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//! This module defines the interface used by minidump-unwind to symbolize stack traces.
//! minidump-unwind uses a series of traits to represent symbolizing functionality and interfaces:
//! * [SymbolProvider][] - provides symbolication, cfi evaluation, and debug statistics
//! * Implemented by [Symbolizer][] and [debuginfo::DebugInfoSymbolProvider][] (requires the
//! `debuginfo` feature to be enabled).
//! * [SymbolSupplier][] - maps a [Module][] to a [SymbolFile][]
//! * minidump-unwind does not directly use this, it's just there so the Symbolizer can
//! generically handle different symbol fetching strategies.
//! * [FrameSymbolizer][] - callbacks that symbolication uses to return its results.
//! * Implemented by [StackFrame][crate::StackFrame]
//! * Implemented by DummyFrame (private, for a stack scanning heuristic)
//! * [FrameWalker][] - callbacks that cfi eval uses to read callee state and write caller state.
//! * Implemented by CfiStackWalker (private)
//! The following concrete functions are provided to allow configuration of the symbol fetching
//! strategy:
//! * [http_symbol_supplier][] - a [SymbolSupplier][] that can find symbols over HTTP (and cache).
//! Requires the `http` feature to be enabled.
//! * [simple_symbol_supplier][] - a [SymbolSupplier][] that can find symbols on disk.
//! * [string_symbol_supplier][] - a mock [SymbolSupplier][] for tests.
//! The following concrete types are provided:
//! * [Symbolizer][] - the main interface of the symbolizer, implementing [SymbolProvider][].
//! * Wraps the [SymbolSupplier][] implementation that is selected.
//! * Queries the [SymbolSupplier] and manages the SymbolFiles however it pleases.
//! * [SymbolStats][] - debug statistic output.
//! * [SymbolFile][] - part of [LocateSymbolsResult][] that a [SymbolProvider][] returns to the
//! Symbolizer.
//! * Never handled by minidump-unwind, public for the trait.
//! * [SymbolError][] - possible errors a [SymbolProvider][] can yield.
//! * Never handled by minidump-unwind, public for the trait.
//! * [FillSymbolError][] - possible errors for `fill_symbol`.
//! * While this *is* handled by minidump-unwind, it doesn't actually look at the value. It's
//! just there to be an Error type for the sake of API design.
//! * [LocateSymbolsResult][] - a payload that a [SymbolProvider][] returns to the Symbolizer.
//! * Never handled by minidump-unwind, public for the trait.
//! * [DebugInfoResult][] - part of [LocateSymbolsResult][] that a [SymbolProvider][] returns to
//! the Symbolizer.
//! * Never handled by minidump-unwind, public for the trait.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use minidump::Module;
pub use breakpad_symbols::{
DebugInfoResult, FileError, FileKind, FillSymbolError, FrameSymbolizer, FrameWalker,
LocateSymbolsResult, PendingSymbolStats, SymbolError, SymbolFile, SymbolStats, SymbolSupplier,
#[cfg(feature = "debuginfo-unwind")]
pub mod debuginfo;
/// The [`SymbolProvider`] is the main extension point for minidump processing.
/// It is primarily used by the `process_minidump` function to do stack
/// unwinding via CFI (call frame information) of a [`Module`] using the
/// `walk_frame` function.
/// The `fill_symbol` function is responsible for filling in the source location
/// (function, file, line triple) corresponding to an instruction address, as
/// well as a dual purpose of informing the stack scanning heuristic whether a
/// given instruction address might be valid inside of a [`Module`].
/// All the asynchronous trait methods can be called concurrently and need to
/// handle synchronization and request coalescing (based on the [`Module`]).
pub trait SymbolProvider {
/// Fill symbol information in [`FrameSymbolizer`] using the instruction
/// address from `frame`, and the module information from [`Module`].
/// An Error indicates that no symbols could be found for the relevant
/// module.
/// This is used for filling in the resulting source location of the
/// frame as a (function, file, line) triple, as well as providing the
/// `parameter_size` which is used during CFI evaluation and stack walking.
/// This function also serves a dual purpose in informing the stack scanning
/// heuristic whether a potential instruction address points to a valid
/// function or not.
async fn fill_symbol(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
frame: &mut (dyn FrameSymbolizer + Send),
) -> Result<(), FillSymbolError>;
/// Tries to use CFI to walk the stack frame of the [`FrameWalker`]
/// using the symbols of the given [`Module`].
/// Output should be written using the [`FrameWalker`]'s `set_caller_*` APIs.
async fn walk_frame(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
walker: &mut (dyn FrameWalker + Send),
) -> Option<()>;
/// Gets the path to the binary code file for a given module (or an Error).
/// This might be used later on to inspect the assembly instructions of
/// a module.
async fn get_file_path(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError>;
/// Collect various statistics on the symbols.
/// Keys are implementation dependent.
/// For example the file name of the module (code_file's file name).
/// This is only really intended to be queried after processing an
/// entire minidump, and may have non-trivial overhead to compute.
/// It's als possible we'd want it to also be able to contain stats
/// that don't really make sense in intermediate states.
