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import type { ReactiveElement } from "lit";
interface ListenerCarryingElement extends ReactiveElement {
__updateOnEventListener?: () => void;
* A property decorator that subscribes to an event on the property value and
* calls `requestUpdate` when the event fires.
* If we were using this outside of just this one app we'd use the type system
* to enforce that the property value is an `EventTarget`.
export const updateOnEvent = (eventName: string) => (target: ListenerCarryingElement, propertyKey: string) => {
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey)!;
const { get, set } = descriptor;
const newDescriptor = {
set(this: ListenerCarryingElement, v: EventTarget) {
const listener = this.__updateOnEventListener ??= () => this.requestUpdate();
const oldValue = get!.call(this);
oldValue?.removeEventListener?.(eventName, listener);
v?.addEventListener?.(eventName, listener);
return set!.call(this, v);
Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, newDescriptor);