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use serde::Serialize;
use super::docs::Docs;
use super::{Attrs, Ident, LifetimeEnv, Method, Mutability, PathType, TypeName};
/// A struct declaration in an FFI module that is not opaque.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct Struct {
pub name: Ident,
pub docs: Docs,
pub lifetimes: LifetimeEnv,
pub fields: Vec<(Ident, TypeName, Docs)>,
pub methods: Vec<Method>,
pub output_only: bool,
pub attrs: Attrs,
impl Struct {
/// Extract a [`Struct`] metadata value from an AST node.
pub fn new(strct: &syn::ItemStruct, output_only: bool, parent_attrs: &Attrs) -> Self {
let self_path_type = PathType::extract_self_type(strct);
let fields: Vec<_> = strct
.map(|field| {
// Non-opaque tuple structs will never be allowed
let name = field
.expect("non-opaque tuples structs are disallowed");
let type_name = TypeName::from_syn(&field.ty, Some(self_path_type.clone()));
let docs = Docs::from_attrs(&field.attrs);
(name, type_name, docs)
let lifetimes = LifetimeEnv::from_struct_item(strct, &fields[..]);
let mut attrs = parent_attrs.clone();
Struct {
name: (&strct.ident).into(),
docs: Docs::from_attrs(&strct.attrs),
methods: vec![],
/// A struct annotated with [`diplomat::opaque`] whose fields are not visible.
/// Opaque structs cannot be passed by-value across the FFI boundary, so they
/// must be boxed or passed as references.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct OpaqueStruct {
pub name: Ident,
pub docs: Docs,
pub lifetimes: LifetimeEnv,
pub methods: Vec<Method>,
pub mutability: Mutability,
pub attrs: Attrs,
impl OpaqueStruct {
/// Extract a [`OpaqueStruct`] metadata value from an AST node.
pub fn new(strct: &syn::ItemStruct, mutability: Mutability, parent_attrs: &Attrs) -> Self {
let mut attrs = parent_attrs.clone();
OpaqueStruct {
name: Ident::from(&strct.ident),
docs: Docs::from_attrs(&strct.attrs),
lifetimes: LifetimeEnv::from_struct_item(strct, &[]),
methods: vec![],
mod tests {
use insta::{self, Settings};
use syn;
use super::Struct;
fn simple_struct() {
let mut settings = Settings::new();
settings.bind(|| {
&syn::parse_quote! {
/// Some docs.
#[diplomat::rust_link(foo::Bar, Struct)]
struct MyLocalStruct {
a: i32,
b: Box<MyLocalStruct>