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# Speedometer 3.0: TodoMVC: Angular
## Description
This application uses Angular version 14.2.11. to implement a todo application.
- [Angular]( is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications
using TypeScript/JavaScript and other languages..
## Implementation details
Model: todos.service\
View: angular component's html\
ViewModel: angular component's ts
Model: maintains the data and behavior of an application\
View: displays the model in the ui\
Controller: serves as an interface between view & model components
## Built steps
1. npm run build
## Requirements
The only requirement is an installation of Node, to be able to install dependencies and run scripts to serve a local server.
* Node (min version: 18.13.0)
* NPM (min version: 8.19.3)
## Local preview
1. npm install
2. npm run dev