => [{page, content}, {page, content}]), "anno2" => ....);
* @rejects (Error) XXX
* Rejects if the insert was unsuccessful.
fetchAnnotatedPages(annotations) {
// See if options exists and make sense
if (!annotations || !Array.isArray(annotations)) {
throw new TypeError("annotations should be an Array and not null");
if (annotations.some(name => typeof name !== "string")) {
throw new TypeError("all annotation values should be strings");
return lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection().then(db =>
fetchAnnotatedPages(db, annotations)
* Fetch multiple pages.
* @param {string[]|nsIURI[]|URL[]} guidOrURIs: Array of href or URLs to fetch.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolves {Map<string, string>} Map of PageInfos, keyed by the input info,
* either guid or href. We don't use nsIURI or URL as keys to avoid
* complexity, in all the cases the caller knows which objects is handling,
* and can unwrap them. Unknown input pages will have no entry in the Map.
* @throws (Error)
* If input is invalid, for example not a valid GUID or URL.
fetchMany(guidOrURIs) {
if (!Array.isArray(guidOrURIs)) {
throw new TypeError("Input is not an array");
// First, normalize to guid or URL, throw if not possible
guidOrURIs = => lazy.PlacesUtils.normalizeToURLOrGUID(v));
return lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection().then(db =>
fetchMany(db, guidOrURIs)
* Adds a number of visits for a single page.
* Any change may be observed through PlacesObservers.
* @param pageInfo: (PageInfo)
* Information on a page. This `PageInfo` MUST contain
* - a property `url`, as specified by the definition of `PageInfo`.
* - a property `visits`, as specified by the definition of
* `PageInfo`, which MUST contain at least one visit.
* If a property `title` is provided, the title of the page
* is updated.
* If the `date` of a visit is not provided, it defaults
* to now.
* If the `transition` of a visit is not provided, it defaults to
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolves (PageInfo)
* A PageInfo object populated with data after the insert is complete.
* @rejects (Error)
* Rejects if the insert was unsuccessful.
* @throws (Error)
* If the `url` specified was for a protocol that should not be
* stored (@see nsNavHistory::CanAddURI).
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has an unexpected type.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` does not have a `url`.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` does not have a `visits` property or if the
* value of `visits` is ill-typed or is an empty array.
* @throws (Error)
* If an element of `visits` has an invalid `date`.
* @throws (Error)
* If an element of `visits` has an invalid `transition`.
insert(pageInfo) {
let info = lazy.PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo(pageInfo);
return lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: insert",
db => insert(db, info)
* Adds a number of visits for a number of pages.
* Any change may be observed through PlacesObservers.
* @param pageInfos: (Array<PageInfo>)
* Information on a page. This `PageInfo` MUST contain
* - a property `url`, as specified by the definition of `PageInfo`.
* - a property `visits`, as specified by the definition of
* `PageInfo`, which MUST contain at least one visit.
* If a property `title` is provided, the title of the page
* is updated.
* If the `date` of a visit is not provided, it defaults
* to now.
* If the `transition` of a visit is not provided, it defaults to
* @param onResult: (function(PageInfo))
* A callback invoked for each page inserted.
* @param onError: (function(PageInfo))
* A callback invoked for each page which generated an error
* when an insert was attempted.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolves (null)
* @rejects (Error)
* Rejects if all of the inserts were unsuccessful.
* @throws (Error)
* If the `url` specified was for a protocol that should not be
* stored (@see nsNavHistory::CanAddURI).
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfos` has an unexpected type.
* @throws (Error)
* If a `pageInfo` does not have a `url`.
* @throws (Error)
* If a `PageInfo` does not have a `visits` property or if the
* value of `visits` is ill-typed or is an empty array.
* @throws (Error)
* If an element of `visits` has an invalid `date`.
* @throws (Error)
* If an element of `visits` has an invalid `transition`.
insertMany(pageInfos, onResult, onError) {
let infos = [];
if (!Array.isArray(pageInfos)) {
throw new TypeError("pageInfos must be an array");
if (!pageInfos.length) {
throw new TypeError("pageInfos may not be an empty array");
if (onResult && typeof onResult != "function") {
throw new TypeError(`onResult: ${onResult} is not a valid function`);
if (onError && typeof onError != "function") {
throw new TypeError(`onError: ${onError} is not a valid function`);
for (let pageInfo of pageInfos) {
let info = lazy.PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo(pageInfo);
return lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: insertMany",
db => insertMany(db, infos, onResult, onError)
* Remove pages from the database.
* Any change may be observed through PlacesObservers.
* @param page: (URL or nsIURI)
* The full URI of the page.
* or (string)
* Either the full URI of the page or the GUID of the page.
* or (Array<URL|nsIURI|string>)
* An array of the above, to batch requests.
* @param onResult: (function(PageInfo))
* A callback invoked for each page found.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolve (bool)
* `true` if at least one page was removed, `false` otherwise.