/// In a world where you might want to have one SymbolSupplier shared
/// by multiple instances of `process` running in parallel, it's unclear
/// if this is the right abstraction. Perhaps we should have some kind
/// of "session" abstraction so you can get stats about each individual
/// processing task? Of course all pooling/caching between the tasks
/// muddies things too.
fn stats(&self) -> HashMap<String, SymbolStats> {
/// Collect various pending statistics on the symbols.
/// This is intended to be queried during processing to give some
/// interactive feedback to the user, and so is fine to poll as
/// much as you want, whenever you want.
fn pending_stats(&self) -> PendingSymbolStats {
impl SymbolProvider for &(dyn SymbolProvider + Sync) {
async fn fill_symbol(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
frame: &mut (dyn FrameSymbolizer + Send),
) -> Result<(), FillSymbolError> {
(*self).fill_symbol(module, frame).await
async fn walk_frame(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
walker: &mut (dyn FrameWalker + Send),
) -> Option<()> {
(*self).walk_frame(module, walker).await
async fn get_file_path(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError> {
(*self).get_file_path(module, file_kind).await
fn stats(&self) -> HashMap<String, SymbolStats> {
fn pending_stats(&self) -> PendingSymbolStats {
pub struct MultiSymbolProvider {
providers: Vec<Box<dyn SymbolProvider + Send + Sync>>,
impl MultiSymbolProvider {
pub fn new() -> MultiSymbolProvider {
pub fn add(&mut self, provider: Box<dyn SymbolProvider + Send + Sync>) {
impl SymbolProvider for MultiSymbolProvider {
async fn fill_symbol(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
frame: &mut (dyn FrameSymbolizer + Send),
) -> Result<(), FillSymbolError> {
// Return Ok if *any* symbol provider came back with Ok, so that the user can
// distinguish between having no symbols at all and just not being able to
// symbolize this particular frame.
let mut best_result = Err(FillSymbolError {});
for p in self.providers.iter() {
let new_result = p.fill_symbol(module, frame).await;
best_result = best_result.or(new_result);
async fn walk_frame(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
walker: &mut (dyn FrameWalker + Send),
) -> Option<()> {
for p in self.providers.iter() {
let result = p.walk_frame(module, walker).await;
if result.is_some() {
return result;
async fn get_file_path(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError> {
// Return Ok if *any* symbol provider came back with Ok
let mut best_result = Err(FileError::NotFound);
for p in self.providers.iter() {
let new_result = p.get_file_path(module, file_kind).await;
best_result = best_result.or(new_result);
fn stats(&self) -> HashMap<String, SymbolStats> {
let mut result = HashMap::new();
for p in self.providers.iter() {
// FIXME: do more intelligent merging of the stats
// (currently doesn't matter as only one provider reports non-empty stats).
fn pending_stats(&self) -> PendingSymbolStats {
let mut result = PendingSymbolStats::default();
for p in self.providers.iter() {
// FIXME: do more intelligent merging of the stats
// (currently doesn't matter as only one provider reports non-empty stats).
result = p.pending_stats();
impl SymbolProvider for Symbolizer {
async fn fill_symbol(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
frame: &mut (dyn FrameSymbolizer + Send),
) -> Result<(), FillSymbolError> {
self.fill_symbol(module, frame).await
async fn walk_frame(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
walker: &mut (dyn FrameWalker + Send),
) -> Option<()> {
self.walk_frame(module, walker).await
async fn get_file_path(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError> {
self.get_file_path(module, file_kind).await
fn stats(&self) -> HashMap<String, SymbolStats> {
fn pending_stats(&self) -> PendingSymbolStats {
/// Gets a SymbolSupplier that looks up symbols by path or with urls.
/// * `symbols_paths` is a list of paths to check for symbol files. Paths
/// are searched in order until one returns a payload. If none do, then
/// urls are used.
/// * `symbols_urls` is a list of "base urls" that should all point to Tecken
/// servers. urls are queried in order until one returns a payload. If none
/// do, then it's an error.
/// * `symbols_cache` is a directory where an on-disk cache should be located.
/// This should be assumed to be a "temp" directory that another process
/// you don't control is garbage-collecting old files from (to provide an LRU cache).
/// The cache is queried before paths and urls (otherwise it wouldn't be much of a cache).
/// * `symbols_tmp` is a directory where symbol files should be downloaded to
/// before atomically swapping them into the cache. Has the same "temp"
/// assumptions as symbols_cache.
/// * `timeout` a maximum time limit for a symbol file download. This
/// is primarily defined to avoid getting stuck on buggy infinite downloads.
/// As of this writing, minidump-stackwalk defaults this to 1000 seconds. In
/// the event of a timeout, the supplier may still try to parse the truncated
/// download.
#[cfg(feature = "http")]
pub fn http_symbol_supplier(
symbol_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
symbol_urls: Vec<String>,
symbols_cache: PathBuf,
symbols_tmp: PathBuf,
timeout: std::time::Duration,
) -> impl SymbolSupplier {
/// Gets a SymbolSupplier that looks up symbols by path.
/// Paths are queried in order until one returns a payload.
pub fn simple_symbol_supplier(symbol_paths: Vec<PathBuf>) -> impl SymbolSupplier {
/// Gets a mock SymbolSupplier that just maps module names
/// to a string containing an entire breakpad .sym file, for tests.
pub fn string_symbol_supplier(modules: HashMap<String, String>) -> impl SymbolSupplier {