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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_BounceTrackingProtectionStorage_h__
#define mozilla_BounceTrackingProtectionStorage_h__
#include "mozIStorageFunction.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "mozilla/Monitor.h"
#include "mozilla/ThreadSafety.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/FlippedOnce.h"
#include "nsIAsyncShutdown.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "mozIStorageConnection.h"
#include "mozilla/OriginAttributesHashKey.h"
class nsIPrincipal;
class mozIStorageConnection;
namespace mozilla {
class BounceTrackingStateGlobal;
class BounceTrackingState;
class OriginAttributes;
extern LazyLogModule gBounceTrackingProtectionLog;
class BounceTrackingProtectionStorage final : public nsIObserver,
public nsIAsyncShutdownBlocker,
public SupportsWeakPtr {
friend class BounceTrackingStateGlobal;
: mMonitor("mozilla::BounceTrackingProtectionStorage::mMonitor"),
mPendingWrites(0) {};
// Initialises the storage including the on-disk database.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult Init();
// Getters for mStateGlobal.
RefPtr<BounceTrackingStateGlobal> GetStateGlobal(
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes);
RefPtr<BounceTrackingStateGlobal> GetStateGlobal(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
RefPtr<BounceTrackingStateGlobal> GetOrCreateStateGlobal(
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes);
RefPtr<BounceTrackingStateGlobal> GetOrCreateStateGlobal(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
RefPtr<BounceTrackingStateGlobal> GetOrCreateStateGlobal(
BounceTrackingState* aBounceTrackingState);
using StateGlobalMap =
nsTHashMap<OriginAttributesHashKey, RefPtr<BounceTrackingStateGlobal>>;
// Provides a read-only reference to the state global map.
const StateGlobalMap& StateGlobalMapRef() { return mStateGlobal; }
// The enum values match the database type field. Updating them requires a DB
// migration.
enum class EntryType : uint8_t { BounceTracker = 0, UserActivation = 1 };
// Clear all user activation or bounce tracker entries.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult ClearByType(
BounceTrackingProtectionStorage::EntryType aType);
// Clear all state for a given site host. If aOriginAttributes is passed, only
// entries for that OA will be deleted.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult ClearBySiteHost(const nsACString& aSiteHost,
OriginAttributes* aOriginAttributes);
// Clear all state within a given time range.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult ClearByTimeRange(PRTime aFrom, PRTime aTo);
// Clear all state for a given OriginAttributesPattern.
// Optional filtering for site host via aSiteHost.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult ClearByOriginAttributesPattern(
const OriginAttributesPattern& aOriginAttributesPattern,
const Maybe<nsCString>& aSiteHost = Nothing());
// Clear all state.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult Clear();
[[nodiscard]] nsresult InitInternal();
~BounceTrackingProtectionStorage() = default;
// Worker thread. This should be a valid thread after Init() returns and be
// destroyed when we finalize
nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mBackgroundThread; // main thread only
// Database connections. Guaranteed to be non-null and working once
// initialized and not-yet finalized
RefPtr<mozIStorageConnection> mDatabaseConnection; // Worker thread only
// Wait (non-blocking) until the service is fully initialized. We may be
// waiting for that async work started by Init().
[[nodiscard]] nsresult WaitForInitialization();
// Called to indicate to the async shutdown service that we are all wrapped
// up. This also spins down the worker thread, since it is called after all
// disk database connections are closed.
void Finalize();
// Utility function to grab the correct barrier this service needs to shut
// down by
already_AddRefed<nsIAsyncShutdownClient> GetAsyncShutdownBarrier() const;
// Initialises the DB connection on the worker thread.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult CreateDatabaseConnection();
// Creates amd initialises the database table if needed. Worker thread only.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult EnsureTable();
// Temporary data structure used to import db data into memory.
struct ImportEntry {
OriginAttributes mOriginAttributes;
nsCString mSiteHost;
EntryType mEntryType;
PRTime mTimeStamp;
// Imports state from the database on disk into memory.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult LoadMemoryStateFromDisk();
// Used to (thread-safely) track how many operations have been launched to the
// worker thread so that we can wait for it to hit zero before close the disk
// database connection
void IncrementPendingWrites();
void DecrementPendingWrites();
// Update or create database entry. Worker thread only.