* @throws (TypeError)
* If `pages` has an unexpected type or if a string provided
* is neither a valid GUID nor a valid URI or if `pages`
* is an empty array.
remove(pages, onResult = null) {
// Normalize and type-check arguments
if (Array.isArray(pages)) {
if (!pages.length) {
throw new TypeError("Expected at least one page");
} else {
pages = [pages];
let guids = [];
let urls = [];
for (let page of pages) {
// Normalize to URL or GUID, or throw if `page` cannot
// be normalized.
let normalized = lazy.PlacesUtils.normalizeToURLOrGUID(page);
if (typeof normalized === "string") {
} else {
// At this stage, we know that either `guids` is not-empty
// or `urls` is not-empty.
if (onResult && typeof onResult != "function") {
throw new TypeError("Invalid function: " + onResult);
return (async function () {
let removedPages = false;
let count = 0;
while (guids.length || urls.length) {
if (count && count % 2 == 0) {
// Every few cycles, yield time back to the main
// thread to avoid jank.
await Promise.resolve();
let guidsSlice = guids.splice(0, REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN);
let urlsSlice = [];
if (guidsSlice.length < REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN) {
urlsSlice = urls.splice(0, REMOVE_PAGES_CHUNKLEN - guidsSlice.length);
let pages = { guids: guidsSlice, urls: urlsSlice };
let result = await lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: remove",
db => remove(db, pages, onResult)
removedPages = removedPages || result;
return removedPages;
* Remove visits matching specific characteristics.
* Any change may be observed through PlacesObservers.
* @param filter: (object)
* The `object` may contain some of the following
* properties:
* - beginDate: (Date) Remove visits that have
* been added since this date (inclusive).
* - endDate: (Date) Remove visits that have
* been added before this date (inclusive).
* - limit: (Number) Limit the number of visits
* we remove to this number
* - url: (URL) Only remove visits to this URL
* - transition: (Integer)
* The type of the transition (see TRANSITIONS below)
* If both `beginDate` and `endDate` are specified,
* visits between `beginDate` (inclusive) and `end`
* (inclusive) are removed.
* @param onResult: (function(VisitInfo), [optional])
* A callback invoked for each visit found and removed.
* Note that the referrer property of `VisitInfo`
* is NOT populated.
* @return (Promise)
* @resolve (bool)
* `true` if at least one visit was removed, `false`
* otherwise.
* @throws (TypeError)
* If `filter` does not have the expected type, in
* particular if the `object` is empty.
removeVisitsByFilter(filter, onResult = null) {
if (!filter || typeof filter != "object") {
throw new TypeError("Expected a filter");
let hasBeginDate = "beginDate" in filter;
let hasEndDate = "endDate" in filter;
let hasURL = "url" in filter;
let hasLimit = "limit" in filter;
let hasTransition = "transition" in filter;
if (hasBeginDate) {
if (hasEndDate) {
if (hasBeginDate && hasEndDate && filter.beginDate > filter.endDate) {
throw new TypeError("`beginDate` should be at least as old as `endDate`");
if (hasTransition && !this.isValidTransition(filter.transition)) {
throw new TypeError("`transition` should be valid");
if (
!hasBeginDate &&
!hasEndDate &&
!hasURL &&
!hasLimit &&
) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a non-empty filter");
if (
hasURL &&
!URL.isInstance(filter.url) &&
typeof filter.url != "string" &&
!(filter.url instanceof Ci.nsIURI)
) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a valid URL for `url`");
if (
hasLimit &&
(typeof filter.limit != "number" ||
filter.limit <= 0 ||
) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a non-zero positive integer as a limit");
if (onResult && typeof onResult != "function") {
throw new TypeError("Invalid function: " + onResult);
return lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: removeVisitsByFilter",
db => removeVisitsByFilter(db, filter, onResult)
* Remove pages from the database based on a filter.
* Any change may be observed through PlacesObservers
* @param filter: An object containing a non empty subset of the following
* properties:
* - host: (string)
* Hostname with or without subhost. Examples:
* "" removes pages from but not its subdomains
* "" removes pages from and its subdomains
* "." removes local files
* - beginDate: (Date)
* The first time the page was visited (inclusive)
* - endDate: (Date)
* The last time the page was visited (inclusive)
* @param [optional] onResult: (function(PageInfo))
* A callback invoked for each page found.
* @note This removes pages with at least one visit inside the timeframe.
* Any visits outside the timeframe will also be removed with the page.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolve (bool)
* `true` if at least one page was removed, `false` otherwise.
* @throws (TypeError)
* if `filter` does not have the expected type, in particular
* if the `object` is empty, or its components do not satisfy the
* criteria given above
removeByFilter(filter, onResult) {
if (!filter || typeof filter !== "object") {
throw new TypeError("Expected a filter object");
let hasHost =;
if (hasHost) {
if (typeof !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("`host` should be a string");
} =;
if ( > 1 &&".") == 0) {
// The input contains only an initial period, thus it may be a
// wildcarded local host, like ".localhost". Ideally the consumer should
// pass just "localhost", because there is no concept of subhosts for
// it, but we are being more lenient to allow for simpler input.
