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// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
//! This module contains types and implementations for the Hebrew calendar.
//! ```rust
//! use icu::calendar::{Date, DateTime};
//! // `Date` type
//! let hebrew_date = Date::try_new_hebrew_date(3425, 10, 11)
//! .expect("Failed to initialize hebrew Date instance.");
//! // `DateTime` type
//! let hebrew_datetime =
//! DateTime::try_new_hebrew_datetime(3425, 10, 11, 13, 1, 0)
//! .expect("Failed to initialize hebrew DateTime instance.");
//! // `Date` checks
//! assert_eq!(hebrew_date.year().number, 3425);
//! assert_eq!(hebrew_date.month().ordinal, 10);
//! assert_eq!(hebrew_date.day_of_month().0, 11);
//! // `DateTime` checks
//! assert_eq!(, 3425);
//! assert_eq!(, 10);
//! assert_eq!(, 11);
//! assert_eq!(hebrew_datetime.time.hour.number(), 13);
//! assert_eq!(hebrew_datetime.time.minute.number(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(hebrew_datetime.time.second.number(), 0);
//! ```
use crate::calendar_arithmetic::PrecomputedDataSource;
use crate::calendar_arithmetic::{ArithmeticDate, CalendarArithmetic};
use crate::types::FormattableMonth;
use crate::AnyCalendarKind;
use crate::AsCalendar;
use crate::Iso;
use crate::{types, Calendar, CalendarError, Date, DateDuration, DateDurationUnit, DateTime, Time};
use ::tinystr::tinystr;
use calendrical_calculations::hebrew_keviyah::{Keviyah, YearInfo};
/// The Civil Hebrew Calendar
/// The [Hebrew calendar] is a lunisolar calendar used as the Jewish liturgical calendar
/// as well as an official calendar in Israel.
/// This calendar is the _civil_ Hebrew calendar, with the year starting at in the month of Tishrei.
/// # Era codes
/// This calendar supports a single era code, Anno Mundi, with code `"am"`
/// # Month codes
/// This calendar is a lunisolar calendar and thus has a leap month. It supports codes `"M01"-"M12"`
/// for regular months, and the leap month Adar I being coded as `"M05L"`.
/// [`FormattableMonth`] has slightly divergent behavior: because the regular month Adar is formatted
/// as "Adar II" in a leap year, this calendar will produce the special code `"M06L"` in any [`FormattableMonth`]
/// objects it creates.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_structs)] // unit struct
pub struct Hebrew;
/// The inner date type used for representing [`Date`]s of [`Hebrew`]. See [`Date`] and [`Hebrew`] for more details.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct HebrewDateInner(ArithmeticDate<Hebrew>);
impl Hebrew {
/// Construct a new [`Hebrew`]
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Construct a new [`Hebrew`]
/// This is deprecated since the new implementation does not need precomputed data.
#[deprecated(since = "1.5.0", note = "Use Hebrew::new()")]
pub fn new_always_calculating() -> Self {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(crate) struct HebrewYearInfo {
keviyah: Keviyah,
prev_keviyah: Keviyah,
impl HebrewYearInfo {
/// Convenience method to compute for a given year. Don't use this if you actually need
/// a YearInfo that you want to call .new_year() on.
/// This can potentially be optimized with adjacent-year knowledge, but it's complex
fn compute(h_year: i32) -> Self {
let keviyah = YearInfo::compute_for(h_year).keviyah;
Self::compute_with_keviyah(keviyah, h_year)
/// Compute for a given year when the keviyah is already known
fn compute_with_keviyah(keviyah: Keviyah, h_year: i32) -> Self {
let prev_keviyah = YearInfo::compute_for(h_year - 1).keviyah;
Self {
impl CalendarArithmetic for Hebrew {
type YearInfo = HebrewYearInfo;
fn month_days(_h_year: i32, ordinal_month: u8, info: HebrewYearInfo) -> u8 {
fn months_for_every_year(_h_year: i32, info: HebrewYearInfo) -> u8 {
if info.keviyah.is_leap() {
} else {
fn days_in_provided_year(_h_year: i32, info: HebrewYearInfo) -> u16 {
fn is_leap_year(_h_year: i32, info: HebrewYearInfo) -> bool {
fn last_month_day_in_year(_h_year: i32, info: HebrewYearInfo) -> (u8, u8) {
impl PrecomputedDataSource<HebrewYearInfo> for () {
fn load_or_compute_info(&self, h_year: i32) -> HebrewYearInfo {
impl Calendar for Hebrew {
type DateInner = HebrewDateInner;
fn date_from_codes(
era: types::Era,
year: i32,
month_code: types::MonthCode,
day: u8,
) -> Result<Self::DateInner, CalendarError> {
