Name Description Size
ExperimentManager.sys.mjs A module for processes Experiment recipes, choosing and storing enrollment state, and sending experiment-related Telemetry. 51563
ExperimentStore.sys.mjs This is expected if we don't have anything stored 14860 640
NimbusFeatures.cpp Returns the variable value configured via experiment or rollout. If a fallback pref is defined in the FeatureManifest and it has a user value set this takes precedence over remote configurations. 7788
NimbusFeatures.h 1946
PrefFlipsFeature.sys.mjs Intialize the prefFlips feature. This will re-hydrate `this._prefs` from the active enrollment (if any) and register any necessary pref observers. onFeatureUpdate will be called for any future feature changes. 11732
RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader.sys.mjs Initialize the loader, updating recipes from Remote Settings. @param {Object} options additional options. @param {bool} options.forceSync force Remote Settings to sync recipe collection before updating recipes; throw if sync fails. @return {Promise} which resolves after initialization and recipes are updated. 27179
SharedDataMap.sys.mjs Replace the stored data with an updated filtered dataset for cleanup purposes. We don't notify of update because we're only filtering out old unused entries. @param {string[]} keysToRemove - list of keys to remove from the persistent store 4280