// Anyway, in this case we remove the wildcard to avoid clearing too
// much if the consumer wrongly passes in things like ".com". =;
let hasBeginDate = "beginDate" in filter;
if (hasBeginDate) {
let hasEndDate = "endDate" in filter;
if (hasEndDate) {
if (hasBeginDate && hasEndDate && filter.beginDate > filter.endDate) {
throw new TypeError("`beginDate` should be at least as old as `endDate`");
if (!hasBeginDate && !hasEndDate && !hasHost) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a non-empty filter");
// Check the host format.
// Either it has no dots, or has multiple dots, or it's a single dot char.
if (
hasHost &&
(!/^(\.?([.a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9-]+)?|[a-z0-9-]+)\.?$/.test( ||".."))
) {
throw new TypeError(
"Expected well formed hostname string for `host` with atmost 1 wildcard."
if (onResult && typeof onResult != "function") {
throw new TypeError("Invalid function: " + onResult);
return lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: removeByFilter",
db => removeByFilter(db, filter, onResult)
* Determine if a page has been visited.
* @param guidOrURI: (string) or (URL, nsIURI or href)
* Either the full URI of the page or the GUID of the page.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
* @resolve (bool)
* `true` if the page has been visited, `false` otherwise.
* @throws (Error)
* If `guidOrURI` has an unexpected type or if a string provided
* is neither not a valid GUID nor a valid URI.
hasVisits(guidOrURI) {
// Quick fallback to the cpp version.
if (guidOrURI instanceof Ci.nsIURI) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
lazy.asyncHistory.isURIVisited(guidOrURI, (aURI, aIsVisited) => {
guidOrURI = lazy.PlacesUtils.normalizeToURLOrGUID(guidOrURI);
let isGuid = typeof guidOrURI == "string";
let sqlFragment = isGuid
? "guid = :val"
: "url_hash = hash(:val) AND url = :val ";
return lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection().then(async db => {
let rows = await db.executeCached(
`SELECT 1 FROM moz_places
WHERE ${sqlFragment}
AND last_visit_date NOTNULL`,
{ val: isGuid ? guidOrURI : guidOrURI.href }
return !!rows.length;
* Clear all history.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the operation is complete.
clear() {
return lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: clear",
* Is a value a valid transition type?
* @param transition: (String)
* @return (Boolean)
isValidTransition(transition) {
return Object.values(History.TRANSITIONS).includes(transition);
* Throw if an object is not a Date object.
ensureDate(arg) {
if (
!arg ||
typeof arg != "object" || != "Date" ||
) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a valid Date, got " + arg);
* Update information for a page.
* Currently, it supports updating the description, preview image URL and annotations
* for a page, any other fields will be ignored.
* Note that this function will ignore the update if the target page has not
* yet been stored in the database. `History.fetch` could be used to check
* whether the page and its meta information exist or not. Beware that
* fetch&update might fail as they are not executed in a single transaction.
* @param pageInfo: (PageInfo)
* pageInfo must contain a URL of the target page. It will be ignored
* if a valid page `guid` is also provided.
* If a property `description` is provided, the description of the
* page is updated. Note that:
* 1). An empty string or null `description` will clear the existing
* value in the database.
* 2). Descriptions longer than DB_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_MAX will be
* truncated.
* If a property `siteName` is provided, the site name of the
* page is updated. Note that:
* 1). An empty string or null `siteName` will clear the existing
* value in the database.
* 2). Descriptions longer than DB_SITENAME_LENGTH_MAX will be
* truncated.
* If a property `previewImageURL` is provided, the preview image
* URL of the page is updated. Note that:
* 1). A null `previewImageURL` will clear the existing value in the
* database.
* 2). It throws if its length is greater than DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX
* defined in PlacesUtils.sys.mjs.
* If a property `annotations` is provided, the annotations will be
* updated. Note that:
* 1). It should be a Map containing key/value pairs to be updated.
* 2). If the value is falsy, the annotation will be removed.
* 3). If the value is non-falsy, the annotation will be added or updated.
* For `annotations` the keys must all be strings, the values should be
* Boolean, Number or Strings. null and undefined are supported as falsy values.
* @return (Promise)
* A promise resolved once the update is complete.
* @rejects (Error)
* Rejects if the update was unsuccessful.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has an unexpected type.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has an invalid `url` or an invalid `guid`.
* @throws (Error)
* If `pageInfo` has neither `description` nor `previewImageURL`.
