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use std::borrow::Cow;
use minidump::system_info::{Cpu, Os};
/// Information about the system that produced a `Minidump`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SystemInfo {
/// The operating system that produced the minidump
pub os: Os,
/// A string identifying the version of the operating system.
/// This may look like "5.1.2600" or "10.4.8", if present
pub os_version: Option<String>,
/// A string identifying the exact build of the operating system.
/// This may look like "Service Pack 2" or "8L2127", if present. On Windows,
/// this is the CSD version, on Linux, extended build information and macOS,
/// the product build version.
pub os_build: Option<String>,
/// The CPU on which the dump was produced
pub cpu: Cpu,
/// A string further identifying the specific CPU
/// For example, "GenuineIntel level 6 model 13 stepping 8", if present.
pub cpu_info: Option<String>,
/// The microcode version of the cpu
pub cpu_microcode_version: Option<u64>,
/// The number of processors in the system
/// Will be greater than one for multi-core systems.
pub cpu_count: usize,
impl SystemInfo {
/// Returns the full available operating system version.
/// Returns the version and the build, if available, otherwise just the version.
pub fn format_os_version(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, str>> {
match (&self.os_version, &self.os_build) {
(Some(v), Some(b)) => Some(format!("{v} {b}").into()),
(Some(v), None) => Some(Cow::Borrowed(v)),
(None, Some(b)) => Some(Cow::Borrowed(b)),
(None, None) => None,