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# React TodoMVC Example
> React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Its core principles are declarative code, efficiency, and flexibility. Simply specify what your component looks like and React will keep it up-to-date when the underlying data changes.
> _[React -](
## Learning React
The [React getting started documentation]( is a great way to get started.
Here are some links you may find helpful:
* [React on GitHub](
Articles and guides from the community:
Get help from other React users:
* [Mailing list on Google Groups](!forum/reactjs)
_If you have other helpful links to share, or find any of the links above no longer work, please [let us know](
## Running
The app is built with [JSX]( and compiled at runtime for a lighter and more fun code reading experience. As stated in the link, JSX is not mandatory.
To run the app, spin up an HTTP server (e.g. `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`) and visit http://localhost/.../myexample/.