* @throws (Error)
* If the length of `pageInfo.previewImageURL` is greater than
* DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX defined in PlacesUtils.sys.mjs.
update(pageInfo) {
let info = lazy.PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo(pageInfo, false);
if (
info.description === undefined &&
info.siteName === undefined &&
info.previewImageURL === undefined &&
info.annotations === undefined
) {
throw new TypeError(
"pageInfo object must at least have either a description, siteName, previewImageURL or annotations property."
return lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper(
"History.sys.mjs: update",
db => update(db, info)
* Possible values for the `transition` property of `VisitInfo`
* objects.
* The user followed a link and got a new toplevel window.
LINK: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK,
* The user typed the page's URL in the URL bar or selected it from
* URL bar autocomplete results, clicked on it from a history query
* (from the History sidebar, History menu, or history query in the
* personal toolbar or Places organizer.
* The user followed a bookmark to get to the page.
* Some inner content is loaded. This is true of all images on a
* page, and the contents of the iframe. It is also true of any
* content in a frame if the user did not explicitly follow a link
* to get there.
* Set when the transition was a permanent redirect.
* Set when the transition was a temporary redirect.
* Set when the transition is a download.
* The user followed a link and got a visit in a frame.
* The user reloaded a page.
* Convert a PageInfo object into the format expected by updatePlaces.
* Note: this assumes that the PageInfo object has already been validated
* via PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo.
* @param pageInfo: (PageInfo)
* @return (info)
function convertForUpdatePlaces(pageInfo) {
let info = {
guid: pageInfo.guid,
uri: lazy.PlacesUtils.toURI(pageInfo.url),
title: pageInfo.title,
visits: [],
for (let inVisit of pageInfo.visits) {
let visit = {
visitDate: lazy.PlacesUtils.toPRTime(,
transitionType: inVisit.transition,
referrerURI: inVisit.referrer
? lazy.PlacesUtils.toURI(inVisit.referrer)
: undefined,
return info;
// Inner implementation of History.clear().
var clear = async function (db) {
await db.executeTransaction(async function () {
// Since all metadata must be removed, remove it before pages, to save on
// foreign key delete cascading.
await db.execute("DELETE FROM moz_places_metadata");
// Remove all non-bookmarked places entries first, this will speed up the
// triggers work.
await db.execute(`DELETE FROM moz_places WHERE foreign_count = 0`);
await db.execute(`DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsdelete_temp`);
// Expire orphan icons.
await db.executeCached(`DELETE FROM moz_pages_w_icons
WHERE page_url_hash NOT IN (SELECT url_hash FROM moz_places)`);
await removeOrphanIcons(db);
// Expire annotations.
await db.execute(`DELETE FROM moz_annos WHERE NOT EXISTS (
SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE id = place_id
// Expire inputhistory.
await db.execute(`DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE place_id IN (
SELECT i.place_id FROM moz_inputhistory i
LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON = i.place_id
// Remove all history.
await db.execute("DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits");
PlacesObservers.notifyListeners([new PlacesHistoryCleared()]);
* Clean up pages whose history has been modified, by either
* removing them entirely (if they are marked for removal,
* typically because all visits have been removed and there
* are no more foreign keys such as bookmarks) or updating
* their frecency (otherwise).
* @param db: (Sqlite connection)
* The database.
* @param pages: (Array of objects)
* Pages that have been touched and that need cleaning up.
* Each object should have the following properties:
* - id: (number) The `moz_places` identifier for the place.
* - hasVisits: (boolean) If `true`, there remains at least one
* visit to this page, so the page should be kept and its
* frecency updated.
* - hasForeign: (boolean) If `true`, the page has at least
* one foreign reference (i.e. a bookmark), so the page should
* be kept and its frecency updated.
* @return (Promise)
var cleanupPages = async function (db, pages) {
let pagesToRemove = pages.filter(p => !p.hasForeign && !p.hasVisits);
if (!pagesToRemove.length) {
// Note, we are already in a transaction, since callers create it.
// Check relations regardless, to avoid creating orphans in case of
// async race conditions.
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(
)) {
let idsToRemove = =>;
await db.execute(
`DELETE FROM moz_places
WHERE id IN ( ${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(idsToRemove)} )
AND foreign_count = 0 AND last_visit_date ISNULL`,
// Expire orphans.
let hashesToRemove = => p.hash);
await db.executeCached(
`DELETE FROM moz_pages_w_icons
WHERE page_url_hash IN (${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(
await db.execute(
`DELETE FROM moz_annos
WHERE place_id IN ( ${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(
)} )`,
await db.execute(
`DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory
WHERE place_id IN ( ${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(
)} )`,
// Hosts accumulated during the places delete are updated through a trigger
// (see nsPlacesTriggers.h).
await db.executeCached(`DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsdelete_temp`);
await removeOrphanIcons(db);
* Remove icons whose origin is not in moz_origins, unless referenced.