let year = if era.0 == tinystr!(16, "hebrew") || era.0 == tinystr!(16, "am") {
} else {
return Err(CalendarError::UnknownEra(era.0, self.debug_name()));
let year_info = HebrewYearInfo::compute(year);
let is_leap_year = year_info.keviyah.is_leap();
let month_code_str = month_code.0.as_str();
let month_ordinal = if is_leap_year {
match month_code_str {
"M01" => 1,
"M02" => 2,
"M03" => 3,
"M04" => 4,
"M05" => 5,
"M05L" => 6,
// M06L is the formatting era code used for Adar II
"M06" | "M06L" => 7,
"M07" => 8,
"M08" => 9,
"M09" => 10,
"M10" => 11,
"M11" => 12,
"M12" => 13,
_ => {
return Err(CalendarError::UnknownMonthCode(
} else {
match month_code_str {
"M01" => 1,
"M02" => 2,
"M03" => 3,
"M04" => 4,
"M05" => 5,
"M06" => 6,
"M07" => 7,
"M08" => 8,
"M09" => 9,
"M10" => 10,
"M11" => 11,
"M12" => 12,
_ => {
return Err(CalendarError::UnknownMonthCode(
ArithmeticDate::new_from_ordinals_with_info(year, month_ordinal, day, year_info)
fn date_from_iso(&self, iso: Date<Iso>) -> Self::DateInner {
let fixed_iso = Iso::fixed_from_iso(*iso.inner());
let (year_info, h_year) = YearInfo::year_containing_rd(fixed_iso);
// Obtaining a 1-indexed day-in-year value
let day = fixed_iso - year_info.new_year() + 1;
let day = u16::try_from(day).unwrap_or(u16::MAX);
let year_info = HebrewYearInfo::compute_with_keviyah(year_info.keviyah, h_year);
let (month, day) = year_info.keviyah.month_day_for(day);
h_year, month, day, year_info,
fn date_to_iso(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> Date<Iso> {
let year_info = date.0.year_info.keviyah.year_info(date.0.year);
let ny = year_info.new_year();
let days_preceding = year_info.keviyah.days_preceding(date.0.month);
// Need to subtract 1 since the new year is itself in this year
Iso::iso_from_fixed(ny + i64::from(days_preceding) + i64::from( - 1)
fn months_in_year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> u8 {
fn days_in_year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> u16 {
fn days_in_month(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> u8 {
fn offset_date(&self, date: &mut Self::DateInner, offset: DateDuration<Self>) {
date.0.offset_date(offset, &())
fn until(
date1: &Self::DateInner,
date2: &Self::DateInner,
_calendar2: &Self,
_largest_unit: DateDurationUnit,
_smallest_unit: DateDurationUnit,
) -> DateDuration<Self> {
date1.0.until(date2.0, _largest_unit, _smallest_unit)
fn debug_name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::FormattableYear {
fn is_in_leap_year(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> bool {
Self::is_leap_year(date.0.year, date.0.year_info)
fn month(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> FormattableMonth {
let mut ordinal = date.0.month;
let is_leap_year = Self::is_leap_year(date.0.year, date.0.year_info);
if is_leap_year {
if ordinal == 6 {
return types::FormattableMonth {
ordinal: ordinal as u32,
code: types::MonthCode(tinystr!(4, "M05L")),
} else if ordinal == 7 {
return types::FormattableMonth {
ordinal: ordinal as u32,
code: types::MonthCode(tinystr!(4, "M06L")),
if is_leap_year && ordinal > 6 {
ordinal -= 1;
let code = match ordinal {
1 => tinystr!(4, "M01"),
2 => tinystr!(4, "M02"),
3 => tinystr!(4, "M03"),
4 => tinystr!(4, "M04"),
5 => tinystr!(4, "M05"),
6 => tinystr!(4, "M06"),
7 => tinystr!(4, "M07"),
8 => tinystr!(4, "M08"),
9 => tinystr!(4, "M09"),
10 => tinystr!(4, "M10"),
11 => tinystr!(4, "M11"),
12 => tinystr!(4, "M12"),
_ => tinystr!(4, "und"),
types::FormattableMonth {
ordinal: date.0.month as u32,
code: types::MonthCode(code),
fn day_of_month(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::DayOfMonth {
fn day_of_year_info(&self, date: &Self::DateInner) -> types::DayOfYearInfo {
let prev_year = date.0.year.saturating_sub(1);
let next_year = date.0.year.saturating_add(1);
types::DayOfYearInfo {
day_of_year: date.0.day_of_year(),
days_in_year: date.0.days_in_year(),
prev_year: Self::year_as_hebrew(prev_year),
days_in_prev_year: date.0.year_info.prev_keviyah.year_length(),
next_year: Self::year_as_hebrew(next_year),
fn any_calendar_kind(&self) -> Option<AnyCalendarKind> {
impl Hebrew {
fn year_as_hebrew(civil_year: i32) -> types::FormattableYear {
types::FormattableYear {
era: types::Era(tinystr!(16, "hebrew")),
number: civil_year,
cyclic: None,
related_iso: None,
impl Date<Hebrew> {
/// Construct new Hebrew Date.