[[nodiscard]] static nsresult UpsertData(
mozIStorageConnection* aDatabaseConnection,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes, const nsACString& aSiteHost,
EntryType aEntryType, PRTime aTimeStamp);
// Delete database entries. Worker thread only.
[[nodiscard]] static nsresult DeleteData(
mozIStorageConnection* aDatabaseConnection,
Maybe<OriginAttributes> aOriginAttributes, const nsACString& aSiteHost);
// Delete all entries before a given time. Worker thread only.
// If aEntryType is passed only entries of that type will be deleted.
[[nodiscard]] static nsresult DeleteDataInTimeRange(
mozIStorageConnection* aDatabaseConnection,
Maybe<OriginAttributes> aOriginAttributes, PRTime aFrom,
Maybe<PRTime> aTo,
Maybe<BounceTrackingProtectionStorage::EntryType> aEntryType = Nothing{});
// Delete all entries of a specific type.
// aOriginAttributes can be passed
[[nodiscard]] nsresult DeleteDataByType(
mozIStorageConnection* aDatabaseConnection,
const Maybe<OriginAttributes>& aOriginAttributes,
BounceTrackingProtectionStorage::EntryType aEntryType);
// Delete all entries matching the given OriginAttributesPattern. Worker
// thread only. May pass aSiteHost for additional filtering.
[[nodiscard]] static nsresult DeleteDataByOriginAttributesPattern(
mozIStorageConnection* aDatabaseConnection,
const OriginAttributesPattern& aOriginAttributesPattern,
const Maybe<nsCString>& aSiteHost = Nothing());
// Clear all entries from the database.
[[nodiscard]] static nsresult ClearData(
mozIStorageConnection* aDatabaseConnection);
// Service state management. We protect these variables with a monitor. This
// monitor is also used to signal the completion of initialization and
// finalization performed in the worker thread.
Monitor mMonitor;
FlippedOnce<false> mInitialized MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMonitor);
FlippedOnce<false> mErrored MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMonitor);
FlippedOnce<false> mShuttingDown MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMonitor);
uint32_t mPendingWrites MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMonitor);
// The database file handle. We can only create this in the main thread and
// need it in the worker to perform blocking disk IO. So we put it on this,
// since we pass this to the worker anyway
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mDatabaseFile;
// Map of origin attributes to global state object. This enables us to track
// bounce tracking state per OA, e.g. to separate private browsing from normal
// browsing.
StateGlobalMap mStateGlobal{};
// Helpers used to sync updates to BounceTrackingStateGlobal with the
// database.
// Updates or inserts a DB entry keyed by OA + site host.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult UpdateDBEntry(
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes, const nsACString& aSiteHost,
EntryType aEntryType, PRTime aTimeStamp);
// Deletes a DB entry keyed by OA + site host. If only aSiteHost is passed,
// all entries for that host will be deleted across OriginAttributes.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult DeleteDBEntries(OriginAttributes* aOriginAttributes,
const nsACString& aSiteHost);
// Delete all DB entries before a given time.
// If aEntryType is passed only entries of that type will be deleted.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult DeleteDBEntriesInTimeRange(
OriginAttributes* aOriginAttributes, PRTime aFrom,
Maybe<PRTime> aTo = Nothing{}, Maybe<EntryType> aEntryType = Nothing{});
// Delete all DB entries matching the given type.
// If aOriginAttributes is passed it acts as an additional filter.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult DeleteDBEntriesByType(
OriginAttributes* aOriginAttributes,
BounceTrackingProtectionStorage::EntryType aEntryType);
// Deletes all DB entries matching the given OriginAttributesPattern.
// Pass aSiteHost for additional filtering. By default all site hosts are
// targeted.
[[nodiscard]] nsresult DeleteDBEntriesByOriginAttributesPattern(
const OriginAttributesPattern& aOriginAttributesPattern,
const Maybe<nsCString>& aSiteHost = Nothing());
// A SQL function to match DB entries by OriginAttributesPattern.
class OriginAttrsPatternMatchOASuffixSQLFunction final
: public mozIStorageFunction {
explicit OriginAttrsPatternMatchOASuffixSQLFunction(
OriginAttributesPattern const& aPattern)
: mPattern(aPattern) {}
OriginAttrsPatternMatchOASuffixSQLFunction() = delete;
~OriginAttrsPatternMatchOASuffixSQLFunction() = default;
OriginAttributesPattern mPattern;
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_BounceTrackingProtectionStorage_h__