* @param db: (Sqlite connection)
* The database.
function removeOrphanIcons(db) {
return db.executeCached(`
DELETE FROM moz_icons WHERE id IN (
SELECT id FROM moz_icons WHERE root = 0
SELECT id FROM moz_icons
WHERE root = 1
AND get_host_and_port(icon_url) NOT IN (SELECT host FROM moz_origins)
AND fixup_url(get_host_and_port(icon_url)) NOT IN (SELECT host FROM moz_origins)
SELECT icon_id FROM moz_icons_to_pages
* Notify observers that pages have been removed/updated.
* @param db: (Sqlite connection)
* The database.
* @param pages: (Array of objects)
* Pages that have been touched and that need cleaning up.
* Each object should have the following properties:
* - id: (number) The `moz_places` identifier for the place.
* - hasVisits: (boolean) If `true`, there remains at least one
* visit to this page, so the page should be kept and its
* frecency updated.
* - hasForeign: (boolean) If `true`, the page has at least
* one foreign reference (i.e. a bookmark), so the page should
* be kept and its frecency updated.
* @param transitionType: (Number)
* Set to a valid TRANSITIONS value to indicate all transitions of a
* certain type have been removed, otherwise defaults to 0 (unknown value).
* @return (Promise)
var notifyCleanup = async function (db, pages, transitionType = 0) {
const notifications = [];
for (let page of pages) {
const isRemovedFromStore = !page.hasVisits && !page.hasForeign;
new PlacesVisitRemoved({
url: page.url.href,
pageGuid: page.guid,
reason: PlacesVisitRemoved.REASON_DELETED,
isPartialVisistsRemoval: !isRemovedFromStore && page.hasVisits > 0,
* Notify an `onResult` callback of a set of operations
* that just took place.
* @param data: (Array)
* The data to send to the callback.
* @param onResult: (function [optional])
* If provided, call `onResult` with `data[0]`, `data[1]`, etc.
* Otherwise, do nothing.
var notifyOnResult = async function (data, onResult) {
if (!onResult) {
let notifiedCount = 0;
for (let info of data) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Errors should be reported but should not stop the operation.
if (++notifiedCount % ONRESULT_CHUNK_SIZE == 0) {
// Every few notifications, yield time back to the main
// thread to avoid jank.
await Promise.resolve();
// Inner implementation of History.fetch.
var fetch = async function (db, guidOrURL, options) {
let whereClauseFragment = "";
let params = {};
if (URL.isInstance(guidOrURL)) {
whereClauseFragment = "WHERE h.url_hash = hash(:url) AND h.url = :url";
params.url = guidOrURL.href;
} else {
whereClauseFragment = "WHERE h.guid = :guid";
params.guid = guidOrURL;
let visitSelectionFragment = "";
let joinFragment = "";
let visitOrderFragment = "";
if (options.includeVisits) {
visitSelectionFragment = ", v.visit_date, v.visit_type";
joinFragment = "JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON = v.place_id";
visitOrderFragment = "ORDER BY v.visit_date DESC";
let pageMetaSelectionFragment = "";
if (options.includeMeta) {
pageMetaSelectionFragment = ", description, site_name, preview_image_url";
let query = `SELECT, guid, url, title, frecency
${pageMetaSelectionFragment} ${visitSelectionFragment}
FROM moz_places h ${joinFragment}
let pageInfo = null;
let placeId = null;
await db.executeCached(query, params, row => {
if (pageInfo === null) {
// This means we're on the first row, so we need to get all the page info.
pageInfo = {
guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
url: new URL(row.getResultByName("url")),
frecency: row.getResultByName("frecency"),
title: row.getResultByName("title") || "",
placeId = row.getResultByName("id");
if (options.includeMeta) {
pageInfo.description = row.getResultByName("description") || "";
pageInfo.siteName = row.getResultByName("site_name") || "";
let previewImageURL = row.getResultByName("preview_image_url");
pageInfo.previewImageURL = previewImageURL
? new URL(previewImageURL)
: null;
if (options.includeVisits) {
// On every row (not just the first), we need to collect visit data.
if (!("visits" in pageInfo)) {
pageInfo.visits = [];
let date = lazy.PlacesUtils.toDate(row.getResultByName("visit_date"));
let transition = row.getResultByName("visit_type");
// TODO: Bug #1365913 add referrer URL to the `VisitInfo` data as well.
pageInfo.visits.push({ date, transition });
// Only try to get annotations if requested, and if there's an actual page found.
if (pageInfo && options.includeAnnotations) {
let rows = await db.executeCached(
SELECT, a.content FROM moz_anno_attributes n
JOIN moz_annos a ON = a.anno_attribute_id
WHERE a.place_id = :placeId
{ placeId }
pageInfo.annotations = new Map( => [
return pageInfo;
// Inner implementation of History.fetchAnnotatedPages.