/// This datetime will not use any precomputed calendrical calculations,
/// one that loads such data from a provider will be added in the future (#3933)
/// ```rust
/// use icu::calendar::Date;
/// let date_hebrew = Date::try_new_hebrew_date(3425, 4, 25)
/// .expect("Failed to initialize Hebrew Date instance.");
/// assert_eq!(date_hebrew.year().number, 3425);
/// assert_eq!(date_hebrew.month().ordinal, 4);
/// assert_eq!(date_hebrew.day_of_month().0, 25);
/// ```
pub fn try_new_hebrew_date(
year: i32,
month: u8,
day: u8,
) -> Result<Date<Hebrew>, CalendarError> {
let year_info = HebrewYearInfo::compute(year);
ArithmeticDate::new_from_ordinals_with_info(year, month, day, year_info)
.map(|inner| Date::from_raw(inner, Hebrew))
impl<A: AsCalendar<Calendar = Hebrew>> Date<A> {
/// Construct new Hebrew Date given a calendar.
/// This is deprecated since `Hebrew` is a zero-sized type,
/// but if you find yourself needing this functionality please let us know.
#[deprecated(since = "1.5.0", note = "Use Date::try_new_hebrew_date()")]
pub fn try_new_hebrew_date_with_calendar(
year: i32,
month: u8,
day: u8,
calendar: A,
) -> Result<Date<A>, CalendarError> {
let year_info = HebrewYearInfo::compute(year);
ArithmeticDate::new_from_ordinals_with_info(year, month, day, year_info)
.map(|inner| Date::from_raw(inner, calendar))
impl DateTime<Hebrew> {
/// Construct a new Hebrew datetime from integers.
/// ```rust
/// use icu::calendar::DateTime;
/// let datetime_hebrew =
/// DateTime::try_new_hebrew_datetime(4201, 10, 11, 13, 1, 0)
/// .expect("Failed to initialize Hebrew DateTime instance");
/// assert_eq!(, 4201);
/// assert_eq!(, 10);
/// assert_eq!(, 11);
/// assert_eq!(datetime_hebrew.time.hour.number(), 13);
/// assert_eq!(datetime_hebrew.time.minute.number(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(datetime_hebrew.time.second.number(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn try_new_hebrew_datetime(
year: i32,
month: u8,
day: u8,
hour: u8,
minute: u8,
second: u8,
) -> Result<DateTime<Hebrew>, CalendarError> {
Ok(DateTime {
date: Date::try_new_hebrew_date(year, month, day)?,
time: Time::try_new(hour, minute, second, 0)?,
impl<A: AsCalendar<Calendar = Hebrew>> DateTime<A> {
/// Construct new Hebrew DateTime given a calendar.
/// This is deprecated since `Hebrew` is a zero-sized type,
/// but if you find yourself needing this functionality please let us know.
#[deprecated(since = "1.5.0", note = "Use DateTime::try_new_hebrew_datetime()")]
pub fn try_new_hebrew_datetime_with_calendar(
year: i32,
month: u8,
day: u8,
hour: u8,
minute: u8,
second: u8,
calendar: A,
) -> Result<DateTime<A>, CalendarError> {
Ok(DateTime {
date: Date::try_new_hebrew_date_with_calendar(year, month, day, calendar)?,
time: Time::try_new(hour, minute, second, 0)?,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::types::{Era, MonthCode};
use calendrical_calculations::hebrew_keviyah::*;
// Sentinel value for Adar I
// We're using normalized month values here so that we can use constants. These do not
// distinguish between the different Adars. We add an out-of-range sentinel value of 13 to
// specifically talk about Adar I in a leap year
const ADARI: u8 = 13;
/// The leap years used in the tests below
const LEAP_YEARS_IN_TESTS: [i32; 1] = [5782];
/// (iso, hebrew) pairs of testcases. If any of the years here
