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# Speedometer 3.0: TodoMVC: JavaScript Es5
## Description
This application uses JavaScript with ES5 language features to implement a todo application.
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it..
[JavaScript -](
## Implementation details
This implementation uses an explicit MVC pattern, with a clear file structure to reflect the architecture. The storage solution uses an in-memory data object that implements a simple array to hold the todos.
## Built steps
A simple build script copies all necessary files to a `dist` folder.
It does not rely on compilers or transpilers and serves raw html, css and js files to the user.
npm run build
## Requirements
The only requirement is an installation of Node, to be able to install dependencies and run scripts to serve a local server.
* Node (min version: 18.13.0)
* NPM (min version: 8.19.3)
## Local preview
1. npm install
2. npm run dev