var fetchAnnotatedPages = async function (db, annotations) {
let result = new Map();
let rows = await db.execute(
SELECT, h.url, a.content FROM moz_anno_attributes n
JOIN moz_annos a ON = a.anno_attribute_id
JOIN moz_places h ON = a.place_id
WHERE IN (${new Array(annotations.length).fill("?").join(",")})
for (let row of rows) {
let uri;
try {
uri = new URL(row.getResultByName("url"));
} catch (ex) {
console.error("Invalid URL read from database in fetchAnnotatedPages");
let anno = {
content: row.getResultByName("content"),
let annoName = row.getResultByName("name");
let pageAnnos = result.get(annoName);
if (!pageAnnos) {
pageAnnos = [];
result.set(annoName, pageAnnos);
return result;
// Inner implementation of History.fetchMany.
var fetchMany = async function (db, guidOrURLs) {
let resultsMap = new Map();
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(guidOrURLs, db.variableLimit)) {
let urls = [];
let guids = [];
for (let v of chunk) {
if (URL.isInstance(v)) {
} else {
let wheres = [];
let params = [];
if (urls.length) {
url_hash IN(${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(
)}) AND
url IN(${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(urls)})
let hrefs = => u.href);
params = [...params, ...hrefs, ...hrefs];
if (guids.length) {
wheres.push(`guid IN(${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(guids)})`);
params = [...params, ...guids];
let rows = await db.executeCached(
SELECT, guid, url, title, frecency
FROM moz_places h
WHERE ${wheres.join(" OR ")}
for (let row of rows) {
let pageInfo = {
guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
url: new URL(row.getResultByName("url")),
frecency: row.getResultByName("frecency"),
title: row.getResultByName("title") || "",
if (guidOrURLs.includes(pageInfo.guid)) {
resultsMap.set(pageInfo.guid, pageInfo);
} else {
resultsMap.set(pageInfo.url.href, pageInfo);
return resultsMap;
// Inner implementation of History.removeVisitsByFilter.
var removeVisitsByFilter = async function (db, filter, onResult = null) {
// 1. Determine visits that took place during the interval. Note
// that the database uses microseconds, while JS uses milliseconds,
// so we need to *1000 one way and /1000 the other way.
let conditions = [];
let args = {};
let transition = -1;
if ("beginDate" in filter) {
conditions.push("v.visit_date >= :begin * 1000");
args.begin = Number(filter.beginDate);
if ("endDate" in filter) {
conditions.push("v.visit_date <= :end * 1000");
args.end = Number(filter.endDate);
if ("limit" in filter) {
args.limit = Number(filter.limit);
if ("transition" in filter) {
conditions.push("v.visit_type = :transition");
args.transition = filter.transition;
transition = filter.transition;
let optionalJoin = "";
if ("url" in filter) {
let url = filter.url;
if (url instanceof Ci.nsIURI) {
url = filter.url.spec;
} else {
url = new URL(url).href;
optionalJoin = `JOIN moz_places h ON = v.place_id`;
conditions.push("h.url_hash = hash(:url)", "h.url = :url");
args.url = url;
let visitsToRemove = [];
let pagesToInspect = new Set();
let onResultData = onResult ? [] : null;
await db.executeCached(
`SELECT, place_id, visit_date / 1000 AS date, visit_type FROM moz_historyvisits v
WHERE ${conditions.join(" AND ")}${
args.limit ? " LIMIT :limit" : ""
row => {
let id = row.getResultByName("id");
let place_id = row.getResultByName("place_id");
if (onResult) {
date: new Date(row.getResultByName("date")),
transition: row.getResultByName("visit_type"),
if (!visitsToRemove.length) {
// Nothing to do
return false;
let pages = [];
await db.executeTransaction(async function () {
// 2. Remove all offending visits.
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(
)) {
await db.execute(
`DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits
WHERE id IN (${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(chunk)})`,
// 3. Find out which pages have been orphaned
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(
)) {
await db.execute(
`SELECT id, url, url_hash, guid,
(foreign_count != 0) AS has_foreign,
(last_visit_date NOTNULL) as has_visits
FROM moz_places
WHERE id IN (${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(chunk)})`,
row => {
let page = {
id: row.getResultByName("id"),
guid: row.getResultByName("guid"),
hasForeign: row.getResultByName("has_foreign"),
hasVisits: row.getResultByName("has_visits"),
url: new URL(row.getResultByName("url")),
hash: row.getResultByName("url_hash"),
// 4. Clean up and notify
await cleanupPages(db, pages);
notifyCleanup(db, pages, transition);
notifyOnResult(onResultData, onResult); // don't wait
return !!visitsToRemove.length;
// Inner implementation of History.removeByFilter
var removeByFilter = async function (db, filter, onResult = null) {
// 1. Create fragment for date filtration
let dateFilterSQLFragment = "";
let conditions = [];
let params = {};
if ("beginDate" in filter) {
conditions.push("v.visit_date >= :begin");
params.begin = lazy.PlacesUtils.toPRTime(filter.beginDate);
if ("endDate" in filter) {
conditions.push("v.visit_date <= :end");
params.end = lazy.PlacesUtils.toPRTime(filter.endDate);
if (conditions.length !== 0) {
dateFilterSQLFragment = `EXISTS
(SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits v WHERE v.place_id = AND
${conditions.join(" AND ")}
LIMIT 1)`;
// 2. Create fragment for host and subhost filtering
let hostFilterSQLFragment = "";
if ( {
// There are four cases that we need to consider:
//,, localhost, and local files
let revHost ="").reverse().join("");
if ( == ".") {
// Local files.
