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import { Metric } from "./metric.mjs";
export const COLORS = Object.freeze(["blue", "blue-light", "green-light", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red", "magenta", "violet", "purple", "blue-dark", "green-dark", "ochre", "rust"]);
export function renderMetricView(viewParams) {
let { metrics, width = 500, trackHeight = 20, subMetricMargin = 35, title = "", colors = COLORS } = viewParams;
// Make sure subMetricMargin is set for use in renderSubMetrics.
viewParams.subMetricMargin = subMetricMargin;
const scatterPlotParams = { width, trackHeight, colors };
scatterPlotParams.xAxisPositiveOnly = false;
scatterPlotParams.xAxisShowZero = true;
scatterPlotParams.values = prepareScatterPlotValues(metrics, true);
scatterPlotParams.unit = "%";
scatterPlotParams.xAxisLabel = "Spread Normalized";
const normalizedScatterPlot = renderScatterPlot(scatterPlotParams);
scatterPlotParams.xAxisPositiveOnly = true;
scatterPlotParams.xAxisShowZero = false;
scatterPlotParams.values = prepareScatterPlotValues(metrics, false);
scatterPlotParams.unit = metrics[0].unit;
scatterPlotParams.xAxisLabel = metrics[0].unit;
const absoluteScatterPlot = renderScatterPlot(scatterPlotParams);
const legend = metrics
(metric, i) => `
<tr >
<td class="${colors[i % colors.length]} no-select" >●</td>
<td class="label">${metric.shortName}</td>
<td class="number">${metric.mean.toFixed(2)}</td>
return `
<dl class="metric">
<div class="metric-chart"">
<div onclick="document.body.classList.toggle('relative-charts')">
<div class="metric-chart-absolute">
<div class="metric-chart-relative">
<table class="chart chart-legend">${legend}</table>
function renderSubMetrics(viewParams) {
const { metrics, width, subMetricMargin, colors = COLORS, renderChildren = true } = viewParams;
const valuesTable = `
<label class="details-toggle">
<input type="checkbox"
onclick="this.parentNode.nextElementSibling.classList.toggle('visible')" />
<div class="submetrics">
const hasChildMetric = metrics.length > 0 && metrics[0].children.length > 0;
if (!hasChildMetric || !renderChildren)
return valuesTable;
const subMetricWidth = width - subMetricMargin;
const childColors = [...colors];
const subMetrics = metrics
.map((metric) => {
// Rotate colors to get different colors for sub-plots.
for (let i = 0; i < metric.children.length; i++) {
const color = childColors.pop();
const subMetricParams = {
parentMetric: metric,
metrics: metric.children,
width: subMetricWidth,
colors: childColors,
return renderMetricView(subMetricParams);
return `${valuesTable}
<label class="details-toggle">
<input type="checkbox"
onclick="this.parentNode.nextElementSibling.classList.toggle('visible')" />
<div class="submetrics">
function renderMetricsTable(metrics, min, max) {
let numRows = 0;
let columnHeaders = "";
let commonPrefixes = metrics[0].name.split(Metric.separator);
for (const metric of metrics) {
const prefixes =;
for (let i = commonPrefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (commonPrefixes[i] !== prefixes[i])
const commonPrefix = commonPrefixes.join(Metric.separator);
let commonPrefixHeader = "";
if (commonPrefix) {
commonPrefixHeader = `
<td colspan="${metrics.length}" class="prefix">${commonPrefix}</td>
for (const metric of metrics) {
const name =;
columnHeaders += `<th>${name} [${metric.unit}]</th>`;
numRows = Math.max(metric.values.length, numRows);
let body = "";
for (let row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
let columns = "";
for (const metric of metrics) {
const value = metric.values[row];
if (value === undefined)
const delta = metric.max - metric.min;
const percent = Math.max(Math.min((value - metric.min) / delta, 1), 0) * 100;
const percentGradient = `background: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--foreground-alpha) ${percent}%, rgba(0,0,0,0) ${percent}%);`;
columns += `<td style="${percentGradient}">${value.toFixed(2)}</td>`;
body += `<tr>
return `<table class="metrics-table" >
<thead onclick="this.classList.toggle('nowrap')" >
function prepareScatterPlotValues(metrics, normalize = true) {
let points = [];
// Arrange child-metrics values in a single coordinate system:
// - metric 1: x values are in range [0, 1]
// - metric 2: y values are in range [1, 2]
// - ...
// This way each metric data point is on a separate track in the scatter
// plot.
// If normalize == true:
// All x values are normalized by the mean of each metric and
// centered on 0.
