Name Description Size
chartjs.html Chart.js 1385
chartjs.js From d = 2R × sin⁻¹(√[sin²((θ₂ - θ₁)/2) + cosθ₁ × cosθ₂ × sin²((φ₂ - φ₁)/2)]) where: θ₁, φ₁ – First point latitude and longitude coordinates; θ₂, φ₂ – Second point latitude and longitude coordinates; R – Earth's radius (R = 6371 km); and d – Distance between them along Earth's surface. 5860
developer.html Development UI 1166
index.html 488
observable-plot.html Observable Plot 1311
observable-plot.js AirportInformation: { state, iata, name, city, country, latitude, longitude } airports: Array<AirportInformation> flights: Array<{ origin, destination, count }> 8391
package-lock.json 39575
package.json 397 # Chart benchmarks 2123
vite.config.js 603