hostFilterSQLFragment = `h.rev_host = :revHost`;
} else if (".")) {
// Remove the subhost wildcard.
revHost = revHost.slice(0, -1);
hostFilterSQLFragment = `h.rev_host between :revHost || "." and :revHost || "/"`;
} else {
// This covers non-wildcarded hosts (e.g.:, localhost)
hostFilterSQLFragment = `h.rev_host = :revHost || "."`;
params.revHost = revHost;
// 3. Find out what needs to be removed
let fragmentArray = [hostFilterSQLFragment, dateFilterSQLFragment];
let query = `SELECT, url, url_hash, rev_host, guid, title, frecency, foreign_count
FROM moz_places h WHERE
(${fragmentArray.filter(f => f !== "").join(") AND (")})`;
let onResultData = onResult ? [] : null;
let pages = [];
let hasPagesToRemove = false;
await db.executeCached(query, params, row => {
let hasForeign = row.getResultByName("foreign_count") != 0;
if (!hasForeign) {
hasPagesToRemove = true;
let id = row.getResultByName("id");
let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
let url = row.getResultByName("url");
let page = {
hasVisits: false,
url: new URL(url),
hash: row.getResultByName("url_hash"),
if (onResult) {
title: row.getResultByName("title"),
frecency: row.getResultByName("frecency"),
url: new URL(url),
if (pages.length === 0) {
// Nothing to do
return false;
await db.executeTransaction(async function () {
// 4. Actually remove visits
let pageIds = =>;
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(pageIds, db.variableLimit)) {
await db.execute(
`DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits
WHERE place_id IN(${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(chunk)})`,
// 5. Clean up and notify
await cleanupPages(db, pages);
notifyCleanup(db, pages);
notifyOnResult(onResultData, onResult);
return hasPagesToRemove;
// Inner implementation of History.remove.
var remove = async function (db, { guids, urls }, onResult = null) {
// 1. Find out what needs to be removed
let onResultData = onResult ? [] : null;
let pages = [];
let hasPagesToRemove = false;
function onRow(row) {
let hasForeign = row.getResultByName("foreign_count") != 0;
if (!hasForeign) {
hasPagesToRemove = true;
let id = row.getResultByName("id");
let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
let url = row.getResultByName("url");
let page = {
hasVisits: false,
url: new URL(url),
hash: row.getResultByName("url_hash"),
if (onResult) {
title: row.getResultByName("title"),
frecency: row.getResultByName("frecency"),
url: new URL(url),
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(guids, db.variableLimit)) {
let query = `SELECT id, url, url_hash, guid, foreign_count, title, frecency
FROM moz_places
WHERE guid IN (${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(guids)})
await db.execute(query, chunk, onRow);
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(urls, db.variableLimit)) {
// Make an array of variables like `["?1", "?2", ...]`, up to the length of
// the chunk. This lets us bind each URL once, reusing the binding for the
// `url_hash IN (...)` and `url IN (...)` clauses. We add 1 because indexed
// parameters start at 1, not 0.
let variables = Array.from(
{ length: chunk.length },
(_, i) => "?" + (i + 1)
let query = `SELECT id, url, url_hash, guid, foreign_count, title, frecency
FROM moz_places
WHERE url_hash IN (${ => `hash(${v})`).join(",")}) AND
url IN (${variables.join(",")})
await db.execute(query, chunk, onRow);
if (!pages.length) {
// Nothing to do
return false;
await db.executeTransaction(async function () {
// 2. Remove all visits to these pages.
let pageIds = =>;
for (let chunk of lazy.PlacesUtils.chunkArray(pageIds, db.variableLimit)) {
await db.execute(
`DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits
WHERE place_id IN (${lazy.PlacesUtils.sqlBindPlaceholders(chunk)})`,
// 3. Clean up and notify
await cleanupPages(db, pages);
notifyCleanup(db, pages);
notifyOnResult(onResultData, onResult); // don't wait
return hasPagesToRemove;
* Merges an updateInfo object, as returned by asyncHistory.updatePlaces
* into a PageInfo object as defined in this file.
* @param updateInfo: (Object)
* An object that represents a page that is generated by
* asyncHistory.updatePlaces.
* @param pageInfo: (PageInfo)
* An PageInfo object into which to merge the data from updateInfo.