// Example: [90ms, 100ms, 110ms] => [-10%, 0%, +10%]
const toPercent = 100;
let unit;
for (let metricIndex = 0; metricIndex < metrics.length; metricIndex++) {
const metric = metrics[metricIndex];
// If the mean is 0 we can't normalize values properly.
const mean = metric.mean || 1;
if (!unit)
unit = metric.unit;
else if (unit !== metric.unit)
throw new Error("All metrics must have the same unit.");
let width = || 1;
let center = mean;
if (normalize) {
width = ( / mean) * toPercent;
center = 0;
const left = center - width / 2;
const y = metricIndex;
const label = `Mean: ${metric.valueString}\n` + `Min: ${metric.min.toFixed(2)}${unit}\n` + `Max: ${metric.max.toFixed(2)}${unit}`;
const rect = [left, y, label, width];
// Add data for individual points:
const values = metric.values;
const length = values.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const value = values[i];
let x = value;
let normalized = (value / mean - 1) * toPercent;
if (normalize)
x = normalized;
const sign = normalized < 0 ? "-" : "+";
normalized = Math.abs(normalized);
// Each value is mapped to a y-coordinate in the range of [metricIndex, metricIndex + 1]
const valueOffsetY = length === 1 ? 0.5 : i / length;
const y = metricIndex + valueOffsetY;
let label = `Iteration ${i}: ${value.toFixed(3)}${unit}\n` + `Normalized: ${metric.mean.toFixed(3)}${unit} ${sign} ${normalized.toFixed(2)}%`;
const point = [x, y, label];
return points;
function renderScatterPlot({ values, width = 500, height, trackHeight, xAxisPositiveOnly = false, xAxisShowZero = false, xAxisLabel, unit = "", colors = COLORS }) {
if (!height && !trackHeight)
throw new Error("Either height or trackHeight must be specified");
let xMin = Infinity;
let xMax = 0;
let yMin = Infinity;
let yMax = 0;
for (let value of values) {
let [x, y] = value;
xMin = Math.min(xMin, x);
xMax = Math.max(xMax, x);
yMin = Math.min(yMin, y);
yMax = Math.max(yMax, y);
if (xAxisPositiveOnly)
xMin = Math.max(xMin, 0);
// Max delta of values across each axis:
const trackCount = Math.ceil(yMax - yMin) || 1;
const spreadX = xMax - xMin;
// Axis + labels height:
const axisHeight = 18;
const axisMarginY = 4;
const trackMargin = 2;
let markerSize = 5;
// Auto-adjust markers to [2px, 5px] for high iteration counts:
const iterationsLimit = 20;
if (values.length > iterationsLimit)
markerSize = 2 + (3 / values.length) * iterationsLimit;
// Recalculate height:
if (height)
trackHeight = (height - axisHeight - axisMarginY) / trackCount;
height = trackCount * trackHeight + axisHeight + axisMarginY;
// Horizontal axis position:
const axisY = height - axisHeight + axisMarginY;
const unitToPosX = width / spreadX;
const unitToPosY = trackHeight - trackMargin - markerSize / 2;
const points ="");
let xAxisZeroLine = "";
if (xAxisShowZero) {
const xZeroPos = (0 - xMin) * unitToPosX;
xAxisZeroLine = `<line x1="${xZeroPos}" x2="${xZeroPos}" y1="${0}" y2="${axisY}" class="axis"/>`;
return `
<svg class="scatter-plot chart"
width="${width}" height="${height}"
viewBox="${`0 0 ${width} ${height}`}">
<g class="horizontal-axis no-select">
x1="${0}" x2="${width}"
y1="${axisY - axisMarginY}" y2="${axisY - axisMarginY}"
class="axis" />
<text y="${axisY}" x="0" text-anchor="start">${xMin.toFixed(2)}${unit}</text>
<text y="${axisY}" x="${width / 2}" text-anchor="middle">${xAxisLabel}</text>
<text y="${axisY}" x="${width}" text-anchor="end">${xMax.toFixed(2)}${unit}</text>
<g id="marker">
<circle r="${markerSize / 2}" />
<g class="values">
function renderValue(value) {
const [rawX, rawY, label, rawWidth = 0] = value;
const trackIndex = rawY | 0;
const y = (rawY - yMin) * unitToPosY + markerSize * trackIndex;
const cssClass = colors[trackIndex % colors.length];
if (value.length <= 3) {
// Render a simple marker:
const x = (rawX - xMin) * unitToPosX;
const adjustedY = y + markerSize / 2;
return `
<use href="#marker" x="${x}" y="${adjustedY}" class="marker ${cssClass}">
} else {
// Render a rect with 4 input values:
const x = (rawX - xMin) * unitToPosX + rawWidth / 2;
const w = rawWidth * unitToPosX;
const centerX = x + w / 2;
const top = y;
const height = trackHeight - trackMargin;
const bottom = top + height;
return `
<g class="percentile ${cssClass}">
<rect x="${x}" y="${top}" width="${w}" height="${height}">
<line x1="${x}" x2="${x}" y1="${top}" y2="${bottom}" />
x1="${centerX}" x2="${centerX}"
y1="${top}" y2="${bottom}"
stroke-dasharray="${height / 3}" />
<line x1="${x + w}" x2="${x + w}" y1="${top}" y2="${bottom}" />