/// are leap years please add them to LEAP_YEARS_IN_TESTS (we have this manually
/// so we don't end up exercising potentially buggy codepaths to test this)
const ISO_HEBREW_DATE_PAIRS: [((i32, u8, u8), (i32, u8, u8)); 48] = [
((2021, 1, 10), (5781, TEVET, 26)),
((2021, 1, 25), (5781, SHEVAT, 12)),
((2021, 2, 10), (5781, SHEVAT, 28)),
((2021, 2, 25), (5781, ADAR, 13)),
((2021, 3, 10), (5781, ADAR, 26)),
((2021, 3, 25), (5781, NISAN, 12)),
((2021, 4, 10), (5781, NISAN, 28)),
((2021, 4, 25), (5781, IYYAR, 13)),
((2021, 5, 10), (5781, IYYAR, 28)),
((2021, 5, 25), (5781, SIVAN, 14)),
((2021, 6, 10), (5781, SIVAN, 30)),
((2021, 6, 25), (5781, TAMMUZ, 15)),
((2021, 7, 10), (5781, AV, 1)),
((2021, 7, 25), (5781, AV, 16)),
((2021, 8, 10), (5781, ELUL, 2)),
((2021, 8, 25), (5781, ELUL, 17)),
((2021, 9, 10), (5782, TISHREI, 4)),
((2021, 9, 25), (5782, TISHREI, 19)),
((2021, 10, 10), (5782, ḤESHVAN, 4)),
((2021, 10, 25), (5782, ḤESHVAN, 19)),
((2021, 11, 10), (5782, KISLEV, 6)),
((2021, 11, 25), (5782, KISLEV, 21)),
((2021, 12, 10), (5782, TEVET, 6)),
((2021, 12, 25), (5782, TEVET, 21)),
((2022, 1, 10), (5782, SHEVAT, 8)),
((2022, 1, 25), (5782, SHEVAT, 23)),
((2022, 2, 10), (5782, ADARI, 9)),
((2022, 2, 25), (5782, ADARI, 24)),
((2022, 3, 10), (5782, ADAR, 7)),
((2022, 3, 25), (5782, ADAR, 22)),
((2022, 4, 10), (5782, NISAN, 9)),
((2022, 4, 25), (5782, NISAN, 24)),
((2022, 5, 10), (5782, IYYAR, 9)),
((2022, 5, 25), (5782, IYYAR, 24)),
((2022, 6, 10), (5782, SIVAN, 11)),
((2022, 6, 25), (5782, SIVAN, 26)),
((2022, 7, 10), (5782, TAMMUZ, 11)),
((2022, 7, 25), (5782, TAMMUZ, 26)),
((2022, 8, 10), (5782, AV, 13)),
((2022, 8, 25), (5782, AV, 28)),
((2022, 9, 10), (5782, ELUL, 14)),
((2022, 9, 25), (5782, ELUL, 29)),
((2022, 10, 10), (5783, TISHREI, 15)),
((2022, 10, 25), (5783, TISHREI, 30)),
((2022, 11, 10), (5783, ḤESHVAN, 16)),
((2022, 11, 25), (5783, KISLEV, 1)),
((2022, 12, 10), (5783, KISLEV, 16)),
((2022, 12, 25), (5783, TEVET, 1)),
fn test_conversions() {
for ((iso_y, iso_m, iso_d), (y, m, d)) in ISO_HEBREW_DATE_PAIRS.into_iter() {
let iso_date = Date::try_new_iso_date(iso_y, iso_m, iso_d).unwrap();
let month_code = if m == ADARI {
MonthCode(tinystr!(4, "M05L"))
} else {
let hebrew_date =
Date::try_new_from_codes(tinystr!(16, "am").into(), y, month_code, d, Hebrew)
.expect("Date should parse");
let iso_to_hebrew = iso_date.to_calendar(Hebrew);
let hebrew_to_iso = hebrew_date.to_calendar(Iso);
hebrew_to_iso, iso_date,
"Failed comparing to-ISO value for {hebrew_date:?} => {iso_date:?}"
iso_to_hebrew, hebrew_date,
"Failed comparing to-hebrew value for {iso_date:?} => {hebrew_date:?}"
let ordinal_month = if LEAP_YEARS_IN_TESTS.contains(&y) {
if m == ADARI {
} else if m >= ADAR {
m + 1
} else {
} else {
assert!(m != ADARI);
let ordinal_hebrew_date = Date::try_new_hebrew_date(y, ordinal_month, d)
.expect("Construction of date must succeed");
assert_eq!(ordinal_hebrew_date, hebrew_date, "Hebrew date construction from codes and ordinals should work the same for {hebrew_date:?}");
fn test_icu_bug_22441() {
let yi = YearInfo::compute_for(88369);
assert_eq!(yi.keviyah.year_length(), 383);
fn test_weekdays() {
let cal = Hebrew::new();
let era = "am".parse::<Era>().unwrap();
let month_code = "M01".parse::<MonthCode>().unwrap();
let dt = cal.date_from_codes(era, 3760, month_code, 1).unwrap();
// Should be Saturday per:
assert_eq!(6, cal.day_of_week(&dt) as usize);