* Defaults to an empty object so that this method can be used
* to simply convert an updateInfo object into a PageInfo object.
* @return (PageInfo)
* A PageInfo object populated with data from updateInfo.
function mergeUpdateInfoIntoPageInfo(updateInfo, pageInfo = {}) {
pageInfo.guid = updateInfo.guid;
pageInfo.title = updateInfo.title;
if (!pageInfo.url) {
pageInfo.url = URL.fromURI(updateInfo.uri);
pageInfo.title = updateInfo.title;
pageInfo.placeId = updateInfo.placeId;
pageInfo.visits = => {
return {
visitId: visit.visitId,
date: lazy.PlacesUtils.toDate(visit.visitDate),
transition: visit.transitionType,
referrer: visit.referrerURI ? URL.fromURI(visit.referrerURI) : null,
return pageInfo;
// Inner implementation of History.insert.
var insert = function (db, pageInfo) {
let info = convertForUpdatePlaces(pageInfo);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lazy.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(info, {
handleError: error => {
handleResult: result => {
pageInfo = mergeUpdateInfoIntoPageInfo(result, pageInfo);
handleCompletion: () => {
// Inner implementation of History.insertMany.
var insertMany = function (db, pageInfos, onResult, onError) {
let infos = [];
let onResultData = [];
let onErrorData = [];
for (let pageInfo of pageInfos) {
let info = convertForUpdatePlaces(pageInfo);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
lazy.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(infos, {
handleError: (resultCode, result) => {
let pageInfo = mergeUpdateInfoIntoPageInfo(result);
handleResult: result => {
let pageInfo = mergeUpdateInfoIntoPageInfo(result);
ignoreErrors: !onError,
ignoreResults: !onResult,
handleCompletion: updatedCount => {
notifyOnResult(onResultData, onResult);
notifyOnResult(onErrorData, onError);
if (updatedCount > 0) {
} else {
reject({ message: "No items were added to history." });
// Inner implementation of History.update.
var update = async function (db, pageInfo) {
// Check for page existence first; we can skip most of the work if it doesn't
// exist and anyway we'll need the place id multiple times later.
// Prefer GUID over url if it's present.
let id;
if (typeof pageInfo.guid === "string") {
let rows = await db.executeCached(
"SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = :guid",
{ guid: pageInfo.guid }
id = rows.length ? rows[0].getResultByName("id") : null;
} else {
let rows = await db.executeCached(
"SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE url_hash = hash(:url) AND url = :url",
{ url: pageInfo.url.href }
id = rows.length ? rows[0].getResultByName("id") : null;
if (!id) {
let updateFragments = [];
let params = {};
if ("description" in pageInfo) {
params.description = pageInfo.description;
if ("siteName" in pageInfo) {
params.site_name = pageInfo.siteName;
if ("previewImageURL" in pageInfo) {
params.preview_image_url = pageInfo.previewImageURL
? pageInfo.previewImageURL.href
: null;
if (updateFragments.length) {
// Since this data may be written at every visit and is textual, avoid
// overwriting the existing record if it didn't change.
await db.execute(
UPDATE moz_places
SET ${ => `${v} = :${v}`).join(", ")}
WHERE id = :id
AND (${updateFragments
.map(v => `IFNULL(${v}, '') <> IFNULL(:${v}, '')`)
.join(" OR ")})
{ id, ...params }
if (pageInfo.annotations) {
let annosToRemove = [];
let annosToUpdate = [];
for (let anno of pageInfo.annotations) {
anno[1] ? annosToUpdate.push(anno[0]) : annosToRemove.push(anno[0]);
await db.executeTransaction(async function () {
if (annosToUpdate.length) {
await db.execute(
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_anno_attributes (name)
VALUES ${Array.from(annosToUpdate.keys())
.map(k => `(:${k})`)
.join(", ")}
Object.assign({}, annosToUpdate)
for (let anno of annosToUpdate) {
let content = pageInfo.annotations.get(anno);
// TODO: We only really need to save the type whilst we still support
// accessing page annotations via the annotation service.
let type =
typeof content == "string"
let date = lazy.PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date());
// This will replace the id every time an annotation is updated. This is
// not currently an issue as we're not joining on the id field.
await db.execute(
(place_id, anno_attribute_id, content, flags,
expiration, type, dateAdded, lastModified)
VALUES (:id,
(SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno_name),
:content, 0, :expiration, :type, :date_added,
anno_name: anno,
expiration: History.ANNOTATION_EXPIRE_NEVER,
// The date fields are unused, so we just set them both to the latest.
date_added: date,
last_modified: date,
for (let anno of annosToRemove) {
// We don't remove anything from the moz_anno_attributes table. If we
// delete the last item of a given name, that item really should go away.
// It will be cleaned up by expiration.
await db.execute(
DELETE FROM moz_annos
WHERE place_id = :id
AND anno_attribute_id =
(SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno_name)
{ id, anno_name: anno }