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use alloc::{string::String, vec::Vec};
use core::ffi::c_void;
type CFIndex = isize;
type Boolean = u8;
type CFStringEncoding = u32;
const kCFStringEncodingUTF8: CFStringEncoding = 0x08000100;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct CFRange {
pub location: CFIndex,
pub length: CFIndex,
type CFTypeRef = *const c_void;
struct __CFArray(c_void);
type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray;
struct __CFString(c_void);
type CFStringRef = *const __CFString;
// Most of these definitions come from `core-foundation-sys`, but we want this crate
// to be `no_std` and `core-foundation-sys` isn't currently.
#[link(name = "CoreFoundation", kind = "framework")]
extern "C" {
fn CFArrayGetCount(theArray: CFArrayRef) -> CFIndex;
fn CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(theArray: CFArrayRef, idx: CFIndex) -> *const c_void;
fn CFStringGetLength(theString: CFStringRef) -> CFIndex;
fn CFStringGetBytes(
theString: CFStringRef,
range: CFRange,
encoding: CFStringEncoding,
lossByte: u8,
isExternalRepresentation: Boolean,
buffer: *mut u8,
maxBufLen: CFIndex,
usedBufLen: *mut CFIndex,
) -> CFIndex;
fn CFRelease(cf: CFTypeRef);
fn CFLocaleCopyPreferredLanguages() -> CFArrayRef;
pub(crate) fn get() -> impl Iterator<Item = String> {
let preferred_langs = get_languages();
let mut idx = 0;
core::iter::from_fn(move || unsafe {
let (langs, num_langs) = preferred_langs.as_ref()?;
// 0 to N-1 inclusive
if idx >= *num_langs {
return None;
// SAFETY: The current index has been checked that its still within bounds of the array.
// XXX: We don't retain the strings because we know we have total ownership of the backing array.
let locale = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(langs.0, idx) as CFStringRef;
idx += 1;
// SAFETY: `locale` is a valid CFString pointer because the array will always contain a value.
let str_len = CFStringGetLength(locale);
let range = CFRange {
location: 0,
length: str_len,
let mut capacity = 0;
// - `locale` is a valid CFString
// - The supplied range is within the length of the string.
// - `capacity` is writable.
// Passing NULL and `0` is correct for the buffer to get the
// encoded output length.
false as Boolean,
&mut capacity,
// Guard against a zero-sized allocation, if that were to somehow occur.
if capacity == 0 {
return None;
// Note: This is the number of bytes (u8) that will be written to
// the buffer, not the number of codepoints they would contain.
let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(capacity as usize);
// - `locale` is a valid CFString
// - The supplied range is within the length of the string.
// - `buffer` is writable and has sufficent capacity to receive the data.
// - `maxBufLen` is correctly based on `buffer`'s available capacity.
// - `out_len` is writable.
let mut out_len = 0;
false as Boolean,
capacity as CFIndex,
&mut out_len,
// Sanity check that both calls to `CFStringGetBytes`
// were equivalent. If they weren't, the system is doing
// something very wrong...
assert!(out_len <= capacity);
// SAFETY: The system has written `out_len` elements, so they are
// initialized and inside the buffer's capacity bounds.
buffer.set_len(out_len as usize);
// This should always contain UTF-8 since we told the system to
// write UTF-8 into the buffer, but the value is small enough that
// using `from_utf8_unchecked` isn't worthwhile.
fn get_languages() -> Option<(CFArray, CFIndex)> {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: This function is safe to call and has no invariants. Any value inside the
// array will be owned by us.
let langs = CFLocaleCopyPreferredLanguages();
if !langs.is_null() {
let langs = CFArray(langs);
// SAFETY: The returned array is a valid CFArray object.
let count = CFArrayGetCount(langs.0);
if count != 0 {
Some((langs, count))
} else {
} else {
struct CFArray(CFArrayRef);
impl Drop for CFArray {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: This wrapper contains a valid CFArray.
unsafe { CFRelease(self.0.cast()) }